
Rocket - debug - Example: DMI

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-10 13:09:13 介绍riscv-debug的使用实例:如何使用DMI。 1. dm Debug Module实现了调试模块。 2. dmi Debug Module Interface是对Debug Module的访问接口。 3. DTM dmi包含在DTM中。DTM是硬件接口相关的,可以是JTAG DTM,也可以是USB DTM。 4. JTAG DTM Registers 1) 支持的寄存器列表 a. 这里的address实际上是要存入IR中的指令编码; b. 而这些寄存器则是数据寄存器(Data Register); c. 使用存入IR中的指令编码来选择相应的数据寄存器(Data Register): 2) dmi Register 实现调试模块(Debug Module)访问的核心寄存器,用以实现对调试模块中各个寄存器的读写: 至于dmi寄存器自身,则通过JTAG接口进行访问: a. 在IR中填入0x11,选择dmi数据寄存器; b. In Update-DR, the DTM starts the operation specified in op unless the current status reported in op is sticky. c. In Capture-DR,

Struts 2 S2-016 Vulenerability Mitigation Till Upgrade

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-07 03:21:12
问题 Recently struts patched a vulnerability allowing attackers to execute remote code. Apparently not patching this is like giving black-hats a red carpet welcome with a bandwagon :-/ Basically it allows attack command execution like this : Legit action : http://host/struts2-showcase/employee/save.action?redirect:%25{3*4} Exploited action : http://host/struts2-showcase/employee/save.action?redirect:%25{(new+java.lang.ProcessBuilder(new+java


半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-06 02:12:06
Dmidecode简介                       DMI (Desktop Management Interface, DMI)就是帮助收集电脑系统信息的管理系统,DMI信息的收集必须在严格遵照SMBIOS规范的前提下进行。 SMBIOS(System Management BIOS)是主板或系统制造者以标准格式显示产品管理信息所需遵循的统一规范。SMBIOS和DMI是由行业指导机构Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF)起草的开放性的技术标准,其中DMI设计适用于任何的平台和操作系统。 DMI充当了管理工具和系统层之间接口的角色。它建立了标准的可管理系统更加方便了电脑厂商和用户对系统的了解。DMI的主要组成部分是Management Information Format (MIF)数据库。这个数据库包括了所有有关电脑系统和配件的信息。通过DMI,用户可以获取序列号、电脑厂商、串口信息以及其它系统配件信息。 dmidecode的输出格式一般如下:               Handle 0×0002 DMI type 2, 8 bytes Base Board Information Manufacturer:Intel Product Name: C440GX+ Version: 727281-0001 Serial


僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-03 16:24:22
Action执行的时候并不是一定要执行execute方法 可以在配饰魏积安中配置Action的时候用method=来制定执行那个方法, 也可以在url地址中动态指定(动态方法调用MDI) 要说明的是:        前者会产生太多的action 如:<action name="user" class="com.b510.hongten.UserAction" method="add">   <result>/user.jsp</result>   </action>   <action neme="user" class="com.b510.hongten.UserAction" method="sub">   <result>/user.jsp</result>   </action>   ...   </action>        后者只用一个action就可以做到这些,只是在url中输入方法名即可   <action name="user" class="com.b510.hongten.UserAction">   <result>/user.jsp</result>   </action>      调用的时候我们在url中这样写:              http://localhost:1000/struts2_0500_actionMethod/user

Multiple Entrypoints in Struts Action (Migration Struts 2.2.3 -> 2.3.1)

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-01 06:51:27
I have an action in struts.xml <action name="reprint" class="reprintAction"> <result name="success" type="redirectAction"> <param name="actionName">reprint</param> <param name="namespace">/x</param> <param name="errorFlag">${errorFlag}</param> <param name="message">${message}</param> </result> <result name="view">/jsp/reprintOverview.jsp</result> </action> a JSP: <s:form action="reprint"> <s:select name="selectedPdfPrinter" list="shopPdfPrinterList" listKey="deviceId" listValue="deviceId" theme="simple"/> <s:submit value="Print" theme="simple" method="shopPdfReprint"/> </s:form> with several

Struts2 handle multiple actions in single form

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-30 07:36:15
问题 I have a form contains three buttons print / export / save . <s:form action="/userAction"> <s:submit type="image" value="%{'print'}" src="/print.png" /> <s:submit type="image" value="%{'export'}" src="/export.png" /> <s:submit type="image" value="%{'save'}" src="/save.png" /> </s:form> How can I map this in struts.xml ? 回答1: In the struts.xml the action is mapped via the <action tag <action name="userAction" class="... the submit buttons should include method attribute to call corresponding

Error 404 issues using Struts application

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-29 11:14:28
I am having some issues running a Struts web app since few days. I tried several solutions from StackOverflow relating to my problem but none of them works. web.xml <display-name>Struts2 Application</display-name> <filter> <filter-name>struts2</filter-name> <filter-class> org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher </filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>struts2</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>Login.jsp</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> struts.xml <struts> <constant name="struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation"

Struts2 handle multiple actions in single form

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-29 04:55:04
I have a form contains three buttons print / export / save . <s:form action="/userAction"> <s:submit type="image" value="%{'print'}" src="/print.png" /> <s:submit type="image" value="%{'export'}" src="/export.png" /> <s:submit type="image" value="%{'save'}" src="/save.png" /> </s:form> How can I map this in struts.xml ? In the struts.xml the action is mapped via the <action tag <action name="userAction" class="... the submit buttons should include method attribute to call corresponding methods of the action <s:submit type="image" value="%{'print'}" src="/print.png" method="print" /> <s:submit

How to exclude the submit action from a list of parameters in struts2?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-11-28 01:25:41
I'm trying to exclude a submit action from a parameter list. The following is the action class. @Namespace("/admin_side") @ResultPath("/WEB-INF/content") @InterceptorRefs({ @InterceptorRef(value="validation", params={"excludeMethods", "test"}), @InterceptorRef(value="params", params={"excludeParams", "action:postAction"})}) public final class TestAction extends ActionSupport implements Serializable, ValidationAware { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String SUCCESS = "success"; private String name; @Action(value = "test", results = { @Result(name="success",

How to invoke a method on submit button in Struts 2 using convention plugin?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-11-26 18:30:15
问题 In the following piece of code about Struts action class, @Namespace("/admin_side") @ResultPath("/WEB-INF/content") // Default. public final class TestAction extends ActionSupport implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String SUCCESS = "success"; private String name; private String email; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public void