
How do I create an event loop/message pipe in a console application?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2021-01-27 08:51:57
问题 I would like to create an console application which has some events registered. The problem is that those events are never fired. In this particular situation in a Windows Forms application I should invoke Application.Run(new Form()); after registering those events, but it is Console Application . So I would like to create an event loop or message pipe if it is possible for that console application. The application: using Bonjour; using System; using System.Threading; using Bonjour; using

How do I create an event loop/message pipe in a console application?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-01-27 08:51:05
问题 I would like to create an console application which has some events registered. The problem is that those events are never fired. In this particular situation in a Windows Forms application I should invoke Application.Run(new Form()); after registering those events, but it is Console Application . So I would like to create an event loop or message pipe if it is possible for that console application. The application: using Bonjour; using System; using System.Threading; using Bonjour; using

Javascript event loop clarification

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-27 05:09:12
问题 I keep seeing explanations of the "Javascript Event Loop" (ie: browser JS runtime event loop) that don't seem plausible to me, and I'm hoping someone can provide some authoritative clarification. My base asssumption is that the JS event loop is just like event loops we've been working with in UI frameworks for decades, something like: // [... some initialization ...] // The Event Loop while (true) { if (! EventQueue.isEmpty()) { event = EventQueue.pop_oldest_item(); event.callback(event [or

Execution order of Promises in Node.js

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2021-01-07 03:16:15
问题 I executed following code with Node.js v10.15.0 Promise.resolve() .then(() => console.log('A')) .then(() => console.log('B')) .then(() => console.log('C')) setImmediate(() => console.log('IMMEDIATE')) Promise.resolve() .then(() => console.log('D')) .then(() => console.log('E')) .then(() => console.log('F')) As there is no asynchronous code involved in the fullfilled functions i expected following output A B C D E F IMMEDIATE but i got... A D B E C F IMMEDIATE As far as i understand the

asyncio/aiohttp - create_task() blocks event loop, gather results in “This event loop is already running ”

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-01-01 08:15:08
问题 I cannot get both my consumer and my producer running at the same time, it seems worker(), or the aiohttp server are blocking - even when executed simultaneously with asyncio.gather() If instead I do loop.create_task(worker), this will block and server will never be started. I've tried every variation I can imagine, including nest_asyncio module - and I can only ever get one of the two components running. What am I doing wrong? async def worker(): batch_size = 30 print("running worker") while

asyncio/aiohttp - create_task() blocks event loop, gather results in “This event loop is already running ”

假如想象 提交于 2021-01-01 08:12:18
问题 I cannot get both my consumer and my producer running at the same time, it seems worker(), or the aiohttp server are blocking - even when executed simultaneously with asyncio.gather() If instead I do loop.create_task(worker), this will block and server will never be started. I've tried every variation I can imagine, including nest_asyncio module - and I can only ever get one of the two components running. What am I doing wrong? async def worker(): batch_size = 30 print("running worker") while

Does the nodejs (libuv) event loop execute all the callbacks in one phase (queue) before moving to the next or run in a round robin fashion?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-12-31 04:30:08
问题 I am studying about the event loop provided by libuv in Node. I came across the following blog by Deepal Jayasekara and also saw the explanations of Bert Belder and Daniel Khan on youtube. There is one point that I am not clear with- As per my understanding, the event loop processes all the items of one phase before moving on to another. So if that is the case, I should be able to block the event loop if the setTimeout phase is constantly getting callbacks added to it. However, when I tried

Does the nodejs (libuv) event loop execute all the callbacks in one phase (queue) before moving to the next or run in a round robin fashion?

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-12-31 04:29:25
问题 I am studying about the event loop provided by libuv in Node. I came across the following blog by Deepal Jayasekara and also saw the explanations of Bert Belder and Daniel Khan on youtube. There is one point that I am not clear with- As per my understanding, the event loop processes all the items of one phase before moving on to another. So if that is the case, I should be able to block the event loop if the setTimeout phase is constantly getting callbacks added to it. However, when I tried

Dart event queue and microtask

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-12-29 04:01:35
问题 i am trying to understand, how dart event loop works. I read the event loop article from the website The Event Loop and Dart and the author explain pretty good how event loop in dart works. But what i don't understand is, how event get queue. For example new Future(() => 21) .then((v) => v*2) .then((v) => print(v)); Will here dart gonna create three entries in the event queue or just one? I know, that the class Future is responsible for delay execution and when i create an object from it like

How can we block event loop?

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-12-13 03:21:09
问题 I have studied about the event loop in Node.Js, it work in asynchronous and non-blocking manner to process the request. Is there any way so that we can block the execution of event loop? 回答1: There are lots of ways to block the event loop. Some ways block it just for awhile (like using synchronous file I/O) and some ways block it forever. For example, this blocks it forever: let flag = false; setTimeout(() => { // this callback never gets called // because event loop is blocked flag = true; }