
Equal height CSS columns

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-01-07 16:56:27
问题 Using Equal Height Columns with Cross-Browser CSS example HTML: <div id="container1"> <div id="col1">Column 1<br/>2</div> <div id="col2">Column 2</div> <div id="col3">Column 3</div> </div> CSS: #container1 { float:left; width:100%; } #col1 { float:left; width:30%; background:red; } #col2 { float:left; width:40%; background:yellow; } #col3 { float:left; width:30%; background:green; } There are more complicated demo pages, but I am looking to use the first example for my purposes. Why isn't the

Equal height CSS columns

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-07 16:56:02
问题 Using Equal Height Columns with Cross-Browser CSS example HTML: <div id="container1"> <div id="col1">Column 1<br/>2</div> <div id="col2">Column 2</div> <div id="col3">Column 3</div> </div> CSS: #container1 { float:left; width:100%; } #col1 { float:left; width:30%; background:red; } #col2 { float:left; width:40%; background:yellow; } #col3 { float:left; width:30%; background:green; } There are more complicated demo pages, but I am looking to use the first example for my purposes. Why isn't the

can I use flexbox and float at the same time? or use flexbox with absolute positioning?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-23 01:19:11
问题 for example if I have a 2 column layout (main content and a aside) Can I float the main to the left and aside to left/right and then use flexbox to give the aside an equal height compared to the main content? Do I have to display the whole container to flexbox to include header,main content, aside, and footer or can I just cherry pick one area to use flexbox? 回答1: From Overview, Flex layout is superficially similar to block layout. It lacks many of the more complex text- or document-centric

Bootstrap 3 Equal Height Columns with jQuery need assistance with the js

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-18 10:57:22
问题 I've been using this bit (jQuery equal height responsive div rows) of jQuery for equal heights and it works very well, but with BS2 and BS3 if the same pattern is used, it doesn't scan the row to make the equal heights, it scans the page itself and then all patterns (row > col- - ) on the same page get the height of the tallest on the page. That's not the desired implementation. http://jsbin.com/aVavuLeW/14/ This above JSBin has an example of it working with BS3 columns (a copy of it). You

Equal height divs (or li) in rows with fluid width and height (90% finished)

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-13 21:03:16
问题 Hey so I found this sweet jquery snippet by CSS-tricks Chris Coyier that resets div elements heights that share the same top position on the page (are on the same row) to the tallest element. The Problem This solution almost works with fluid width layouts and resets height when top positions changes but it resets it to the original height of the current tallest element in the row when the page first loaded. This is an issue because the height of the tallest element might have changed since

Equal height columns width issue

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-11 02:17:53
问题 I have 3 columns that extend to equal height. The only problem now is that if I have 2 columns only they expand their width and take 100% of the main container. So basically I need them to have the same width wether it's 1, 2 or 3 columns. Any idea on how to achieve this? Many thanks! Fiddle Demo .content > img { vertical-align:top; } #wrapper { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 20px auto; display:table; overflow: hidden; border-spacing: 30px; } #wrapper > .col { display: table-cell; width:

Equal width + height responsive divs with hover overlay

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-08 09:12:26
问题 I'm having trouble getting the heights on my divs to match up. I need them to match the heights of the div with the most content - which is normally easy BUT I'm doing this with overlays that also contain more text. I can't do it with fixed heights or widths because I need the layout to be responsive. The cells need to basically be col-md-2 with the tallest height as the text wraps, it would be more like a square, col-sm-6 would be long and narrow, and col-xs-12 would also be long and narrow.

Nested flexbox equal height columns broken in Google Chrome

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-08 07:17:03
问题 I want a number of sidebar blocks to be spaced evenly throughout a long post. To achieve this I'm using Flexbox within the sidebar to handle the even spacing of the blocks. This works perfectly. Code Pen: http://codepen.io/jameswilson/pen/yyOLaz?editors=110 UPDATE: A working solution has been found, see Slawa Eremkin's answer below for details! Working Code Pen: http://codepen.io/jameswilson/pen/xbVVLL?editors=110 When I go to set the equal column heights using a standard Equal Height column

can I use flexbox and float at the same time? or use flexbox with absolute positioning?

隐身守侯 提交于 2019-12-06 16:07:42
for example if I have a 2 column layout (main content and a aside) Can I float the main to the left and aside to left/right and then use flexbox to give the aside an equal height compared to the main content? Do I have to display the whole container to flexbox to include header,main content, aside, and footer or can I just cherry pick one area to use flexbox? From Overview , Flex layout is superficially similar to block layout. It lacks many of the more complex text- or document-centric properties that can be used in block layout, such as floats From Flex Containers , float and clear have no

Auto stretching vertical columns (divs)

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-02 20:40:09
问题 check this fiddle please: I want the following: the red column has some text, the yellow is the dynamic content, the green has nothing, just a color. I want both red and green columns to be as height as the yellow content. height: 100% didnt work 回答1: You can use negative margins to achieve the result The floating divs should be wrapped in a container with overflow:hidden This is the fiddle This is the code #container { overflow:hidden; } #container div { padding-bottom:2000px; margin-bottom: