
Am I closing my input stream correctly in Java?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-05-24 04:14:29
问题 I created a class that extends InputStream so that I can keep count of the number of bytes being read and throw an exception if it exceeds a max limit that I define. Here is my class: public class LimitedSizeInputStream extends InputStream { private final InputStream original; private final long maxSize; private long total; public LimitedSizeInputStream(InputStream original, long maxSize) { this.original = original; this.maxSize = maxSize; } @Override public int read() throws IOException {


寵の児 提交于 2020-04-21 23:45:32
这几年来,微服务这个概念越来越火了,火到什么程度呢? 2019年有一个统计说,两千家企业里, 45%在使用微服务,16%在实验开发和测试微服务架构,24%在学习微服务准备转型,只有剩下的15%的企业没有使用微服务。 微服务到底有什么好呢? 微服务在2013年才被提出,短短几年就有这么快速的发展。 微服务架构能够实现由小型自主服务组成一个整体应用,各个组成部分之间是松耦合的,复杂性低,各个部分可以独立部署,修复bug或者引入新特性更容易,能够独立扩展,不同技术栈之间可以使用不同框架、不同版本库甚至不同的操作系统平台。 对于中大型架构系统来说,微服务更加便捷,微服务成为很多企业架构重构的方向,同时也对 架构师提出更高的挑战。 目前有很多常用于微服务构建的框架,对于构建微服务架构能够带来一些帮助。 Java语言相关微服务框架 1.Spring Boot Spring Boot的设计目的是简化新Spring应用初始搭建以及开发过程,2017年有64.4%的受访者决定使用Spring Boot,可以说是最受欢迎的微服务开发框架。 利用Spring Boot开发的便捷度简化分布式系统基础设施的开发,比如像配置中心、注册、负载均衡等方面都可以做到一键启动和一键部署。 2.Spring Cloud Spring Cloud是一个系列框架的合计,基于HTTP(s)的RETS服务构建服务体系

Configure dropwizard to server index.html for (almost) all routes?

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-04-08 04:59:44
问题 I'm building a single page application which does all of it's html request routing on the client side and on the backend it uses dropwizard to provide a bunch of JSON services. Essentially I'm having trouble getting the jetty in dropwizard to serve index.html for every request except to the following paths: /css /i18n /img /js /lib /services /templates In fact I'm having a lot of trouble finding documentation that tells you how to setup any http routing at all. (I'm not a java guy). Here's my

Configure dropwizard to server index.html for (almost) all routes?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-04-08 04:59:32
问题 I'm building a single page application which does all of it's html request routing on the client side and on the backend it uses dropwizard to provide a bunch of JSON services. Essentially I'm having trouble getting the jetty in dropwizard to serve index.html for every request except to the following paths: /css /i18n /img /js /lib /services /templates In fact I'm having a lot of trouble finding documentation that tells you how to setup any http routing at all. (I'm not a java guy). Here's my

Meaning of each field in default Format of HTTP Request Log in DropWizard

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-03-17 08:58:44
问题 The access log that get generated in Dropwizard are something of following format:- - - [16/Mar/2015:23:59:59 +0530] "GET /yyyy/vx.x/uri HTTP/1.1" 200 - "-" "-" 1 Field 1 :- (Ip Address from which request came) Field 2 :- [16/Mar/2015:23:59:59 +0530] (Time and Date when request came) Field 3 :- "GET /yyyy/vx.x/uri HTTP/1.1" (HTTP Rest API method) Field 4 :- 200 (HTTP Response code) Field 5 :- "-" (????) Field 6 :- "-" (????) Field 7 :- 1 (????) Can someone explain the


左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-03-11 07:02:24
这几年来,微服务这个概念越来越火了,火到什么程度呢?2019年有一个统计说,两千家企业里,45%在使用微服务,16%在实验开发和测试微服务架构,24%在学习微服务准备转型,只有剩下的15%的企业没有使用微服务。 微服务到底有什么好呢?微服务在2013年才被提出,短短几年就有这么快速的发展。微服务架构能够实现由小型自主服务组成一个整体应用,各个组成部分之间是松耦合的,复杂性低,各个部分可以独立部署,修复bug或者引入新特性更容易,能够独立扩展,不同技术栈之间可以使用不同框架、不同版本库甚至不同的操作系统平台。 对于中大型架构系统来说,微服务更加便捷,微服务成为很多企业架构重构的方向,同时也对架构师提出更高的挑战。目前有很多常用于微服务构建的框架,对于构建微服务架构能够带来一些帮助。 Java语言相关微服务框架 1.Spring Boot Spring Boot的设计目的是简化新Spring应用初始搭建以及开发过程,2017年有64.4%的受访者决定使用Spring Boot,可以说是最受欢迎的微服务开发框架。利用Spring Boot开发的便捷度简化分布式系统基础设施的开发,比如像配置中心、注册、负载均衡等方面都可以做到一键启动和一键部署。 2.Spring Cloud Spring Cloud是一个系列框架的合计,基于HTTP(s)的RETS服务构建服务体系,Spring

Run mvn package every time I make changes?

允我心安 提交于 2020-02-23 06:54:48
问题 Working on a DropWizard project for the first time which uses the docker-config.yml file to run the server using the jar file. The command I run on the terminal to run the server is something like this: java -jar target/foo-0.0.1.jar server conf/docker-conf.yml Do I have to run mvn package every single time I make a change? (for eg: even a small change like adding a System.out.println() statement to debug something) 回答1: mvn package is used to create a JAR - a deployable artifact of the

Configuration changes in dropwizard application to work with react browserHistory

走远了吗. 提交于 2020-02-05 02:51:11
问题 I have a react app running on a dropwizard server. The bundle.js is served on /ui. When I open the url on /ui and navigate the app(and goto /ui/content), it works fine. But when I try to refresh a specific page like /app/content, it gives a 404 . I know about client side rendering and server side rendering and also that I need to do a GET call for /ui and route the rest on client side, but I couldn't find any documentation for how to do it in dropwizard . I also know using hashHistory in

java.io.FileNotFoundException: File configuration.yml not found

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-24 10:24:09
问题 I have build a jar file of classes and configuration files. The configuration.yml file is located in root of the jar. When I try to run the application using the following command: java -jar target/drop-wizard-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server configuration.yml I get the exception below. How can I specify file located in jar from command prompt? Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: File configuration.yml not found <br> at io.dropwizard.configuration

How to show Dropwizard active requests in logs

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-16 13:19:08
问题 This question is related to the one I ask here. I'm trying to log the number of active requests being made to my Dropwizard application every 10 minutes. The idea is to track usage of the app so it can get the proper support. In doing this, I'm trying to expose the dropwizard metrics to the logs. For testing purposes, I've made the following code: @GET @Path("/metrics") public MetricRegistry provideMetrics() { MetricRegistry metrics = new MetricRegistry(); metrics.register("io.dropwizard