
Fancybox Resize to fit content, without title

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-23 17:31:05
问题 I am using Fancybox on my website to display photos. I add (via JavaScript) social buttons and facebook comments dynamically in the title area after loading the photo. The problem I have is that if I let it resize as normal, it resizes to try to fit the title content on the screen as well (which can get rather long thanks to comments). My question is this: is it possible to have fancybox resize to fit the photo on the screen, but allow the title area to overflow off the screen? I have

Facebook API - comment count via FQL

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-23 02:52:40
问题 I'm trying to display Facebook comment counts in <div id="comments"> It has to be via Facebook Query Language (FQL). This post is almost exactly what I need: Facebook Graph Api url comments and shares count doesn't work anymore But how do I display the comment_count (from the query) into a div ? i.e. how do I process that data? So far, I have: $(function(){ $.ajax({ url: 'https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT%20comment_count%20FROM%20link_stat%20WHERE%20url=%27e', dataType: 'jsonp', success

Commenting on Facebook Page Ratings (Reviews) via Graph API

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-21 09:23:12
问题 Long time lurker first time poster... We are working with Facebooks API's to integrate into our web application and we are able to pull a Companies Page Rating via the {open_graph_story} parameter in the {page-id}/ratings section, however we cannot find a way to comment/reply to the rating. The documentation states: "If a person has rated your page and a story has been generated, you can follow up with the person by posting to the story's comment node." (https://developers.facebook.com/docs

Commenting on Facebook Page Ratings (Reviews) via Graph API

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2019-12-21 09:23:02
问题 Long time lurker first time poster... We are working with Facebooks API's to integrate into our web application and we are able to pull a Companies Page Rating via the {open_graph_story} parameter in the {page-id}/ratings section, however we cannot find a way to comment/reply to the rating. The documentation states: "If a person has rated your page and a story has been generated, you can follow up with the person by posting to the story's comment node." (https://developers.facebook.com/docs

facebook graph api comment list sort , like 'orderby=desc'?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-21 07:15:20
问题 I use graph api to get the picture's comments, but I want to first sort the results by creating time and then return to the latest data. Similar to the sql statement 'order by create_time desc', I do not know if have such a parameter. Currently used to offset and limit access to the latest data, but also know the total number of comments, pagesize = 25; offset = comments.count - pagesize; limit = 25; url = "https://graph.facebook.com/" + object_id + "/comments?access_token=" + access_token +

How do I remove a facebook comment warning?

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-20 03:10:13
问题 my fb comments code is: <fb:comments url="<?=$this_url?>" width="600" xid="<?=$this_unique_xid?>" notify="true" candelete="true" simple="1" numposts=1 url="http://www.veethi.com"></fb:comments> Now if i want to remove the warning message: Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit ‘href’ as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features I need to replace "url" to "href", but

Get (Identify) Replies to Comments Using the Graph API

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-18 04:50:37
问题 With the new "Reply" to "Comments" feature on Facebook, I've noticed that replies to comments are treated the same as comments. But I was wondering if there is anyway to distinguish the two? 回答1: Yes. You can query each comment object in the Graph API for the value of its parent field. If the comment in question is a reply, then the value of the parent field will be a reference to the parent comment. Otherwise, no value is returned. Reference here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs

Facebook Graph API get all comments

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-18 03:17:13
问题 OK, so I've put a Facebook social plugin comments box on my site, in which i specified a Facebook Fanpage, as the comments target. Now what I want to do is get all comments that are present in the comments box on page my page. I'm using this: https://graph.facebook.com/comments/?ids=xxx In place of xxx I placed my fanpage url (displayed comments just from one day even with limit set to 10000) and when this didn't work I tried my page url, which resulted in nothing being displayed. I'm at a

How to count all of the “Likes” and “Comments” in a Facebook photo album?

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-17 23:00:30
问题 Just thought I would share the answer to the problem I had. I was looking for a way to count all the likes and comments from each of the photos in my photo album on Facebook. My photo album had thousands of likes and comments spread out over hundreds of photos so there was no way it could be done by hand. I couldn't find an existing way to do it automatically so here is my solution. After lots of experimenting with the Facebook Graph API trying to figure out how to get the info from Facebook

FB.Event.subscribe(“comment.create”) fires but returns 500 when commenting first successful when replying

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-13 04:25:07
问题 FB comment plugin gives 500 error. FB.Event.Subscribe("comment.create',callback) is fired but does not return successfully instead throws a 500 error.However,this only happens on the first comment.The post still goes through and appears as comment on page reload. However,on the same post,when replying to the posted comment,it fires the event without any errors. I am using facebook comment plugin and my setup is that i create dynamic url by getting data from the database and then create url