

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-01 08:45:11
阅读目录 开始 页面显示乱码问题 AJAX提交的数据乱码问题 JavaScript中正确的URL编码方式 ASP.NET中正确的URL编码方式 正确的URL编码方式的总结 彻底解决encodeURIComponent()与GB2312乱码问题 Cookie乱码问题 下载文件名乱码问题 多语言数据的乱码问题 乱码问题的总结 经常发现有人被乱码困扰着,而我感觉比较幸运,很少为此烦恼过。 在这篇博客中,我将把我想到的一些与乱码有关的经验总结出来,供大家参考。 回到顶部 页面显示乱码问题 在一个网站中,有些页面会正常显示,然而,有些页面会显示成乱码。 如果发生这种情况,可以检查一下web.config和文件编码。 如果web.config是这样配置的: <globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" /> 而文件的编码不是UTF-8: 那么就会有乱码问题。 注意:反之是不是会出现乱码的。 1. 不设置fileEncoding,此时不会有乱码现象。 2. fileEncoding="gb2312",文件以utf-8编码,此时也不会有乱码现象。 因此,我建议最好让所有文件都以UTF-8编码保存,从而解决这类乱码问题。 回到顶部 AJAX提交的数据乱码问题 AJAX技术流行了这么多年了,我想现在没有几个网站不使用这种技术的。 然而,有些人在使用AJAX时,遇到了乱码问题。

What is the equivalent of JavaScript's encodeURIcomponent in PHP?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-27 17:07:53
问题 What is the equivalent of JavaScript's encodeURIcomponent function in PHP? 回答1: Try rawurlencode. Or to be more precise: function encodeURIComponent($str) { $revert = array('%21'=>'!', '%2A'=>'*', '%27'=>"'", '%28'=>'(', '%29'=>')'); return strtr(rawurlencode($str), $revert); } This function works exactly how encodeURIComponent is defined: encodeURIComponent escapes all characters except the following: alphabetic, decimal digits, - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) 回答2: Did you try urlencode ? 回答3: function

What is the equivalent of JavaScript's encodeURIcomponent in PHP?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-27 17:07:23
问题 What is the equivalent of JavaScript's encodeURIcomponent function in PHP? 回答1: Try rawurlencode. Or to be more precise: function encodeURIComponent($str) { $revert = array('%21'=>'!', '%2A'=>'*', '%27'=>"'", '%28'=>'(', '%29'=>')'); return strtr(rawurlencode($str), $revert); } This function works exactly how encodeURIComponent is defined: encodeURIComponent escapes all characters except the following: alphabetic, decimal digits, - _ . ! ~ * ' ( ) 回答2: Did you try urlencode ? 回答3: function

php+ajax+javascript: encodeURIComponent cuts my text when sending to the server

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-25 03:22:16
问题 This is my first question... I hope my problem doesn't look stupid... html (any symbols are allowed) ---> javascript event ---> javascript function sends text to .php file using ajax method. Here is a problem: when I use xmlhttp.open("GET","proceed.php?q="+encodeURIComponent(str),false); it works great for small texts (less than 1500 symbols).... If I use xmlhttp.open("GET","proceed.php?q="+str,false); then it works for any length, but I have to be careful with special characters. Why doesn't

JavaScript encode field without spoiling the display

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-24 07:36:10
问题 I want to encode a specific search field before submitting as a $_GET request. What I am doing is to apply encodeURIComponent() function over that field before the form is submitted $('#frmMainSearch').submit(function() { var field = $(this).find('#searchinput'); field.val(encodeURIComponent(field.val())); }); the issue is that as soon as the text is encoded, the field displays the encoded text which looks a bit weird. Is there anything I can do to avoid it? Example: I type Hello & Hello .

Sending special characters in Ajax POST and JSON

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-24 07:03:21
问题 @SOLVED As explained by James M. Lay, I should change my content-type from application/x-www-form-urlencoded to application/json it implied in an error because it seems that only UrlEnconded types generates POST arrays in server side (at least in PHP). So I had to change the way I receive/deal with the request in my server script $json = file_get_contents('php://input'); //yes. php://input if($json) $params = json_decode($json,true); else $params = $_POST; I also had to make a few changes in

how can I javascript decodeURI in PHP?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-19 03:18:49
问题 I have a javascript which sends some specific information to a PHP api . Before to send it performs encodeURI . How can I "decode" it in PHP ? I understand that urldecode/urlencode is different that javascript encode/decodeURI so what can I use ? 回答1: Unless you've encoded it multiple times (e.g. by explicitly calling the encode method AND inserting the value into a form field which is then submitted) you don't need to do anything - it is transparently converted back to its original form when

how can I javascript decodeURI in PHP?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-19 03:18:34
问题 I have a javascript which sends some specific information to a PHP api . Before to send it performs encodeURI . How can I "decode" it in PHP ? I understand that urldecode/urlencode is different that javascript encode/decodeURI so what can I use ? 回答1: Unless you've encoded it multiple times (e.g. by explicitly calling the encode method AND inserting the value into a form field which is then submitted) you don't need to do anything - it is transparently converted back to its original form when


纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-15 09:36:47
                     HttpPrinter                       使用说明                      (V1.0) 山东易桥智能科技有限公司 网站: http://www.HttpPrinter.com http://www.yiqiao.net.cn 手机/微信:13165191728 QQ:46140262 群号: 230518187 (免费版) 666783702 (收费版) 免费版 无任何功能限制,例如 设计报表,报表路径,客户端连接数,导出pdf,jpg文件,设置偏移值 等. 不提供技术咨询 收费版(500元) 一次付费,提供永久技术咨询. 提供OEM服务,替换软件名称,联系方式等信息. 享受打折服务(定制功能,设计报表等). 本软件 您可以免费使用,如果您需要 设计报表模板 , 定制功能, 提供技术指导 ,请联系作者! 一、概述: 常用的报表打印的方法包括: 1.使用activex打印 但是 只能用在IE中,然而微软已经放弃了IE,chrome一家独大,新版的EDGE都用chrome开源内核了. 2.生成pdf打印 但是 效率 和 打印效果有限制.你批量打印数据试试,不累死你,生成一个pdf,自己点击打印一次. 3.用js 传递数据 给 报表服务器,可兼容各种浏览器. 4.安卓 IOS 自定打印机打印

怎样设置默认打印机(HttpPrinter 易桥网络打印机)

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-15 09:36:43
怎样设置默认打印机(HttpPrinter 易桥网络打印机) 1.把 报表绑定打印机 2.客户端打印时 指定打印机, 控制面板中 可以查看您的 打印机的名称 下面的 "PrinterName": encodeURIComponent("打印机名称"), 改为 "PrinterName": encodeURIComponent("EPSON LQ-630K ESC/P2") { "ReportName": encodeURIComponent("test.grf"), / 报表文件名 / "Copies": 1, / 可选。打印份数,支持指定打印份数。默认1份,如果为零,不打印,只返回报表生成的pdf,jpg等文件 / "PrinterName": encodeURIComponent("打印机名称"), / 可选。指定打印机,为空的话 使用默认打印机, 请在 控制面板 -> 设备和打印机 中查看您的打印机的名称 / "PrintOffsetX": 0, / 可选。打印右偏移,单位厘米。报表的水平方向上的偏移量,向右为正,向左为负。 / "PrintOffsetY": 0, / 可选。打印下偏移,单位厘米。 报表的垂直方向上的偏移量,向下为正,向上为负。 / "token": encodeURIComponent("aa"), /*可选。只要token值在列表中 方可打印