
Is there anyway (commandline tools) to calculate MD5 hash for .NEF (also .CR2, .TIFF) regardless any metadata?

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-18 12:46:16
问题 Is there anyway (commandline tools) to calculate MD5 hash for .NEF (also .CR2, .TIFF) regardless any metadata, e.g. EXIF, IPTC, XMP and so on? The MD5 hash should be same once we update any metadata inside the image file. I searched for a while, the closest solution is: exiftool test.nef -all= -o - -m | md5 but 'exiftool -all=' still keeps a set of EXIF tags in the output file. The MD5 hash can be changed if I update remaining tags. 回答1: ImageMagick has a method for doing exactly this. It is

Is there anyway (commandline tools) to calculate MD5 hash for .NEF (also .CR2, .TIFF) regardless any metadata?

一笑奈何 提交于 2021-02-18 12:46:14
问题 Is there anyway (commandline tools) to calculate MD5 hash for .NEF (also .CR2, .TIFF) regardless any metadata, e.g. EXIF, IPTC, XMP and so on? The MD5 hash should be same once we update any metadata inside the image file. I searched for a while, the closest solution is: exiftool test.nef -all= -o - -m | md5 but 'exiftool -all=' still keeps a set of EXIF tags in the output file. The MD5 hash can be changed if I update remaining tags. 回答1: ImageMagick has a method for doing exactly this. It is

在 Synology 中使用 SQLite 归档文件信息

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-03-05 14:23:25
写在前面 前面借助 exiv2 和 exiftool 做照片视频做了归档,是时候把需要的信息存起来了。 考虑到数据的安全性、读写的便利性,决定用 SQLite ( Synology 内置)。 注: Synology 还内置了 Redis 、 PostGreSQL 。 建库 文件系统,只有文件全路径是唯一,其它信息均读出来方便日后查: CREATE TABLE if not exists FileInfo ( FullPath NVARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, FileMd5 NCHAR(33) NOT NULL, FileType CHARACTER(9), FileSize INT NOT NULL, CreateTime DATETIME, UpdateTime DATETIME ); CREATE INDEX if not exists FullPath ON FileInfo (FullPath); CREATE INDEX if not exists CreateTime ON FileInfo (CreateTime); CREATE INDEX if not exists FileType ON FileInfo (FileType); CREATE INDEX if not exists FileMd5 ON FileInfo


拥有回忆 提交于 2020-03-03 21:24:34
其他收集信息途径 社交网络 工商注册 新闻组/论坛 招聘网站 www.archive.org/web/web.php(收集网站过去某一时间点版本的网站页面,可以了解当时页面使用的技术情况)(翻墙访问,厉害ia) 个人专属 的密码字典 按个人信息生成其专属的密码字典 cupp common user password profiler 下载安装 apt-get install cup cd cupp cat README.md 使用-i参数根据个人信息生成字典 -l参数使用大字典 git clone https://github.com/Mebus/cupp.git python cup.py -i 根据个人信息生成字典,,接下来输入个人信息,也可以添加额外信息 效率比通用庞大 的字典效率高很多。 观察字典的形成规律。尝试对这个人尽行密码破解 这个人是什么样的想法,什么样的动因设置这个密码。 判断人 设置密码的思维方式思维习惯。这个判断准了,特别特别针对,密码破解会越来越容易。 黑客军团的美剧 metadata 确定拍照时的位置是否记录 exit图片信息,设置参数,记录信息 提取出来,信息收集的手段 安装exiftool apt-get install exiftool 使用 exiftool w.jpg 会显示具体信息 图片查看器也可以看到 foca free 榨取图片信息 来源:

强大的 exiftool 助 Synology 照片整理一臂之力

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-03-03 21:18:04
上次整理照片: 强大的 exiv2 助 Synology 照片整理一臂之力 由于 exiv2 不支持 heic 图片和视频文件,联系 Synology 推荐了 exiftool 。 安装 exiftool # 先安装 Perl 套件,然后开启 ssh-server wget -o ~admin/www/Image-ExifTool-11.89.tar.gz https://exiftool.org/Image-ExifTool-11.89.tar.gz tar -C ~admin/www -zxvf ~admin/www/Image-ExifTool-11.89.tar.gz ln -s ~admin/www/Image-ExifTool-11.89/exiftool /usr/local/bin/exiftool exiftool -ver 体验 exiftool exiftool 果然 很强大 ,自带了 图片改名功能 、而且支持非常丰富的媒体类型。 # 按照片拍摄年份,存入指定目录 exiftool '-Directory<CreateDate' -d "~/photo/%Y" ./*.{jpg,cr2,heic} # 文件按格式改名 exiftool '-filename<CreateDate' -d "%Y/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%%le" ./*.{jpg,heic

Batch copy metadata from one file to another (EXIFTOOL)

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-02-25 04:35:28
问题 Im currently using tags such as exiftool -FileModifyDate(<)datetimeoriginal, etc. in terminal/cmd... Im switching from icloud and the dates in the metadata are exif (meaning finder and windows explorer just see the date they were downloaded).. It's working but for any sloMo videos that are M4V, they dont change.. I have the originals which do have the right dates and was wondering if there is a way to match file names (123.mp4 = 123.m4v) and copy the metadata over... But I also want to do it

Batch copy metadata from one file to another (EXIFTOOL)

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-02-25 04:35:08
问题 Im currently using tags such as exiftool -FileModifyDate(<)datetimeoriginal, etc. in terminal/cmd... Im switching from icloud and the dates in the metadata are exif (meaning finder and windows explorer just see the date they were downloaded).. It's working but for any sloMo videos that are M4V, they dont change.. I have the originals which do have the right dates and was wondering if there is a way to match file names (123.mp4 = 123.m4v) and copy the metadata over... But I also want to do it

Get last line of shell output as a variable

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-29 05:58:10
问题 I am working on a shell script with exiftool to automatically change some exif tags on pictures contained in a certain folder and I would like to use the output to get a notification on my NAS (a QNAP) when the job is completed. Everything works already, but - as the notification system truncates the message - I would like to receive just the information I need, i.e. the last line of the shell output, which is for example the following: Warning: [minor] Entries in IFD0 were out of sequence.

Get last line of shell output as a variable

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-01-29 05:55:44
问题 I am working on a shell script with exiftool to automatically change some exif tags on pictures contained in a certain folder and I would like to use the output to get a notification on my NAS (a QNAP) when the job is completed. Everything works already, but - as the notification system truncates the message - I would like to receive just the information I need, i.e. the last line of the shell output, which is for example the following: Warning: [minor] Entries in IFD0 were out of sequence.

Using a node module within a Grunt Task fails

懵懂的女人 提交于 2020-01-06 13:11:33
问题 I'm trying to extract meta data from files read within a Grunt task. executing: node test.js on this file: var exif = require('exif2'); exif('fixtures/forest.png', function (err, o) { console.log(arguments); }); Produces the expected output However, executing the grunt process: grunt projectJSON module.exports = function (grunt) { var exif = require('exif2'); return grunt.registerMultiTask("projectJSON", "Creates project JSON file.", function () { exif('fixtures/forest.png', function (err, o)