
Why is PowerShell applying the predicate of a `Where` to an empty list

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-08-19 09:06:27
问题 If I run this in PowerShell, I expect to see the output 0 (zero): Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $x = "[]" | ConvertFrom-Json | Where { $_.name -eq "Baz" } Write-Host $x.Count Instead, I get this error: The property 'name' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. At line:1 char:44 + $x = "[]" | ConvertFrom-Json | Where { $_.name -eq "Baz" } + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId :

Cast Enumeration Value to Integer in Delphi

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-06-11 03:06:44
问题 Is it possible to cast/convert an Enumeration Value to Integer in Delphi? If yes, then how? 回答1: This is called out explicitly at the documentation for enumerated types: Several predefined functions operate on ordinal values and type identifiers. The most important of them are summarized below. | Function | Parameter | Return value | Remarks | |----------|:-----------------------------------------------------:|----------------------------------:|-----------------------------------------------


只愿长相守 提交于 2020-03-18 01:11:33
某厂面试归来,发现自己落伍了!>>> Enumeration接口 Enumeration接口本身不是一个数据结构。但是,对其他数据结构非常重要。 Enumeration接口定义了从一个数据结构得到连续数据的手段。 例如,Enumeration定义了一个名为nextElement的方法,可以用来从含有多个元素的数据结构中得到的下一个元素。 Enumeration接口及其方法通常与Vector、Hashtable一起连用,用来枚举Vector中的项和Hashtable中的键名。 Enumeration接口提供了一套标准的方法,由于Enumeration是一个接口,它的角色局限于为数据结构提供方法协议。下面是一个使用的例子: //e is an object that implements the Enumeration interface while (e.hasMoreElements()) { Object o= e.nextElement(); System.out.println(o); } 实现该接口的对象由一系列的元素组成,可以连续地调用nextElement()方法来得到 Enumeration枚举对象中的元素。Enumertion接口中仅定义了下面两个方法。 ·boolean hasMoreElemerts() 测试Enumeration枚举对象中是否还含有元素

enum class constructor c++ , how to pass specific value?

余生颓废 提交于 2020-02-24 20:59:49
问题 I came from Java and here we have such option as set value to constuctor. Example enum TYPE { AUTO("BMW"), MOTOCYCLE("Kawasaki"); private String mBrandName = ""; TYPE(final String iBrandName) { mBrandName = iBrandName; } public String getBrandName() { return mBrandName; } static TYPE getMotocycle() { return MOTOCYCLE; } static TYPE getAuto() { return AUTO; } } Usage String motoBrand = TYPE.getMotocycle().getBrandName(); // == BMW String autoBrand = TYPE.getAuto().getBrandName(); // ==

Split a String and then assign the splits

孤人 提交于 2020-02-21 03:13:22
问题 I have a text file, in the text file are two names, exactly like this. Tom Hardy Brad Pitt I use this, to take the names from the file and split them. $Names = gc C:\Temp\Name.txt ForEach-Object {-Split $Names} How do I then assign each first name to $FirstName and each last name to $LastName? The idea behind this is that further down the line, for each $FirstName I will be creating a specific individual item with each name. I understand that after I run the above, each section of the name is

Split a String and then assign the splits

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-02-21 03:11:44
问题 I have a text file, in the text file are two names, exactly like this. Tom Hardy Brad Pitt I use this, to take the names from the file and split them. $Names = gc C:\Temp\Name.txt ForEach-Object {-Split $Names} How do I then assign each first name to $FirstName and each last name to $LastName? The idea behind this is that further down the line, for each $FirstName I will be creating a specific individual item with each name. I understand that after I run the above, each section of the name is

Split a String and then assign the splits

允我心安 提交于 2020-02-21 03:11:26
问题 I have a text file, in the text file are two names, exactly like this. Tom Hardy Brad Pitt I use this, to take the names from the file and split them. $Names = gc C:\Temp\Name.txt ForEach-Object {-Split $Names} How do I then assign each first name to $FirstName and each last name to $LastName? The idea behind this is that further down the line, for each $FirstName I will be creating a specific individual item with each name. I understand that after I run the above, each section of the name is