
java: Single socket on read write operation. Full duplex

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-05 12:11:24
问题 I have to implement sending data with specific source port and in the same time listen to that port. Full duplex. Does anybody know how to implement it on java. I tried to create separate thread for listening on socket input stream but it doesnt work. I cannot bind ServerSocket and client socket to the same source port and the the same with netty. It there any solution for dull duplex? init(){ socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(Target.getHost()), Target.getPort(), InetAddress.getByName

Can not access WCF duplex from client

Deadly 提交于 2020-01-05 04:02:32
问题 I'm STUCK and have no IDEA why I can't connect to my WCF!!! Details: I have a duplex WCF, it successfully run and work in my local window. I host it in server (IIS - server 2008 R2-STANDARD), and trying to connect, but get an error seems like a security issue, I can access it from the web browser and get all the xml.... In my client I'm trying to access it as following: this.myCallbackProxy = new MyCallbackProxy(); InstanceContext cntx = new InstanceContext(myCallbackProxy); this.Proxy = new

Updating the asp.net page from the asynchronous WCF duplex call - object scope - ASP.NET

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-03 06:49:34
问题 I've the following doubt. I've a page "MyPage" and i've declared few dictionary objects in the page class. My doubt is If i declare the dictionary as a private non-static object i'm not able to use it across the functions in that page class (the object is getting nulled) But if i declare the dictionary to be static i'm able to across the object across the functions. But will that object be same across all the users who have opened the page right now (guessing that each user will have an

How to: Responsive available Wcf duplex communication

余生颓废 提交于 2020-01-02 09:27:31
问题 I'm working on an application that uses WCF to communicate between server and clients Server has changing number of services, along with one master service that clients can query for information about other services, and then subscribe to those they want using information from master service. Master service sends notifications to subscribed clients, when sub-services change (added, removed, etc) Also sub-services send notifications every few seconds. This sounds like a great opportunity for

WCF Duplex Callback Sample failing

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-21 03:58:10
问题 In an effort to hone some example services to be used as reference for our internal scenarios, I've created this WCF Duplex Channel example, pulling together several examples found through the years. The duplex part isn't working and I'm hoping we can all figure it out together. I hate posting this much code, but I feel I've trimmed this down as short as WCF can go, while incorporating all the parts I'm hoping to have vetted by the community. There might be some really bad ideas in here, I'm

Is TCP bidirectional or full-duplex?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-20 08:57:39
问题 Bidirectional and full-duplex are different concepts. For example the Ethernet is only half-duplex because at a specific time, only one host can send data over the wire, and it cannot send and receive data simultaneously . So when we use TCP over an Ethernet, I think TCP is only bidirectional or half-duplex. But here it says TCP is full-duplex. Why? 回答1: It's certainly bidirectional, since both parties send / receive packets. What exactly do you mean when you ask if TCP is full-duplex? Both

How to adjust audio panning with RtAudio

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-19 09:43:12
问题 I use Rtaudio library and I would like to implement an audio program where I can control the panning (e.g. shifting the sound from the left channel to the right channel). In my specific case, I use a duplex mode (you can find an example here: duplex mode). It means that I link the microphone input to the speaker output. Should I apply a filter on the output buffer? What kind of filter? Can anyone help me? 回答1: To reduce the signal on the left, simply multiply every sample on the left by a

Printing with advanced options (tray selection, duplex, staple)

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-17 19:29:37
问题 We have a project of managing printing documents. At first I wonder why printing options couldn't be set up in single place. For example printer tray selection for first page and for other pages can be done using MS Word automation : var doc = _applicationObject.Documents.OpenNoRepairDialog(FileName: ref sourceFile, ReadOnly: ref readOnly, AddToRecentFiles: ref addToRecentFiles, Visible: ref visible); doc.PageSetup.FirstPageTray = (WdPaperTray) firstPageTrayCode; doc.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray

WSDualHttpBinding for duplex callbacks

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-17 16:20:50
问题 Would using WSDualHttpBinding for duplex callbacks work in real-world scenarios? Say, I have a .NET application that uses a random port, would the service be able to resolve the client's base addresses and port for callbacks? 回答1: A complete answer to your question depends on the "real-world scenario" being either an Intranet or an Internet scenario. Although WSDualHttpBinding works in both scenarios there are specifics to be aware of: Intranet WSDualHttpBinding will work with your .NET

Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-17 09:38:07
问题 I have moved my file transfer service from basicHttpBinding to netTcpBinding as I am trying to set up a duplex mode channel. I have also started my net.tcp port sharing service. I am currently in dev and am self hosting on an xp box until we move the app to a dev server. so, for now, I do not have access to IIS. After configuring my service as such: <service behaviorConfiguration="transferServiceBehavior" name="API.FileTransfer.FileTransferService"> <endpoint name="MyFileTransferEP" address =