
Spring Boot azureAD filter autoconfiguration

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-08 10:14:44
问题 I few days ago I was able to configure the integration with Azure AD and spring boot. I'm usisng the following dependencies to achieve that: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.security</groupId> <artifactId>spring-security-oauth2-client</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.microsoft.azure</groupId> <artifactId>azure-active-directory-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.microsoft.azure</groupId> <artifactId>msal4j</artifactId> <

If check box checked disable other, if unchecked enable all in react

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-01-28 11:44:14
问题 I'm stuck in a sutiation where I need to disable the check boxs except the one which is checked. The checkbox is dynamically created with the help of API and key will be passed to each checkbox. Is there a way to achieve above requirement. Thanks {this.state.imageinfo.map((image, key) => { return( <div key={key}> <input type="checkbox" onClick={(e)=> this.setCoverImage(e,key)}>Cover Image <div className="delete-image" onClick={() => this.removeImage(key)}> × </div> </div> ); }) } 回答1: You

Remove all disabled breakpoints in Visual Studio

扶醉桌前 提交于 2021-01-07 06:58:46
问题 My version is Visual Studio 2019, but this has been a issue for decades for me. I have long debugging sessions by enabling/disabling breakpoints. In a short time, this will result in hundreds of irrelevant disabled breakpoints. The breakpoint window doesn't seem to have an option to remove all disabled breakpoints. It can't even sort on the enabled column so I can manually delete them en masse. I currently shift click my way through the disabled breakpoints in the grid, which kinda sucks

Vim: disable autocmd BufRead (modeline)

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-12-13 03:34:03
问题 From this answer I executed: :set modeline | doautocmd BufRead Since then, I cannot disable the BufRead . I can open a file and unset the modeline : :set nomodeline :e! :wq But when I reopen the same file, its modeline is again auto executed. I tried noautocmd - autocmd-remove: :noautocmd w BufRead :noautocmd BufRead :exe "au! BufRead *" :au! BufRead Note I want to disable all auto executed because of BufRead , not just a single event set by it like here explained: https://stackoverflow.com/a

Block USB devices by class GUID to prevent access? [duplicate]

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-01-26 03:57:06
问题 This question already exists : How to block USB devices to prevent from read/write Access? [closed] Closed 14 days ago . I am making a module to block USB devices so that users can not read/write when plugged into computer. I know we can block USB port by changing in registry but other users can also make changes into it. I want to block USB devices same way like Antivirus/Seqrite does. so any way to do in c/c++ Thanks. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59692478/block-usb-devices-by

How to set a timer to enable/disable buttons

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-22 03:39:08
问题 I got an issue. I want to set a timer that could disable the 6 large buttons of my ViewController2. For example : Until the timer reach 100, it's not possible to click on the buttons Clue1Button,Clue2Button,Clue3Button,Clue4Button,Clue5Button,Clue6Button Until the timer reach 200, it's not possible to click on the buttons 2,3,4,5,6 ... How should I do it ? I tried several times, but I failed each time. Thanks for your help Code of my ViewController2 : // ViewController2.swift // PROJET X // /

Angular4: Disable button in ngFor after click

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-10 23:54:42
问题 I have a <button> in a ngFor loop and I want it to be disabled after the user clicks on the button. There is a button for each element of the loop so I have to differentiate them using a different boolean value for each of them. Here is a code snippet from the html: <div class="card" *ngFor="let i of items"> <button type="button" [disabled]="'btn' + i.id" (click)="btn + i.id=true">TEST</button> <div> The [disabled]="'btn' + i.id" part seems to work, but i cant set the value of it to true

html input readonly 和 disable的区别

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-04 09:46:36
Readonly和Disabled它们都能够做到使用户不能够更改表单域中的内容。但是它们之间有着微小的差别,总结如下: Readonly只针对input(text / password)和textarea有效,而disabled对于所有的表单元素都有效,但是表单元素在使用了disabled后,当我们将表单以POST或GET的方式提交的话,这个元素的值不会被传递出去,而readonly会将该值传递出去( readonly接受值更改可以回传,disable接受改但不回传数据 )。 一般比较常用的情况是: 1. 在某个表单中为用户预填了某个唯一识别代码,不允许用户改动, 但是在提交时需要传递该值,此时应该将它的属性设置为readonly 。 2. 经常遇到当用户正式提交了表单后需要等待管理员的信息验证,这就不允许用户再更改表单中的数据,而是只能够查看,由于disabled的作用元素范围大,所以此时应该使用disabled,但同时应该注意的是要将submit button也disabled掉,否则只要用户按了这个按钮,如果在数据库操作页面中没有做完整性检测的话,数据库中的值就会被清除。如果说在这种情况下用readonly来代替disabled的话,若表单中只有input(text / password)和textarea元素,那还是可以的,如果存在其他发元素,比如select