Convert 31-DEC-2016 to 2016-12-31
I want to convert the 31-DEC-2016 i.e., dd-mmm-yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd in the XSLT using format-dateTime function but the output is not as expected.Can anyone help on this? <ns1:QuoteDate> <xsl:value-of select='concat(xp20:format-dateTime(/Quote/QuoteHeader/QuoteDate,"[Y0001]-[M01]-[D01]"),"T00:00:00")'/> </ns1:QuoteDate> I want to get the value for this particular thing.31-DEC-2016 : This is the input and i have to transform over here in the code Once that is converted, How to concat the the value T00:00:00 to the date?? You cannot use the format-dateTime() function on a string that is not a valid