
Jquery modify elements in each loop

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2021-02-07 08:39:46
问题 Using jquery, I want to loop all elements having the class "item" and apply different background colors according to the index of the element. mapcolor is an array of colors (length = number of elements having "item" class) $.each($(".item"), function(i,e){ $("#"+e).css("background-color",mapcolor[i]); }); $("#"+e) selector doesn't work as expected, neither $("#"+e.id) ... Something's wrong with my selector. Any idea? 回答1: use .each() method instead and you have to be in the context with $

mysql - select records with near distance from each other

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2021-01-27 17:51:06
问题 I have a mysql table containing locations, for example: ID latitude longitude value 1 11.11111 22.22222 1 2 33.33333 44.44444 2 3 11.11112 22.22223 5 I want to select records which are located near to each other (in the above example, rows 1 and 3), so that I can insert them in a new table as one record. By saying near, let's say 100 meters. I would like the new table to be: ID latitude longitude value 1 11.11111 22.22222 3 2 33.33333 44.44444 2 As you can see, I would like to keep the

setTimeout and array each

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-08-18 09:15:17
问题 I'm confused with using setTimeout and the each iterator. How can I rewrite the following so that the console outputs each name after a delay of 5 seconds? Currently the code below prints all the names at once after 5 seconds. I would like to: 1) wait 5 seconds, then print kevin 2) wait 5 seconds, then print mike 3) wait 5 seconds, then print sally var ary = ['kevin', 'mike', 'sally']; _(ary).each(function(person){ setTimeout(function(){ console.log(person); }, 5000); }); 回答1: You could


对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-04-06 02:44:58
Update操作只作用于集合中存在的文档。MongoDB提供了如下方法来更新集合中的文档: db.collection.update() db.collection.updateOne() New in version 3.2 db.collection.updateMany() New in version 3.2 db.collection.replaceOne() New in version 3. 你可以通过指定criteria或者filter来指定你想更新的文档: update函数执行数据更新操作,该函数接受3个主要参数:criteria,action,options: 参数criteria用于指定一个查询,查询选择将要更新的目标记录。 参数action用于指定更新信息,也可以使用操作符来完成。 参数options用于指定更新文档时的选项,可选值包括:upsert和multi。upsert可以指定如果数据存在就更新,不存在就创建数据;multi选项指定是否应该更新所有匹配的文档,或者只更新第一个文档(默认行为)。 为了更好的演示,插入数据: db.users.insertMany( [ { _id: 1, name: "sue", age: 19, type: 1, status: "P", favorites: { artist: "Picasso", food:


北城以北 提交于 2020-04-04 22:34:49
jQuery中each类似于javascript的for循环 但不同于for循环的是在each里面不能使用break结束循环,也不能使用continue来结束本次循环,想要实现类似的功能就只能用return, break 用return false continue 用return ture var tab1 = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; var tab_2 = []; $(tab1).each(function(i,el){ if(el < 5 && el >2) return false; tab_2.push(el); }); console.log(tab_2); //false =>[0,1,2] //true => [0, 1, 2, 5, 6] 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/gxp69/p/7365529.html


时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2020-04-04 21:10:47
错误:有些朋友可能会以为在jquery跳出循环可以直接使用continue和break了,但是使用之后没有效果,因为在jquery中没有这两条命令。 正确: return false;——跳出所有循环;相当于 javascript 中的 break 效果。 return true;——跳出当前循环,进入下一个循环;相当于 javascript 中的 continue 效果 实例: $(function (){ $("input[type='text']").each(function (i){ var _val=$(this).val(); alert(_val); if(_val=='2'){ return false; //跳出循环 } }) }); 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chengx/p/6422690.html

How To Draw Graphs with Core Plot, Part 2

随声附和 提交于 2020-04-03 05:28:25
This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Steve Baranski , the founder of komorka technology , a provider of iOS development and consulting services. Welcome to the second part of the Core Plot tutorial series! In the first part of this series , you created a tab bar controller application that provided tabs for three separate charts/graphs. You added the Core Plot framework to the project and explored some of the key framework components as you built a dynamically-themed pie chart. We’re going to start where we left off last time, so download the project from last time if you don’t have

How To Draw Graphs with Core Plot, Part 2

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-04-03 05:27:51
From: http://www.raywenderlich.com/13271/how-to-draw-graphs-with-core-plot-part-2 This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Steve Baranski , the founder of komorka technology , a provider of iOS development and consulting services. Welcome to the second part of the Core Plot tutorial series! In the first part of this series , you created a tab bar controller application that provided tabs for three separate charts/graphs. You added the Core Plot framework to the project and explored some of the key framework components as you built a dynamically-themed pie chart. We’re going to start