
what's the difference between grouping and facet in lucene 3.5

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-17 20:05:52
问题 I found in lucene 3.5 contrib folder two plugins: one is grouping, the other is facet. In my option, both of them were used to split my documents into different categories. Why lucene has now two plugins for this? 回答1: They are two different lucene features: Grouping was first released with Lucene 3.2, its related jira issue is LUCENE-1421: it allows to group search results by specified field. For example, if you group by the author field, then all documents with the same value in the author

Does Lucene support Faceted Search with Multiple Field Values

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2021-01-29 20:18:25
问题 I am reading this article from http://www.devatwork.nl/index.php/articles/lucenenet/faceted-search-and-drill-down-lucenenet/ The author did not say whether Lucene support storing multiple values in each field. To follow the example in the article, a book may have multiple genres and multiple authors. Is it possible to store more than one genres in the genre field? Is it also possible to perform searches using multiple genres or multiple authors? The result should return a document if matching

Sort Facets by Index with non-ASCII values

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-28 03:26:31
问题 We have a field 'facet_tag' that contains tags describing a product. Since the tags are in german, they may contain non-ASCII characters (like umlauts). Here are some possible values: "Zelte" "Tunnelzelte" "Äxte" "Sägen" "Softshells" Now if we query solr for the facets with a query like: http://<solr_host>:<solr_port>/solr/select?q=*&facet=on&facet.field=facet_tag&facet.sort=index The sorted result looks like this: <lst name="facet_counts"> <lst name="facet_queries"/> <lst name="facet_fields"

Extracting Distance from FacetWP Proximity Function to Display in Wordpress Template

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-02-28 18:52:46
问题 I am quite new to Wordpress & Php coding in general, I have a relatively simple theme that I have been working with that contains a custom post type that stores latitude and longitude. Each post is a listing a hotel listing within a directory. The theme I am using also integrates with FacetWP the faceting plugin for WordPress. It is possible for the user to search the site by typing a location of locating themselves, this happens using Googles Mapping functionality. When the search is

QueryOptionsBuilder Deprecation

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-02-24 05:13:32
问题 As seen on http://developer.marklogic.com/learn/java/analytics, you are able to do faceted searches with the JavaAPI. However, the examples on that page use QueryOptionsBuilder , which has been deprecated. Is there an alternative to using QueryOptionsBuilder in the JavaAPI to do faceted searches at this time? Or are we stuck using a deprecated class until some future release? Thanks! 回答1: Yes, there is an alternative. You can send or receive query options as JSON or XML instead of using the

QueryOptionsBuilder Deprecation

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-02-24 05:12:18
问题 As seen on http://developer.marklogic.com/learn/java/analytics, you are able to do faceted searches with the JavaAPI. However, the examples on that page use QueryOptionsBuilder , which has been deprecated. Is there an alternative to using QueryOptionsBuilder in the JavaAPI to do faceted searches at this time? Or are we stuck using a deprecated class until some future release? Thanks! 回答1: Yes, there is an alternative. You can send or receive query options as JSON or XML instead of using the

Case insensitive Solr query for facets but preserve case for results

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-02-05 08:57:13
问题 I am using Solr to power faceting features for our e-commerce application. Its been implemented in standard way as described here https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters#Tagging_and_excluding_Filters On application side, we have used facets returned by Solr to offer filtering experience on UI and the URLs are built using the facets as params. These parameters are then used to further pass on the faceting parameters for fq into Solr. This works great except that our URLs are case

Solr to remove faceted field when it doesn't have any data

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2020-01-14 03:58:29
问题 Working with Solr for ASP.net project using Solrnet library. While querying with Faceted field set to true for several fields, it returns blank faceted fields in the results as well. Is there any way using which we can instruct Solr to remove those faceted fields which does not have any result into it. So the final results doesn't include any facet field with no data. I'm not referring to min.count parameter, this works fine. But I'm referring to the facet field which stays there even if

Solr: Facet one field with two outputs

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-05 08:51:53
问题 I'm using Solr for indexing products and organising them into several categories. Each document has a taxon_names multi value field, where the categories are stored as human readable strings for a product. Now I want to fetch all the categories from Solr and display them with clickable links to the user, without hitting the database again . At index time, I get the permalinks for every category from the MySQL database, which is stored as a multi value field taxon_permalinks . For generating

Solr faceting considering the availability of product at attribute combination level for e-commerce merchandise like Garment

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2020-01-05 03:48:10
问题 We are using Apache Solr for powering our search & faceting for the e-commerce website. We have a faceting filter that works fine except for the product that has the multiple combination for the attributes (variant options) that turns out to be different SKU, for example, a T-Shirt that has multiple colors & size options. Currently, we have a facet that filters by Color as well as by Size, however, it does not consider the availability of product on combination level due to the fact that it