
Generating thumbnails with Cloud Functions using the Python37 runtime

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-10 04:21:55
问题 I have a Google Cloud Function triggered by Firebase Storage, and I want to generate thumbnails. While the Node.js docs have an example that uses ImageMagick there is no such equivalent for the python runtime. What would be an acceptable approach keeping performance in mind ? Would Pillow-SIMD work in a cloud function ? Or should I go App Engine for thumbnail generation and use the Images service ? 回答1: You can use wand, a binding to ImageMagick, along with google-cloud-storage to resize an

Firebase Upload in Java Spring Boot

蓝咒 提交于 2021-02-08 20:59:37
问题 I'm trying upload a file to Firebase storage in Java Spring Boot. I have looked on Stack Overflow and elsewhere online but have not found a working solution yet. Please help and thanks in advance! So far I have the following code below, which is based on the code of this question: // Input Firebase credentials: FileInputStream serviceAccount = new FileInputStream("{{path to the keys}}"); FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder() .setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.fromStream

I want to get serving url for my images on firebase storage

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-08 17:31:09
问题 It is possible to get a serving url like It's done by using google app engine: images.get_serving_url(blobkey, secure_url=False) I don't want to use Google App Engine, just Firebase or the UI. Can this be accomplished? Thanks! I got the info/idea from here: List of all the App Engine images service get_serving

I want to get serving url for my images on firebase storage

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2021-02-08 17:23:40
问题 It is possible to get a serving url like It's done by using google app engine: images.get_serving_url(blobkey, secure_url=False) I don't want to use Google App Engine, just Firebase or the UI. Can this be accomplished? Thanks! I got the info/idea from here: List of all the App Engine images service get_serving

Displaying text from a text-file on Firebase storage

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-08 10:29:45
问题 I am a total amateur to Firebase. My short-term objective here is to read data from a text file that I uploaded onto Firebase. This is the code (copy-pasted from the docs): storageRef.child('images/stars.jpg').getDownloadURL().then(function (url) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function(event) { var blob = xhr.response; };'GET', (/*here I put the url of the file*/)); xhr.send(); }); I am at odds from here. How do I read this file and copy

Displaying text from a text-file on Firebase storage

限于喜欢 提交于 2021-02-08 10:26:09
问题 I am a total amateur to Firebase. My short-term objective here is to read data from a text file that I uploaded onto Firebase. This is the code (copy-pasted from the docs): storageRef.child('images/stars.jpg').getDownloadURL().then(function (url) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function(event) { var blob = xhr.response; };'GET', (/*here I put the url of the file*/)); xhr.send(); }); I am at odds from here. How do I read this file and copy

StorageException has occurred. Unable to upload images in firebase

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2021-02-08 08:28:47
问题 This code was working before i was able to change image and upload them in firebase but suddenly i am getting this error now , i dont know whats the problem seem to be. public class SettingsActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 100; private FirebaseUser mFireBaseUser; private DatabaseReference mDatabaseReference; private TextView display; private TextView c_status, id; private ImageView proPic; private Button changeStatus, changePic; private static final

How do I upload an image taken by React-Native-camera to Firebase storage?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2021-02-08 06:02:35
问题 takePicture = async function() { if ( { const options = { quality: 0.5, base64: true, mirrorImage: true }; const data = await this.setState({path: data.uri}) } } takePicture is the function to capture the image. Now I want to save the captured image and upload it to Firebase storage. this.setState({path: data.uri}) updates the path to clicked Image's location. How do I use react native fetch blob to upload my image in firebase storage? Please

Does redeployment of the same Cloud Function in firebase take up extra space?

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-08 05:33:06
问题 I deployed a cloud function in firebase but instead of using a local emulator for testing purposes, I redeployed it several times to debug and test. After this, I see that my usage in the cloud storage in firebase is upwards of 500 MB although I have not stored any files in the Cloud Storage. Is this due to the multiple redeployments of the function? If yes, will deleting the cloud function free up this space or is there another way. Thanks. 回答1: Yes, deploying a Cloud Function will take up

Loading Pictures from Firebase Storage to React

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-07 18:20:25
问题 I'm trying to retrieve an image url from Firebase Storage and then setting an image with that url. However, it seems that I am setting the src to an undefined value with my current code: This is my function I'm using to retrieve from Firebase Storage import {Firebase, FirebaseAuth, FirebaseDatabase, FirebaseStorage} from '../Initialize' export function getProfilePictureUrl(uid, callback, onErrorCallback) { var pathReference = FirebaseStorage.ref('profiles/' + uid + '/profilePicture.jpeg');