
What is best practice for working with Categories in ExpressinEngine?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-23 07:56:10
问题 I'm working on my first eCommerce site using the "store module". We have around 25 categories that each product can be categorized by. This is my first time working with so many categories. Most of the product selection area will be using one template. I have a couple of questions regarding the use of categories. I will list them below. Any insight into what the best approach is, would be most appreciated. I'm not even sure If i'm doing this correctly. I'm kinda of fumbling my way through

What is best practice for working with Categories in ExpressinEngine?

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-23 07:52:00
问题 I'm working on my first eCommerce site using the "store module". We have around 25 categories that each product can be categorized by. This is my first time working with so many categories. Most of the product selection area will be using one template. I have a couple of questions regarding the use of categories. I will list them below. Any insight into what the best approach is, would be most appreciated. I'm not even sure If i'm doing this correctly. I'm kinda of fumbling my way through

.htaccess in Multiple Environments

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-21 03:36:25
问题 I know similar questions have been asked before but I haven't found any really specific answers for my situation. I have an ExpressionEngine site running on multiple environments (local, dev, production), and each of those environments needs different .htaccess rules: All Environments Remove index.php Set a 404 file Set 301 Redirects Development Password Protect with .htpasswd Force HTTPS protocol Prevent search engine indexing with X-Robots-Tag Production Force HTTPS protocol Redirect non

“You must compile individual stylesheets from the project directory” error with compass project [closed]

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-20 16:16:53
问题 This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. Closed 7 years ago . I've installed Zurb Foundation sass into an expressionengine project but i'm getting this when saving the app.scss file: Compass was unable to compile

Expression Engine - Help with static code inside expression engine ul

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-20 05:59:42
问题 I've managed to sort the last li issue, but can't seem to now link my last list item back to the latest entry in the specific category. Any ideas? {exp:channel:entries channel="project" limit="6" category_group="1" stop_before="{embed:stop_before}" related_categories_mode="yes" custom_fields="yes"} {if count == "1"}<ul id="filmStrip">{/if} <li> {exp:imgsizer:size src="{project_image}" height="68px" width="137px"} <a href="{title_permalink='projects-test/view'}"><img src="{sized}" height="

Expression Engine - Removing index.php completely

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-19 09:41:01
问题 I've been using the below code in my .htaccess file for a while to make the EE URLs work without needing index.php in the URL. What I've found though it that I'm getting some reports from crawling tools that I'm getting duplicate content as /lorem/ipsum/ is also popping up somewhere as /index.php/lorem/ipsum/. I know that this is likely a result of a stray link referencing the index.php in the URL but I'd like to close up the gaps by forcing index.php out of the links. I've had a look around

ExpressionEngine rendering JS code with { } brackets

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-18 03:42:26
问题 Is there a way to force expression engine to NOT render items within curly brackets as EE code? The google chart tools uses javascript code that contains curly { } brackets, and naturally EE thinks it's a variable and tries to render it. Any way around this? 回答1: ExpressionEngine's Template Class parses curly braces {} as template variables, looking for three kinds of variables: single, pair, and conditional variables: // Single Variable {summary} // Pair Variable {category} ... {/category} /

Migrating legacy users to symfony2

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-17 22:16:53
问题 I'm moving from expressionengine to symfony2 and I'm looking for the best way to migrate the user passwords. The goal is to let legacy users log in with their existing credentials, while passwords for new users are created the default way. I have looked at custom authentication providers and custom user providers and thought about wether or not to create a separate entity for the legacy users, but I don't know what'd be the best way/design to achieve the above. FYI: As far as I can see,

expression engine sql query entries list by authors

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-17 16:54:34
问题 How would I order the latest 3 entries from a channel with each entry from a different author? (so they don't end up being 3 latest entries by the same author) - I think I need to use an SQL Query for it? {exp:channel:entries orderby="screen_name|date" channel="portfolios" limit="3" group_id="5" dynamic="no"} <img src=" {thumbnail}" alt="{title}"/><br /> {title}<br /> {/exp:channel:entries} Thanks in advance! 回答1: Mark - here's a repost of the answer I posted on the other dupe question: The

Expression Engine channel entries with Twitter Bootstrap Carousel Not working

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-13 14:13:44
问题 Ok, so i'm having an issue implementing a basic Twitter bootstrap Carousel via ExpressionEngine's channel entries. I think it has to do with the fact that you must designate the first li tag as "active" for bootstrap to know which image is presented upon page load. But my code is as follows <div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide"> <!-- Carousel items --> <div class="carousel-inner"> {exp:channel:entries channel="work" dynamic="no"} <div class="item"> <div class="workItem"> <a href="{title