
Triggering animation in circle counter and numbers modules when showing div after previously being hidden (Divi/WordPress)

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2021-02-11 12:18:05
问题 Divi is a theme built by Elegant Themes. This theme provides modules for use in building pages within WordPress, some of which includes built-in animations. The modules relevant to my question is the circle counter and the numbers counter modules. When scrolling those modules into view, they animate. I have a row with those two modules. As soon as the page loads, that row is hidden by jQuery (which is desired behavior). However on clicking a link, the row is to be shown. When the row is shown

How can I make a Divi theme dropdown in WordPress stay open until I click?

一世执手 提交于 2021-01-07 06:35:35
问题 I have a WordPress site using the Divi theme. I have a dropdown in the navbar that I want to stay open until I click somewhere with the mouse. My trouble is, I don't understand the CSS of the dropdown. I don't know which CSS class to use for opening/closing the dropdown programatically. Here is the site that I'm working on: https://sprider.se.knowe.work/ The dropdown is the lime green one in the top right of the page with label "Våra erbjudanden", see the screenshot: So in short, which Divi

How can I prevent the dropdown from animating/reopening again when already open in WordPress Divi theme site?

不羁的心 提交于 2020-12-15 06:39:02
问题 I'm working on a WordPress site with the Divi theme. When I hover the dropdown in the nav bar, it stays open and closes on click as desired. But the last problem now is that if you hover the dropdown again when it's already open, it animates again. In short, it opens again when already open. How can I prevent it from reopening when it's already open? Site: https://sprider.se.knowe.work/ JS code for customizing the behaviour of the dropdown: jQuery(document).ready(function() { spriderMain.run(

How can I prevent the dropdown from animating/reopening again when already open in WordPress Divi theme site?

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-12-15 06:38:43
问题 I'm working on a WordPress site with the Divi theme. When I hover the dropdown in the nav bar, it stays open and closes on click as desired. But the last problem now is that if you hover the dropdown again when it's already open, it animates again. In short, it opens again when already open. How can I prevent it from reopening when it's already open? Site: https://sprider.se.knowe.work/ JS code for customizing the behaviour of the dropdown: jQuery(document).ready(function() { spriderMain.run(