
Perseo front end is showing this errors in the logs: msg=missing subservice header msg=missing service header

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-24 10:46:11
问题 Using perseo cep, I set a rule to it. I get this message in the Perseo fron End's Log: http://perseo-core:8080/perseo-core/rules returns {"code":200,"body":{}}. Then when I modify an attribute, in the Perseo Core's Log I see this message: msg=Firing Rule: MapEventBean. So far, so good, but then again in the Perseo FE's log I get the message: msg=missing subservice header msg=missing service header, and it is not updating my entity. This is the log: time=2019-05-11T14:30:48.774Z | lvl=INFO |

Perseo fe docker instance fail to start

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-24 02:09:52
问题 I am facing with the following issue: I am trying to deploy FIWARE-Perseo to my Centos 7 server as docker instances. Although the perseocore instance runs without a problem, it doesn't happen the same with the perseo front end. It is created but fails to start. From the logs it is clear that the problem is associated to the mongodb: Changing PERSEO_CORE_URL to environment value: http://localhost:8080 Changing PERSEO_ORION_URL to environment value: http://myip:1026/v1/updateContext Changing

Perseo fe docker instance fail to start

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-24 02:09:37
问题 I am facing with the following issue: I am trying to deploy FIWARE-Perseo to my Centos 7 server as docker instances. Although the perseocore instance runs without a problem, it doesn't happen the same with the perseo front end. It is created but fails to start. From the logs it is clear that the problem is associated to the mongodb: Changing PERSEO_CORE_URL to environment value: http://localhost:8080 Changing PERSEO_ORION_URL to environment value: http://myip:1026/v1/updateContext Changing