
Is there a specification available for the Autodesk SVF format?

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-01-29 13:20:23
问题 I'm building a cross platform 3D viewing application in C#/C++ and would like to add support for Autodesk SVF files. I looked at Autodesk Forge but it has limited support for exporting to open formats such as OBJ, and Autodesk SVF does not appear to be the same format as the similarly named Simple Vector Format (http://www.svf.org/) as was stated here: https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/updated-little-more-detail-behind-autodesk-forge-apis-0 Is there a schema or specification available somewhere

AutoCAD中的Deep Clone

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-04-04 15:41:10
AutoCAD中的Deep Clone 所谓Deep clone是指将实体从一个dwg文件拷贝至另一个dwg文件,类似于Ctr+C,CtrV,而普通的实体的Copy()方法,是在单个dwg文件中输入命令'copy', 在Pycomcad中,实现deep colone是通过Document的CopyObjects方法实现的,语法如下: Retval=obj.CopyObjects(objects[,Owner][,IDPairs]) Retval :新创建的复制的对象组,在pycomcad中,返回的是包含复制后的对象的元组。 obj :Document,Database objects :需要被deep clone的对象组(变体),该对象组必须在同一个owner1中,这个owner1就是调用CopyObjects的obj(Document或者Database),在pyccomcad中,可通过VtObject()函数转换。 Owner :可选参数,单个对象(变体),其他文件的ModeSpace。 IDPairs :可选参数。Input:an empty variant,在pycomcad中,为win32com.client.test2=acad.acad.ActiveDocument.CopyObjects(objs,owner,idp). Output:IDPair objects组


柔情痞子 提交于 2020-03-13 19:51:28
(1)dxf转dwg:打开dxf,另存为dwg //打开dxf ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), strDxfPath, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW); //另存为dwg AcDbDatabase * pDB = acdbCurDwg(); Acad::ErrorStatus es = pDB->saveAs(strDwgPath); (2)dwg转png,jpg 方法1:调用CAD的命令pngout,jpgout 方法2:调用CAD的打印 dwg转jpg: bool DwgToJpg( CString strDwgPath, CString& strJpgPath,LPCTSTR strPixel, AcGePoint3d ptS,AcGePoint3d ptE) { if ( _taccess(strDwgPath ,0) == -1 ) return false; //dwg文件路径 CComVar strTmpDwg; CopyFile(strDwgPath, strTmpDwg, FALSE); //jpg文件路径 CString strTmpJpg = strTmpDwg.GetFilePathOnly()+strTmpDwg.GetFileNameOnly()+_T(".jpg"); COpDWG on(strTmpDwg);


自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-24 01:48:38
问题 FreeCAD 0.17无法打开.dwg文件 显示下面提示: 方法 下载ODA File Converter 安装 Ubuntu18.04的安装后路径为: usr/bin/ODAFileConverter 配置 Edit → Preferences → Import-Export → DWG→ “Path to Teigha File Converter” 使用:之后打开.dwg文件,就会自动弹出ODAFileConcerter的界面,并转换文件并在FreeCAD中打开。 如果打不开,检查ODAFileConcerter的路径(windows是需要是配置到ODAFileConcerter.exe这一级别)。或者检查原始文件。 参考 https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/FreeCAD_and_DWG_Import https://www.opendesign.com/guestfiles/oda_file_converter 来源: CSDN 作者: _TFboy 链接: https://blog.csdn.net/icurious/article/details/103830006

How to export DWG files to images using AutoCad API with C#?

半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-02 23:14:51
问题 I have AutoDesk 2014 and VS2012 installed. I already have the dlls mentioned here and also tried this but not worked. I really need to know how to export those files to images, jpg, png,.. using C# code. Thanks! 回答1: The DLLs and code you mentioned are used to create plugins for AutoCAD. You can create images (PNG or other) using a code like this: http://through-the-interface.typepad.com/through_the_interface/2007/04/taking_a_snapsh.html But you may need to get started with the API, see a

ReadDwgFile from URL in Autocad I/O

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-25 08:48:30
问题 I try to do a program upload in AUtocad I/O It works good in local but in the cloud i get the message : Error: Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception: eInetFileOpenFailed [10/03/2017 09:05:07] at Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Database.ReadDwgFile(String fileName, FileShare fileSharing, Boolean allowCPConversion, String password) I use this code to get the DWG that i need to implement. blockQualifiedFileName = "http://urltoDWG.dwg"; sourceDb.ReadDwgFile(blockQualifiedFileName, System.IO

ObjectARX, RealDWG or Teigha? [closed]

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-23 17:10:05
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed last year . I'm planning on developing a piece of software that reads & manipulates data in a .dwg file. Instead of writing my own library that handles the 'reading' of the data file, I've decided to use either RealDWG or Teigha, however I'm struggling to understand exactly how they work.

How to handle DWG files in C++

孤人 提交于 2019-12-23 12:34:17
问题 I'm working on a project where I will need to import line data from a .dwg file in C++ and am struggling to know where to start. I've had a look at this http://opendesign.com/files/guestdownloads/OpenDesign_Specification_for_.dwg_files.pdf, and I think it is possibly too hardcore for me unless anyone knows of a way of describing, simply, in code the strategy for decoding it? For instance, presumably every single operation would have to be bit wise? Other than that, I might have to rely on

Is It Possible To Include DWG Trueview In The Android SDK As A Tool To Open And View a DWG File?

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-22 01:26:47
问题 We are developing an application which is able to open and modify a DWG file without converting it to other formats (e.g. PDF, JPG). In this application we need to allow the user to open and view DWG files. Can someone please help us with this? Or suggest some other ways by which we can open and view DWG files without converting it to any other image file format ? 回答1: We are developing an application...to open and modify a DWG file What in particular do you need help with? You're going to be