
duplicate ajax calls in angularjs

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-30 12:52:22
问题 I am using express-jwt to build a restful api. Now the client is making duplicate ajax calls, for the first one the initiator is angularjs and for the second one the initiator is other. The first one gets 204 as the response code and the second one gets 200 as the response code. I tried to debug to get to the source of this duplicate requests, but I am not able to. Below is the header details for the one with 204 status code Below is the header details for the one with 204 status code Can any

JSON Web Token (JWT) benefits over a database session token

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-18 09:59:37
问题 With a database session token system I could have a user login with a username/password, the server could generate a token (a uuid for example) and store it in the database and return that token to the client. Every request from thereon would include the token and the server would look up whether the token is valid and what user it belongs to. Using JWT there would be no need to save anything to the database with respect to session/tokens thanks to the combination of the secret key kept on

implementing refresh-tokens with angular and express-jwt

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-17 22:12:29
问题 I want to implement the Sliding expiration concept with json web tokens using angular, nodejs and express-jwt. I'm a little confused on how to do this, and am struggling to find any example of refresh tokens or and other material relating to sessions with these technologies/frameworks. A few options I was thinking of were Generating a new token with each request after the initial login Keeping track of issued token on the server side along But I'm honestly not sure, please help 回答1: I managed

express-jwt Not respecting unprotected paths

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-14 01:32:34
问题 Information on the express-jwt module can be found here: In my main.js server file, I have the following: import ExpressJwt from 'express-jwt'; // import other crap... let token = ExpressJwt({ secret: 'whatever', audience: 'whatever', issuer: 'whatever' }); app.all('/apiv1', token.unless({ path: ['apiv1/user/create', '/apiv1/auth/login']})); app.use('/apiv1/user', user); app.use('/apiv1/auth', auth); Where user and

Authorization type Bearer Token on Postman

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-13 04:22:31
问题 I'm trying test a few endpoints using Postman. All endpoint, require a token which can be obtain by log-in. So I did this : Request #1 After login success, I have access to the token from the response, then I store that token in my global variable. let token = pm.response.json().location console.log('Token : ', token.split("?token=")[1]); pm.globals.set("token", token) I need to use that token as Authorization type Bearer Token for my request #2. I can copy & paste that in the token box, but

How do I use a wildcard in JWT unless?

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-12 14:02:12
问题 I'm using express-jwt to secure my node application, and am wondering how I can use a wildcard in the unless parameter. My working code is below, what I'd really like to do is open up access to anything that has a path starting with '/login' so I don't have to list every single resource. When I add '/login*' to the unprotected array it ends up blocking /login with a 401/unauthorized. Works: // routes open to all var unprotected = [ '/login', '/login/app/main.js', 'favicon.ico' ]; // configure

AngularJS interceptor not putting JWT Bearer in every request of node.js app

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-12 13:11:20
问题 I put a JWT authentication system in a node app. I used an interceptor to put the Bearer in every request. It works well if I call a restricted route within Angular or if I curl and specify the token in the header. But if I enter the restricted route directly in my address bar, it doesn't work. There is no Bearer in the header, it doesn't go through the interceptor. Here is my interceptor (client-side): angular.module('myApp).factory('authInterceptor', function ($rootScope, $q, $window) {

How to pass secure data like user-name/password in Json Web Token?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-11 10:55:38
问题 There are lots of discussion and favor that token based architecture of authentication of MEAN application is secure. But I have question that is it really pass user-name and password for authorization and authentication as payload in JSON Web Token, and if we are not passing secured information in payload then how JSON Web Token authenticate user without user-name / password in server side. I read lots of architecture stuff but they can't explain that what logic they used to authenticate

node expressJwt unless specify id route

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-11 00:47:15
问题 We are using the expressJwt library and I want to be able to exclude the GET for the following route api/items/:id but not include any routes that look like api/items/:id/special-action . So far, I've only been able to exclude all routes that have the :id . Below is how we've achieved excluding GET routes that have :id .{ secret: secrets.JWT }).unless({ path: [ ... { url: /\/api\/items\/(.)/, methods: ['GET'] }, ... ] }); I've tried { url: /\/api\/items\/(.)\//,

How is angular-jwt decoding my JWT without a secret?

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-06 20:59:44
问题 The Auth0 team created something called "angular-jwt" which has a jwtHelper class. This thing successfully decodes a local JWT without the secret I used on the server. How did this happen? If they are not secure, then what is the point of using a secret to sign/encrypt them? Function on the server that encrypts the token (using "jsonwebtoken"): function createToken (user) { return jwt.sign(_.omit(user, 'password'), config.secret, { expiresInMinutes: 60*5 }); } Code from the client: angular