
django Javascript dropdown

耗尽温柔 提交于 2021-01-04 09:11:17
问题 Am new to programming in Python and Javascript and I have been learning Python for few months now and love it. I have been playing with django which is cool I was wondering how I can make this model work with a Iavascript. I'll like someone to explain as much as the code involved as I just what to have a full understanding of the process from django to Javascript. I want to dynamically is CarModel.objects.filter(make ='somename') or just 'somename'. This is a test model am using since its

Firebase Realtime database: Does 'value' event fires automatically

眉间皱痕 提交于 2020-12-16 04:59:44
问题 As I understand, when this following line of code is interpreted/executed by Javascript ref.on('value',callback) (similar to document.addEventListener('click', callback) ). The callback gets attached to the el/object for that event such that when that event executes then the attached callback (event handler) gets fired. But I observe that firebase 'value' event will automatically fire when there is some data at this ref , when the above line of code is interpreted/executed by Javascript even

Firebase Realtime database: Does 'value' event fires automatically

久未见 提交于 2020-12-16 04:59:13
问题 As I understand, when this following line of code is interpreted/executed by Javascript ref.on('value',callback) (similar to document.addEventListener('click', callback) ). The callback gets attached to the el/object for that event such that when that event executes then the attached callback (event handler) gets fired. But I observe that firebase 'value' event will automatically fire when there is some data at this ref , when the above line of code is interpreted/executed by Javascript even

Issues with data bind in vue.js and events

百般思念 提交于 2020-12-15 04:58:26
问题 I am working on a basic notepad app, for now the functionality is simple, create a note, when done click on the note from a list of previous created notes to view its details. I am not able to click on the note and see the details, instead I see the details of the component ShowNote.vue on the bottom of the notepad template, and in order to see the details I have to make the v-if="noteIsOpen to false". I am also not able to see the data from the data bind in ShowNote.vue file. Also when you

JavaScript detecting play/pause keyboard (virtual) key

余生颓废 提交于 2020-12-03 15:50:05
问题 By accident, I just pressed the play/pause ( ▶/❚❚ ) button on my keyboard (the button just above Num Lock on , while playing a YouTube video in a tab that was not focused. To my massive surprise, the YouTube video paused immediately. Now, I tried looking up how this works, but I was not able to find anything on the internet explaining how a keypress can be detected for keys like this. I tried running onkeydown = function(e) {console.log(e)} in my console, but pressing the play/pause button

JavaScript detecting play/pause keyboard (virtual) key

谁都会走 提交于 2020-12-03 15:48:34
问题 By accident, I just pressed the play/pause ( ▶/❚❚ ) button on my keyboard (the button just above Num Lock on , while playing a YouTube video in a tab that was not focused. To my massive surprise, the YouTube video paused immediately. Now, I tried looking up how this works, but I was not able to find anything on the internet explaining how a keypress can be detected for keys like this. I tried running onkeydown = function(e) {console.log(e)} in my console, but pressing the play/pause button

When CMD key is kept pressed, keyup is not triggered for any other key

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-11-26 07:02:58
问题 I am developing an application where I need to do some post-processing when the user presses CMD + LEFT on a particular text-box. I need to do this after the browser's default functionality (i.e. after it takes the caret to first position in current physical line). The problem is keyup is not being triggered for the LEFT key (or any key for that matter) as long as the CMD key is down. I tried this with CTRL and SHIFT keys and found that keyup gets triggered as expected for the secondary key.

When CMD key is kept pressed, keyup is not triggered for any other key

我的梦境 提交于 2020-11-26 07:01:09
问题 I am developing an application where I need to do some post-processing when the user presses CMD + LEFT on a particular text-box. I need to do this after the browser's default functionality (i.e. after it takes the caret to first position in current physical line). The problem is keyup is not being triggered for the LEFT key (or any key for that matter) as long as the CMD key is down. I tried this with CTRL and SHIFT keys and found that keyup gets triggered as expected for the secondary key.

Do Javascript promises block the stack

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-11-24 16:53:15
问题 When using Javascript promises, does the event loop get blocked? My understanding is that using await & async, makes the stack stop until the operation has completed. Does it do this by blocking the stack or does it act similar to a callback and pass of the process to an API of sorts? 回答1: When using Javascript promises, does the event loop get blocked? No. Promises are only an event notification system. They aren't an operation themselves. They simply respond to being resolved or rejected by