
Ext.isIE return false in IE 11

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-30 17:43:09
问题 When I try to use Ext.isIE in IE11 i get false the returning value. And then during the debug my code I see that I get the following error: JavaScript Error - Msg:Invalid argument., my extjs's version is: 4,2 回答1: IE 11 is not officially supported prior to ExtJS 4.2.2 (see property isIE11). Microsoft removed the MSIE part from IE11's user agent (refer here), which is the reason why it does not work with ExtJS 4.2.1 and below. From the source code, for ExtJS 4.2.1: isIE = !isOpera && check(

Cannot read property 'isTree' of undefined Extjs 4

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-24 13:55:00
问题 I trying to update code from extjs2 to extjs4, but I have an error and something wrong with grid . My Google Chrome browser return error Cannot read property 'isTree' of undefined Ext.define('App.grid.GridPanel', { extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel', alias: 'widget.gridpanel', frame: false, loadMask: true, stateful: false, enableColumnHide: false, showGridHeader: true, viewConfig: { stripeRows: true }, initComponent: function() { if (!this.showGridHeader) { this.addClass('grid-no-header'); } App

ExtJS Grid Row Specific EmptyText?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-24 01:53:57
问题 Our application uses the Ext.grid.Panel to display rows of data. When the user clicks a "New..." button we are adding a new record to the grid store. Everything is working fine. However, on certain fields, of just this new (as of yet) unsynced records, we would like to display specific empty text within certain cells. For example: 'Enter title here' or 'Choose a platform". I know there is an emptyCellText property on Column, but a) its broken, and b) I'd like to have this happen only on new,

View Reference in Controller EXTJS 4

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-23 09:38:53
问题 I am not able to get combobox value in a controller. The getter method of combobox view returns function i(){ return this.constructor.apply(this,arguments)||null } instead of view object instance. If I use var combo=this.getColumnTypeComboView().create() then I don't get selected value of the combobox combo.getValue() . 回答1: To get view reference in a controller simply use getView() method from the Controller class. To create a connection between view and a controller make sure that you

Extjs 4.2.2 Create Dynamic Unordered List containing Ext Components

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-23 03:46:15
问题 I am attempting to create basic ul in Ext 4.2.2 by defining a class extended from Ext.container.Container . Ideally I would like my rendered markup to be something along the lines of: <ul> <li> {any Ext component here} </li> ... </ul> I know I'm missing something in my current implementation that I have based off of Alex Tokarev's answer to: extjs 4 how to wrap children components of container in custom html? Ext.define('MyUnorderedList', { extend: 'Ext.container.Container', requires: [

ExtJS 4.2 - Dynamically Load Date Picker Value - Newbie Q

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-22 18:43:34
问题 The ExtJS Frame work does not give obvious way to use variables. I am trying to dynamically load the datepicker with an array for disabledDates:. I have tried a bunch of different ways but it always come down to the fact that any variable I try to access is undefined. What is the perfered method for dynamically loading the configs for datepicker? What is the perfered method to use variables between controller and components? I have the array loaded in my controller. How do I use it to set

Google Places Auto-complete in extjs4

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-22 11:13:33
问题 I am using extjs4 and Spring at server side. I need to integrate Google Places Auto-complete inside one of the extjs4 form. Is there any way this can be done. I am not sure weather we can integrate Google Auto-complete with extjs I have searched but not find anything more specific to my requirement. Please guide me ..... look at my code ... Ext.define('abce.view.ReportMissing', { extend : 'Ext.panel.Panel', alias : 'widget.report_missing', bodyPadding : 10, autoScroll : true, frame : true,

Use and function of the new Ext.app.EventDomain

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-22 09:46:34
问题 We have a huge amount of applications which all are sharing some parts (data/backend/frontend). Users may have access to one or more applications and currently the user need to load them one by one. Our Customer don't like this so we are now refactoring all into one huge application where the client itself resolves which module to load. First test looked good and due to our custom modulebuilder tool the loading times are at a min. Now I stumbled over the new Ext.app.EventDomain and wondered

How to add filters in grid column headers in extjs?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-21 20:56:45
问题 I have a grid with lots of records in it. so I want to add filters in each column header to filter the required data easily. I have seen the example given in the sencha docs. But How to implement it in the Extjs 4.2 version. How to use UX classes in it? Is there any plugin available? I am greatly thankful to you. Please help me. Anand 回答1: This is an example: Ext.define('Webdesktop.view.admin.List', { extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel', alias: 'widget.admin_casoslist', initComponent: function() { var

dynamically set fields to a extjs data store

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-21 05:41:43
问题 I am trying to dynamically set fields to a extjs data store so that I could dynamically create a different grid at run time. Case A works for me. But when I use as in Case B , the store's proxy hangs on to the previous model and so the grid rendering is messed up. What is the really the difference between these two? Case A Ext.define('FDG.store.reading.FDGDynamicGridStore', { extend: 'Ext.data.Store' }); var fdgstore = Ext.create('FDG.store.reading.FDGDynamicGridStore', { fields: fields,