

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-01-21 16:12:48
一、简介 EGL 是渲染 API(如 OpenGL ES)和原生窗口系统之间的接口。 通常来说, OpenGL 是一个操作 GPU 的 API ,它通过驱动向 GPU 发送相关指令,控制图形渲染管线状态机的运行状态,但是当涉及到与本地窗口系统进行交互时,就需要这么一个中间层,且它最好是与平台无关的。 因此 EGL 被设计出来,作为 OpenGL 和原生窗口系统之间的桥梁。 二、功能 EGL API 是独立于 OpenGL ES 各版本标准的独立的一套 API,其主要作用是为 OpenGL 指令 创建 Context 、绘制目标 Surface 、配置 FrameBuffer 属性、Swap 提交绘制结果 等。 EGL 提供如下机制: 与设备原生窗口通信 查询绘制 surface 的可用类型和配置 创建绘制 surface 在 OpenGL ES 3.0 或其他渲染 API 之间同步渲染 管理纹理贴图等渲染资源 --------------------- 作者:阿飞__ 来源:CSDN 原文: 来源:

Can eglSwapInterval(0) cause screen tearing?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-16 07:50:23
问题 When I read eglSwapInterval() api in those documents(, When I call eglSwapInterval() with zero value, eglSwapBuffers() call will do swapping back and front buffer without waiting vblank. That means buffer swapping can occur at any time. So, this can cause screen tearing? Or buffer swapping is also prevented during the vsync pulse in this case? 回答1: Yes. A zero swap interval

Swap Buffers and Clear Back using windowing system (GLX)

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-01-16 01:55:28
问题 When swapping between back and front buffers the content in the back buffer becomes undefined. I´d like to define it using the "windowing system", such as GLX, EGL, WGL. Using "native" renderer such as OpenGL (glClear) is my backup plan, don´t bother mentioning it. The reason it is backup is because I don´t want to mess with native rendering contexts. I´ll stick to X/GLX for this question but if you feel inclined to describe how to do it in other Environments then go ahead. From the Xlib

unity3d [EGL] Unable to acquire context: EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW: A NativeWindowType argument does not

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-14 21:05:54
对于unity 引擎错误:[EGL] Unable to acquire context: EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW: A NativeWindowType argument does not refer to a valid native window 解答: 这个错误的最终抛出,来源不是unity引擎,而是一个OpenGL ES EGL的错误,android和ios都会发生,unity只做了捕获抛出而已。 问题常发生在app被切到后台重新被唤醒,猜想在接入sdk后sdkActivity和unityActivity切换之间也可能发生,不确定条件的偶发。 u4上没有,主要是2017引擎做了渲染线程独立后出来的。应该是引擎渲染线程使用存在bug, unity在u5开始就在多个版本尝试修复,然而没什么效果,unity给的解决方案是:建议只要没有Crash可以忽略。 查询了Crash收集后台的fabric和crashreport相关日志均没有关于这个错误造成的crash 所以我们只能忽略。 来源: CSDN 作者:

EGL linker errors

蓝咒 提交于 2020-01-13 03:37:34
问题 I'm trying to link a really simple GLES2 & EGL program using g++ 4.9.1, on a Ubuntu Trusty system. I'm using the mesa libraries. I'm getting linker errors for EGL functions: test.cpp:(.text+0x342): undefined reference to `eglGetDisplay' test.cpp:(.text+0x389): undefined reference to `eglInitialize' test.cpp:(.text+0x40f): undefined reference to `eglCreateContext' test.cpp:(.text+0x458): undefined reference to `eglCreatePbufferSurface' test.cpp:(.text+0x49e): undefined reference to

Get bitmap to Unity through Android plugin using GLES20

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-04 09:22:22
问题 I'm trying to use the UpdateExternalTexture and CreateExternalTexture to pass a simple bitmap image from an android plugin into unity. On the documentation it says the latter is meant to be used with low level plugins. I'm a layer above that with java code. I'm getting a context error when I do any GLES20 call: call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) According to this excellent question this is because the context isn't right (or has none). I followed the

Get bitmap to Unity through Android plugin using GLES20

佐手、 提交于 2020-01-04 09:22:10
问题 I'm trying to use the UpdateExternalTexture and CreateExternalTexture to pass a simple bitmap image from an android plugin into unity. On the documentation it says the latter is meant to be used with low level plugins. I'm a layer above that with java code. I'm getting a context error when I do any GLES20 call: call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) According to this excellent question this is because the context isn't right (or has none). I followed the

OPENGL ES not working : no Current context

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-01 04:20:25
问题 I tried the program as shown in book OpenGL ES2 for Android, but it's not working!! I have tested in Odroid E, samsung s3, samsung y, samsung star!! the gl version suported returns 2, but i get 11-22 15:09:45.804: E/oGl-es v(9047): 2.0:131072 11-22 15:09:45.804: E/libEGL(9047): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 11-22 15:09:45.804: E/unable to(9047): createShader 11-22 15:09:45.804: E/libEGL(9047): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once

Android EGL/OpenGL ES Frame Rate Stuttering

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-31 14:55:37
问题 TL;DR Even when doing no drawing at all, it seems impossible to maintain a 60Hz update rate on an OpenGL ES rendering thread on an Android device. Mysterious spikes frequently crop up (demonstrated in the code at bottom), and every effort that I've made to figure out why or how has lead to a dead end. Timing in more complicated examples with a custom rendering thread has consistently shown eglSwapBuffers() to be the culprit, frequently coming in over 17ms-32ms. Help? More Details This is

xlib / egl how to get VSync/swapInterval on eglSwapBuffers

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-25 16:58:10
问题 I'm wondering how to properly enable vsync with eglSwapBuffers when using xlib. It seems that calls to eglSwapInterval are simply ignored. I'm running both in a windowed and full-screen mode. Is it possible that it simply isn't supported in the windowed mode? In this case, what is a good way to reduce the frequency at which I render (sleeping tends to cause errative behaviour as there is no guarantee when it awakes). 回答1: Eventually I found this after a lot of googling: http://lists