
Plone 4.2 - how can I change the logo in a diazo theme?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-06 07:20:23
I have just installed a theme in Plone called beyondskins.responsive. Now I want to change the logo so that it uses the logo for my site and not the default Plone logo. I've spent an hour googling this problem and I have not found a solution. One of the places I looked was here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.theming#modifying-the-theme This site tells me "You can modify a theme by clicking Modify theme underneath a theme in the Themes tab of the Theming control panel." However, I don't know how to find the "Theming control panel" that they are speaking of. When I go to "Site Setup"

Diazo - Conditionally add a class to a theme element

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-06 02:19:18
I need to add a class to an element coming from the theme only if certain conditions are met. I've tried this solution , adjusted for Diazo by replacing prepend with before : <before css:theme=".main" if-content="not(//*[@id='portal-column-two'])"><xsl:attribute name="class"><xsl:value-of select="//*[@class='main']/@class"/> full</xsl:attribute></before> but I get the following error: XSLTApplyError: xsl:attribute: Cannot add attributes to an element if children have been already added to the element. I get that error even when I remove all other rules such that there is only the <theme> rule

Unable to use Diazo (plone.app.theming) on Centos

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-01 21:06:49
问题 I made a webportal on my mac using plone4.1 and Diazo. Now, I'm trying to deploy it on my server (CentOs) where there is yet another site with plone4.0.5 + collectivexdv. When I run the site (in a brand new buildout) with my diazotheme I obtain this lines via shell (instance fg): 2011-09-27 09:32:10 ERROR plone.transformchain Unexpected error whilst trying to apply transform chain Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/plone/.buildout/eggs/plone.transformchain-1.0-py2.6.egg/plone

Unable to use Diazo (plone.app.theming) on Centos

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-01 19:35:55
I made a webportal on my mac using plone4.1 and Diazo. Now, I'm trying to deploy it on my server (CentOs) where there is yet another site with plone4.0.5 + collectivexdv. When I run the site (in a brand new buildout) with my diazotheme I obtain this lines via shell (instance fg): 2011-09-27 09:32:10 ERROR plone.transformchain Unexpected error whilst trying to apply transform chain Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/plone/.buildout/eggs/plone.transformchain-1.0-py2.6.egg/plone/transformchain/transformer.py", line 42, in __call__ newResult = handler.transformIterable(result, encoding

How to transform block of content from plone being inserted into diazo theme

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-01 09:13:12
I'm using a diazo (currently plone.app.theming 1.0b1-r48205) with Plone 4.1. I want to use exactly Plone's html for the search widget except that I'd like to replace <input> element used for the search button in the search widget with a <button> . The diazo docs seem to suggest you can do this. In my theme html file I have an empty <div id="portal-searchbox"></div> . In my rules.xml I have the following: <rules if-content="$enabled"> <replace css:theme="div#portal-searchbox"> <xsl:apply-templates css:select="div#portal-searchbox" /> </replace> <xsl:template css:match="div#portal-searchbox

Adding an class to body element with XDV

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-01 06:51:52
问题 I want to style some forms in Plone3+collective.xdv but I don't want all forms to get the special style. So I'd like to add a special styled-form class name to the class attribute of the body element just when displaying certain templates: contact-info sendto_form PFG forms So I thought that I could manage to perform this with XDV in order not to modify those templates. By using the if-content directives in XDV rules I can check if those templates are being displayed: css:if-content="body