
EWS-managed: Fetch required and optional attendees of appointments

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-20 01:46:39
问题 As far as I am now, I know how to fetch appointments from exchange server, BUT as soon as I want to see the required and optional attendees, these fields are empty ... I checked the appointment trice and there is an attendee, except me. Do I have to config Outlook differently or do I miss something? List<Appointment> listOfAppointments = new List<Appointment>(); CalendarFolder cfolder = CalendarFolder.Bind(MyService, WellKnownFolderName.Calendar); CalendarView cview = new CalendarView(from

EWS-managed: Fetch required and optional attendees of appointments

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-20 01:46:03
问题 As far as I am now, I know how to fetch appointments from exchange server, BUT as soon as I want to see the required and optional attendees, these fields are empty ... I checked the appointment trice and there is an attendee, except me. Do I have to config Outlook differently or do I miss something? List<Appointment> listOfAppointments = new List<Appointment>(); CalendarFolder cfolder = CalendarFolder.Bind(MyService, WellKnownFolderName.Calendar); CalendarView cview = new CalendarView(from

The account does not have permission to impersonate the requested user

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-19 10:25:16
问题 I am getting this error while try to accessin the resource mailbox. pls any one help me on this . I am new to EWS. I am able to access the resource mailbox through OWA(Outlook web app). But i am not owner of this mailbox as it is shared mailbox. my code: ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack; ExchangeService newExchangeService = new ExchangeService (ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1); newExchangeService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential

The account does not have permission to impersonate the requested user

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-19 10:25:12
问题 I am getting this error while try to accessin the resource mailbox. pls any one help me on this . I am new to EWS. I am able to access the resource mailbox through OWA(Outlook web app). But i am not owner of this mailbox as it is shared mailbox. my code: ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = CertificateValidationCallBack; ExchangeService newExchangeService = new ExchangeService (ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1); newExchangeService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential

Specifying the bounce-back address for email

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-12-19 10:23:11
问题 I'm having a problem getting emails to bounce to a specific email address, different to the From address. A particular client requires that we send emails from a specific email address (call it ). Our Exchange admins have created an account on the Exchange box so that we can log in and send from that address. Our Exchange server is spoofing that address / domain. This works fine. Unfortunately the emails sent from are not bouncing back to us

Access Outlook user properties from EWS

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-19 10:18:28
问题 I'm trying to create an application that use the EWS api to access contacts. I need to look at one of the outlook user properties in this process but I cant see how to get it at using EWS. At the moment ive just tried... service.Url = new Uri("https://url/ews/Exchange.asmx"); service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("credentials"); var results = service.FindItems(folderId, new ItemView(100)); foreach (var item in results) { Contact contact = item as Contact; foreach (var prop in contact

Getting Exchange Appointments by ICalUid?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-19 05:37:30
问题 So I'm creating Exchange (2007) Appointments with a given ICalUid: var app = new Appointment(svc); app.ICalUid = id; app.Subject = "Test Appointment"; app.Recurrence = new Recurrence.DailyPattern(DateTime.Now, 3); app.RequiredAttendees.Add(""); app.AllowNewTimeProposal = false; app.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, "This is a <b>Test!</b>"); app.Save(); Later on, I would like to update that appointment, at which point I need to find it through the ICalUid. However, there

Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices is not working in VS2010

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-18 14:55:11
问题 I'n using EWS ExchangeService to read emails from outlook... I've coded the in Console project and in VS2008... Everything works fine as it is.. I can read the emails. To become more familair with VS2010 I created a console project and copied the copied to VS2010 project. so I added the referene "Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices" (Version in Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services\1.1\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll folder. Everything works as it is, so I see the intellisence, I see the

Create new calendar system support in Exchange OWA

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-12 09:15:42
问题 Since Exchange doesn't provide support for all local calendar types in OWA, I need to create one, using Microsoft.Net's support of calendars, but where should I start? 回答1: If I understand correct what you want, the usage of Exchange Server Web Services would be the best way for you. EWS gives you full set of API for appointments and they can be used in .NET very easy. You can use Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Web Services SDK (EWS SDK) with Exchange Server 2007 SP1 (you should just use

EWS error when updating an item Category

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-12 01:35:45
问题 I get the following error when calling the Update() method on an Item in my VB .Net application using EWS (logged on to Exchange 2007 SP1): Property update did not succeed What could be the cause? I'm really hoping this is not due to EWS requiring Exchange 2010 to update categories on an item. The only update I made to the item was to Add a category. EDIT: Also, the following code, which makes a copy of the message and updates its category works fine. So it looks like it's only changing the