
Speeding up obfuscation process

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-10 16:48:50
问题 So, I've got a moderately to significantly complicated WPF application that I've got a requirement to obfuscate the output assemblies via Dotfuscator (pro edition - the one the client has a license for). Three issues: The obfuscation process crashes with an OutOfMemoryException approximately 85% of the time It takes a LONG time - the average obfuscation pass takes about 56 minutes to complete There are a whole heap of various issues that cause the app to crash with the obfuscated assemblies,

How to protect an API key in a .NET application

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-08 16:03:39
问题 My application hits a number of web services, such as Twitter and Flickr. It uses API keys from those services, and I'd like to obfuscate them in my binaries. (I'm not really worried about piracy or anything, I just need to keep these keys secret.) What's the best way to go about it? If I store them as const SecureString, does that keep them out of memory? The MSDN description says the text is "deleted from computer memory when no longer needed", but isn't a const always in memory? Will

Dotfuscator : Error after obfuscation

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-08 07:21:13
问题 I am using dotfuscator to obfuscate my application(myapp.exe). But i am getting error while running the obfuscated file. Below is the error when i open the exe which is obfuscated. "The settings property 'Import' was not found. ImportSetting" My application uses .config(myapp.exe.config) file which has setting like below <userSettings> <myapp.My.MySettings> <setting name="Import" serializeAs="String"> <value>True</value> </setting> </myapp.My.MySettings> </userSettings> If i don't

Dotfuscator Pro cant read licensing information under Jenkins buildserver

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-07 06:24:38
问题 I'm trying to get Dotfuscator Pro 4.13 to run between the unit tests and creation of installation package. The buildserver that we use is Jenkins 1.487 on Windows Server 2008 R2. The command line for dotfuscator is very simple, i use /q and point out an xml configuration file. it works like a charm when i manually run the exact command from the commandline. But when the same commands are executed by Jenkins the following error is logged: Use of this software implies acceptance of accompanying

Is it safe to manually generate .appxsym and .appxupload for Windows Store Apps crash analysis?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-05 12:21:52
We have an app with a manual packaging process (MakeAppx.exe). We would like to publish this app to the Store including the public symbols files, so that I can download the .cab process dump file for crash analysis ( such as described here ). I understand the .appxupload is a zip-file contaning the .appx package and an .appxsym file, which in turn is a .zip file containing the .pdb files ( also according to MSDN ). Is it safe to manually generate/edit these .appxsym and .appxupload for publishing? Yes. This is fine. As you note, the appxupload's format is documented as being a zip archive

Obfuscate Assembly and Reflection

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-04 22:02:13
问题 I want to obfuscate my assembly files (*.dll, *.exe) by Dotfuscator . my question is if I do this, can I still use classes and types that are in those assemblies by their original names (I mean names before obfuscation) and using System.Reflection methods to work with them? If you need more detail,please tell me 回答1: Obfuscation are Reflection can cause you some problem. Even if you take the suggestion to use option to not obfuscate public method, some of the reflected code may call private

dotfuscator parallel optimization?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-04 10:49:36
问题 My company uses Dotfuscator for our .NET application obfuscation. It works great, however I noticed it's a single threaded operation during our build process. Dotfuscator.exe is always running on a single core of our 8 core build machine and it makes me cry a little inside. Is there some magic to make it run a little more paralleled? Magic /MPgogogo flag? Bueller? 回答1: It's sad, but it's almost all single threaded (I'm a developer on it). It also isn't supported to run multiple instances of

How does Dotfuscator work?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-04 03:11:31
How does Dotfuscator work? I tried obfuscate some of my classes and it renamed the methods/class to a, b, c etc. But I can still see the code inside those methods? Is it that, I am doing something wrong? Is there anything that would prevent a totally block deassembling my assembly? Jon Tackabury That is the way it is supposed to work. Your code is still accessible, just more difficult to understand. If you want something "stronger", take a look at Xenocode PostBuild . Code obfuscation goes well beyond simple renaming of classes, members and variables, though that's an important part of it. For


家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-03 21:16:04
Dotfuscator 是专业的.NET程序代码保护软件。是支持规则自定义的,你可以对重命名、程序控制流、字符串加密等等功能自定义规则。在进行规则自定义过程中,可以通过元素的不同选择,满足自己的程序需要。 接下来小编为你汇总了在 Dotfuscator 软件树形视图中 自定义规则 的不同元素选择。 程序集 如果你选择了在树形视图最高节点,就表明了选择了整个程序集,意味着你选择了所有选项,模块,类型和构件等等都适用于规则。 模块 在最高节点下面的子节点,代表组成程序集的模板(通常情况下,程序节点下面至少有一个模板)。如果你选择模块元素,意味着规则作用于模板下的所有方法、字段、类型和构件。 命名空间 命名空间节点是模块子节点,选择命名空间元素,意味着规则针对模板节点下的类型和构件。 类型 类型节点在模块或命名空间节点下面,其中典型代表是嵌入式类型,类型名前缀与父类类型的区别符号是‘/’,所以可以通过类型名和类型父类名2种方式选择元素。 例如你要创建一个重命名排除规则,不选择子类类型,而且子类类型是相互独立的。当你选择父类类型时,生成的规则只会排除重命名类型的名字。相反,你选择子类类型时,将会排除重命名的所有内容。 构件 构件可以是模块,字符串,属性或事件。但通常情况他们出现在类型节点下面。选择构件元素就意味着这个规则只针对构件。 可见当一个程序想调用另外程序的模块、函数

dotfuscator parallel optimization?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2019-12-03 06:34:23
My company uses Dotfuscator for our .NET application obfuscation. It works great, however I noticed it's a single threaded operation during our build process. Dotfuscator.exe is always running on a single core of our 8 core build machine and it makes me cry a little inside. Is there some magic to make it run a little more paralleled? Magic /MPgogogo flag? Bueller? It's sad, but it's almost all single threaded (I'm a developer on it). It also isn't supported to run multiple instances of Dotfuscator in parallel.. mostly. If you have multiple separate assemblies/executables that need obfuscated,