
Drupal 8 add ajax form element after ajax callback

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-27 11:39:57
问题 I am building a drupal form with multiple ajax enabled form elements. I have one select list that does an ajax callback after change. The problem is that it adds a new select list to the page, which is also ajax enabled. This does not seem to work, which seems logical to me because the ajax is actually bundled an added to the page so it is lost in the replacecommand. Is there anyone experienced with this, and does anyone have a solution ? This is my code /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function

Drupal Local Development Setup/Environment

我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-12-13 20:57:28
问题 Background I have been developing Drupal Sites for a little over 2 years now and I have noticed that my dev environments are not as user friendly and as simple as I have expected. The current process is we have a git repo where we store all the code, then we have a vagrant box setup as our virtual machine to run our local development in. The issue comes along with the fact of constantly having to go through loop holes of trying to get everything to work well together. Or there will be issues


感情迁移 提交于 2020-10-02 01:27:41
一、前言 随着新漏洞数量的不断增加,漏洞管理已成为确保业务连续运行的最关键过程之一。很明显,及时修补是必不可少的,但定量了解延迟如何增加风险也很重要。攻-击者使用刚刚披露的CVE或未知(0day)漏洞来破坏是什么?为了了解漏洞披露和漏洞利用开发的状况,在撰写本文时,研究人员分析了Exploit Database中的45,450种公共可用漏洞。该研究将漏洞利用数据与漏洞和补丁信息相关联,以从多个方面研究漏洞的发展。 研究表明: 在漏洞数据库中的45,450个公共漏洞中,漏洞数据库中有1,1,079(〜26%)个已映射CVE编号的漏洞。 在这1,1,079个漏洞中:14%是0day(在供应商发布补丁之前发布),23%在补丁发布后一周内发布,50%在补丁发布后一个月内发布。平均而言,漏洞发布是在补丁发布后37天发布的。尽快修补-供应商发布修补程序后,被利用漏洞的风险迅速增加。 在发布CVE之前,已经发布了80%的公共漏洞利用程序。平均而言,漏洞利用是在CVE发布前23天发布的。软件和硬件也可能带有没有CVE的公共漏洞。经常检查供应商的安全更新,并尽快应用更新。 自1999年以来的整个CVE列表,发现平均而言,分配CVE-ID 40天后发布CVE。在撰写本文时,研究人员分析了177,043个条目,其中超过10,000个CVE处于“保留”状态已超过两年

How do I make this date string less verbose? [closed]

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2020-08-20 16:13:52
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 6 days ago . Improve this question I have an events website that displays plain text dates in a rather verbose manner, as shown below. August 10th, 08:00AM - August 10th 08:15AM How can I use Javascript to make this less verbose? Something like this... August 10th, 08:00AM - 08:15AM To be clear

How do I make this date string less verbose? [closed]

我的梦境 提交于 2020-08-20 16:13:47
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 6 days ago . Improve this question I have an events website that displays plain text dates in a rather verbose manner, as shown below. August 10th, 08:00AM - August 10th 08:15AM How can I use Javascript to make this less verbose? Something like this... August 10th, 08:00AM - 08:15AM To be clear

How do I make this date string less verbose? [closed]

半腔热情 提交于 2020-08-20 16:12:58
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 6 days ago . Improve this question I have an events website that displays plain text dates in a rather verbose manner, as shown below. August 10th, 08:00AM - August 10th 08:15AM How can I use Javascript to make this less verbose? Something like this... August 10th, 08:00AM - 08:15AM To be clear

Bulehero 蠕虫病毒安全分析报告

十年热恋 提交于 2020-08-17 08:00:31
作者:answerboy @知道创宇404积极防御实验室 时间:2020年8月5日 1 概述 近日知道创宇404积极防御团队通过知道创宇云防御安全大数据平台(GAC)监测到大量利用Struts2、ThinkPHP等多个Web组件漏洞进行的组合攻击,并捕获到相关样本,经分析确认该样本为Bulehero蠕虫病毒。目前该Web攻击均被创宇盾拦截;知道创宇NDR流量监测系统也已经支持检测所有相关恶意IOC及流量。 2 追溯分析 2.1 发现攻击 2020年7月26日,通过日志分析发现IP: 47.92.*.* (北京)、 119.23.*.* (广东)、 117.89.*.* (南京)等多个IP对客户网站发起Web漏洞攻击,通过远程下载并执行恶意文件Download.exe,如下: ThinkphpV5进行攻击: Tomcat PUT方式任意文件文件上传: Struts2远程命令执行: 经过分析,发现Download.exe为下载器,执行流程如下: 图1-执行流程 2.2 详细分析 2.2.1 Download.exe Download.exe作为下载器,攻击成功之后会继续前往 http://UeR.ReiyKiQ.ir/AdPopBlocker.exe 下载AdPopBlocker.exe到系统TEMP目录并创建名为Uvwxya和fmrgsebls的计划任务来实现自启动,如下: 图2

Web探索之旅 | 第二部分第三课:框架和内容管理系统

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2020-08-13 01:01:43
>作者 谢恩铭,公众号「程序员联盟」(微信号:coderhub)。 转载请注明出处。 原文: https://www.jianshu.com/p/0038473f34cb > 《Web探索之旅》 全系列 内容简介 前言 框架和内容管理系统 总结 第二部分第四课预告 1. 前言 上一课 Web探索之旅 | 第二部分第二课:服务器语言 中,我们介绍了服务器端的编程语言,有 PHP,Java,Python,Ruby,C#,Go,等等。 这一课我们来学习基于这些语言衍生出来的框架(Framework),然后再看看什么是内容管理系统(CMS)。 2. 框架和内容管理系统 框架(Framework) 什么是 Framework(框架)呢? framework 在英语中是“框架,骨架;结构,构架”的意思。 要对 Framework 给出一个准确的定义很难,因为有几种不同的定义。可以参看这个百度百科: 框架 。 不过我想给它一个简单,也许并不十分准确的形象表述: >Framework 就好比一个超级工具箱。如果纯用编程语言可以解决问题,那么框架则帮助我们“站在巨人的肩膀上”,使用别人已经写好的基于某种或某几种编程语言的一个架构,更快速地解决问题。 或者如果把编程语言比喻成基本的原料,如木头,钢铁等,那么框架就像榔头,剪刀这样的由基本原料制作成的工具,可以为我们实现更复杂的东西。 所以,既然我们有