

烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-20 19:28:29
参照博客 java程序员技能树 (如有侵权马上删除) 经典回顾 操作系统( operation system OS) 简介 操作系统(operation system,简称OS)是管理 计算机硬件 与 软件 资源的 计算机程序 。操作系统需要处理如管理与配置 内存 、决定 系统资源 供需的优先次序、控制 输入设备 与 输出设备 、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本事务。操作系统也提供一个让用户与系统交互的操作界面。 主要的操作系统 嵌入式( VxWorks 、 eCos 、 Symbian OS 及 Palm OS 、 iOS 、 Android ) 类 Unix( System V 、 BSD 与 Linux ) Microsoft Windows( Windows XP 、 Windows 7 、 Windows 10 、) MacOS X( MacOS 和MacOS X ) Google Chrome OS( Google的轻型的、基于网络的计算机操作系统计划 ) 编译原理 基本概念 编译原理即是对高级程序语言进行翻译的一门科学技术, 我们都知道计算机程序由 程序语言 编写而成, 在早期计算机程序语言发展较为缓慢, 因为计算机存储的数据和执行的程序都是由0、1代码组合而成的,

pip install ecos error “ Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required.”

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-24 06:27:48
问题 I am trying to install the fancyimpute in my anaconda using pip install. but the error shows fail to install the ecos due to " Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required." the link provided is expired. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you! (py36) C:\Users\chenl>pip install ecos Collecting ecos Using cached Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.6 in c:\users\chenl

pip install ecos error “ Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required.”

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-24 06:26:04
问题 I am trying to install the fancyimpute in my anaconda using pip install. but the error shows fail to install the ecos due to " Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required." the link provided is expired. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you! (py36) C:\Users\chenl>pip install ecos Collecting ecos Using cached Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.6 in c:\users\chenl

Does fgets() locks stdout preventing printf

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-10 17:35:17
问题 I have a C program with two threads one of those threads is almost all the time blocked in a fgets() waiting for user input. The second thread may need to print to the terminal while the first one is blocked on fgets() . From my tests it seems that the program waits for the fgets() on the first thread to return and then the second thread can print. Is this who it works or could I print while the the other thread is blocked on the fgets() ? This implementations runs on eCos (embedded

GDB remote protocol: how to analyse packets?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-04 09:12:09
问题 I have: A proprietary prototype ARM board (Cortex-M3 based) with eCos OS The board has the programmed RedBoot bootloader Serial line (RS-232) GDB debugger for ARM (arm-eabi-gdb) Host OS is Windows/Cygwin and/or Linux (actually, doesn't matter) Problem: GDB debugger cannot connect to the target over the serial line. What I want: is to sniff the packets of the GDB remote protocol in order to undestand whether the GDB stub on the target is alive and operating. Details: RedBoot has an option to

GCC MIPS-32 Calling Conventions / Stack Frame Definition

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-03 17:17:23
问题 There appears to be no definitive standardized stack frame and C language calling conventions (register usage and such) for the MIPS-32 Processor Architecture. That is, it appears to be completely up to the assembler/compiler tool chain to define their own stack frame and calling conventions. I've struggled to find a definitive reference of what conventions the GCC compiler uses for MIPS-32 instruction set. I'm specially using GCC cross-compiler on Cygwin that targets a MIPS-32 core being

windows 下的 Cygwin 安装

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-03 15:07:39
Cygwin是一个在windows平台上运行的类UNIX模拟环境,是cygnus solutions公司开发的 自由软件 (该公司开发的著名工具还有eCos,不过现已被 Redhat 收购)。它对于学习UNIX/ Linux 操作环境,或者从UNIX到Windows的应用程序移植,或者进行某些特殊的开发工作,尤其是使用GNU工具集在Windows上进行 嵌入式系统开发 ,非常有用 1:下载cygwin 2:安装 一直默认下一步,这步是选择代理或者是直连,默认即可。 这步选择下载点,默认第一个就可以。有的是国内的可能下载速度快一下,根据自己情况选择 这一步选择安装的插件,一定要安装lynx (说明一下利用lynx,可以安装 apt-cyg ,利用apt-cyg就可以安装其他软件了),这里也可以安装其他的插件,例如wget,openssh等等。 3:安装完成,进入cygwin,安装 apt-cyg 1 : lynx -source > apt-cyg 2 :install apt-cyg /bin 4:安装其他软件 apt-cyg install vim apt-cyg install openssh 其他操作和linux基本相同。 ps:

GCC MIPS-32 Calling Conventions / Stack Frame Definition

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-03 07:19:27
There appears to be no definitive standardized stack frame and C language calling conventions (register usage and such) for the MIPS-32 Processor Architecture. That is, it appears to be completely up to the assembler/compiler tool chain to define their own stack frame and calling conventions. I've struggled to find a definitive reference of what conventions the GCC compiler uses for MIPS-32 instruction set. I'm specially using GCC cross-compiler on Cygwin that targets a MIPS-32 core being used in an embedded environment on the eCos open source kernel. Any references to definitive documentation

cvxpy/ecos pip installation error

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:10:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: This is a borderline SuperUser question. I've been using pip install <x> to add packages to my 3.6.2 installation, from powershell on Windows 10. I'm struggling to install CVXPY. Specifically, I've already upgraded setuptools and installed visual studio c++ 14. Also, I installed C++ 2008 as suggested by a github user: . But, I couldn't implement her other suggestion (edit ecosmodules.c) because I dont think that file exists in the raw package I downloaded from github Below is the traceback when I


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-01 12:42:48
# 看书 网络库 mysql++ Linux_UNIX系统编程手册(上) Redis设计与实现(完整版)-黄健宏 GDB调试 effective C++ 剑指offer # http学习 [菜鸟教程](<>) HyperText Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议 因特网上应用最为广泛的一种网络传输协议,所有的WWW文件都必须遵守这个标准。 基于**TCP/IP通信协议**来传递数据(HTML 文件, 图片文件, 查询结果等)。 ## html文件/语言? [超文本](<>) ## xml格式? # httplib库 # cmake cmake支持嵌套! 设置include来保证找库的路径对 记得常见的内置参数 链接动态库link library # c++ primer “”在当前目录下找,<>在库目录下找(用cmakelist规定) using namespace尽量不要写在h文件中,具体见《Effective C++》 # curl命令 ```shell curl -v -X GET ``` # 正则表达式 # 将ecos代码跑起来