
System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'ApplicationView' to type 'IApplicationView9

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-08-10 19:21:36
问题 var displayRegion= ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView().GetDisplayRegions() In some devices, I am getting this exception, System.InvalidCastException: 'Unable to cast object of type 'Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView' to type 'Windows.UI.ViewManagement.IApplicationView9'. How to avoid this exception? 回答1: The GetDisplayRegions API was introduced in Windows 10, version 1903 (introduced in 10.0.18362.0) (see Docs). This means you have to first check if the API is present on the current

VBA Userform: Text of same font size changes size based on Top property

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-08-08 07:45:43
问题 I have a userform. In multiple cases across several different controls, I have observed the objects with the same Width, Height, Font, and Font Size display different font sizes depending on where they are placed on my userform. . . . . Above is an example of this. The two textbox's are both 26H and 48W, with a Left of 90. Both have font Tahoma Regular size 18. The only difference between them is their Top property. And yet visually, the upper one has much wider text than the lower one. The

Android: Display user location on Map Fragment

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-07-22 07:23:26
问题 i am developing an app for my final year exam in android studio and i don't know how to show user location on MapFragment. I've already do this but inside an activity, i need it inside the MapFragment. This is my MapFragment: public class MapFragment extends Fragment implements OnMapReadyCallback { GoogleMap mMap; MapView mMapView; View mView; @Override public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Nullable @Override public View

Android: Display user location on Map Fragment

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-07-22 07:23:09
问题 i am developing an app for my final year exam in android studio and i don't know how to show user location on MapFragment. I've already do this but inside an activity, i need it inside the MapFragment. This is my MapFragment: public class MapFragment extends Fragment implements OnMapReadyCallback { GoogleMap mMap; MapView mMapView; View mView; @Override public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); } @Nullable @Override public View

Display html element based on product attribute set?

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-06-01 05:08:23
问题 I wish to display a static block on the product page if the product belongs to a certain Attribute Set. The idea is to have a block show on product pages if the page has an attribute set of "Rc" else do not show block. I have a custom theme I made and already have a block made and displayed on ALL product pages. I would only need the block showing on product pages with an attribute set of "Rc". I am unaware of the folder structure and/or if the following code is applicable to magento 2.3.

Display html element based on product attribute set?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-06-01 05:07:32
问题 I wish to display a static block on the product page if the product belongs to a certain Attribute Set. The idea is to have a block show on product pages if the page has an attribute set of "Rc" else do not show block. I have a custom theme I made and already have a block made and displayed on ALL product pages. I would only need the block showing on product pages with an attribute set of "Rc". I am unaware of the folder structure and/or if the following code is applicable to magento 2.3.

jQuery LigerUI 使用教程表格篇(1)

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-04-08 02:59:03
阅读目录 复选框 多表头 分组 汇总 明细 复选框 grid可以设置复选框模式进行多选,只需要简单的配置 checked:true 获取选中行 如果要获取选中的行,可以用getSelecteds方法: var rows = g.getSelecteds();alert(rows.length); 默认选中 有的时候我们想让某一些行初始化的时候就选中,可以用isChecked参数,这是一个函数,使用例子: $("#maingrid4").ligerGrid({ checkbox: true, columns: [ { display: '主键', name: 'CustomerID', align: 'left', width: 120 }, { display: '公司名', name: 'CompanyName', minWidth: 60 }, { display: '联系名', name: 'ContactName', width: 50,align:'left' } { display: '城市', name: 'City' } ], pageSize:30, data: CustomersData, width: '100%', height: '100%', isChecked: f_isChecked }); function f_isChecked(rowdata)

Pandas DataFrames are displaying with new Object Explorer in Spyder 4

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-04-07 06:46:04
问题 I updated Spyder to 4.0.1 which has a new variable explorer, allowing to display arbitrary objects in a tree-like view as well as displaying metadata Previous versions of Spyder enabled to view Pandas Dataframes in a simple table view when double clicking on the variable in the explorer. Is there a simple way of accessing this nice old view in Spyder 4.0.1? 回答1: ( Spyder maintainer here ) You need to have Pandas installed in the same Python installation or environment where Spyder is

Pandas DataFrames are displaying with new Object Explorer in Spyder 4

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-04-07 06:45:10
问题 I updated Spyder to 4.0.1 which has a new variable explorer, allowing to display arbitrary objects in a tree-like view as well as displaying metadata Previous versions of Spyder enabled to view Pandas Dataframes in a simple table view when double clicking on the variable in the explorer. Is there a simple way of accessing this nice old view in Spyder 4.0.1? 回答1: ( Spyder maintainer here ) You need to have Pandas installed in the same Python installation or environment where Spyder is


二次信任 提交于 2020-04-06 17:27:26
这里主要参考的是CHRIS COYIER写的一篇的文章( 点击查看 ),主要讲了关于css水平、垂直居中的一些方法,每个方法后面都有一个demo,可以在线查看效果。 1 水平 水平居中有行内元素和块元素,行内元素有文字、图片、链接等;块元素主要是div、p等block元素。 1.1 行内元素 对于行内元素可以使用如下实现水平居中( 在线查看demo ): .blocklist1_1 { text-align: center; } 这种方法对于inline,inline-block,inline-table等都有效。 1.2 块元素 对于一个块元素,可以设置其margin-left和margin-right自动,就像这样( 在线查看demo ): .blocklist1_2 .div1 { margin: 0px auto; } 无论块元素的宽度是否已知,都可以实现水平居中。 1.3 多个块元素 如果有多个块元素需要水平居中时,有两种办法可以实现。一种是借助inline-block,另一种是借助flex。对于第一种方法可以使用如下方式( 在线查看demo ),设置块元素display:inline-block,其父元素水平居中: ..blocklist1_3 .div1 { text-align: center; } .blocklist1_3 .div1 div { display