
How to Install DBMonitor

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-19 07:27:35
问题 This is probably a really simple question, but here it is. I just renewed my license for the DevArt DBExpress driver for Firebird. The help file says I can use their freeware DBMonitor application with it but since I am using D2006, I have to use these instructions: "If you are Delphi Pro version user, then you don't have TSQLMonitor component installed on the palette, but it is included in SQLExpr.pas unit and you need to install it on the components palette manually." I can create an

ORA-64219: invalid LOB locator encountered

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-11 17:17:56
问题 We migrated from oracle c12 to c19. And now we have simple test case that fails: //arrange string data = new string('x', 5000); var connection = tm.GetConnection(); var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand(false); createTableCmd.Text = "CREATE TABLE xx_temp (id NUMBER, text_long NCLOB, text_short NVARCHAR2(2000))"; createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //act var insertCmd = connection.CreateCommand(false); insertCmd.Text = "INSERT INTO XX_TEMP (text_long) VALUES (@p1)"; var param = new

ORA-64219: invalid LOB locator encountered

社会主义新天地 提交于 2021-02-11 17:17:10
问题 We migrated from oracle c12 to c19. And now we have simple test case that fails: //arrange string data = new string('x', 5000); var connection = tm.GetConnection(); var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand(false); createTableCmd.Text = "CREATE TABLE xx_temp (id NUMBER, text_long NCLOB, text_short NVARCHAR2(2000))"; createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //act var insertCmd = connection.CreateCommand(false); insertCmd.Text = "INSERT INTO XX_TEMP (text_long) VALUES (@p1)"; var param = new

ORA-64219: invalid LOB locator encountered

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-11 17:15:15
问题 We migrated from oracle c12 to c19. And now we have simple test case that fails: //arrange string data = new string('x', 5000); var connection = tm.GetConnection(); var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand(false); createTableCmd.Text = "CREATE TABLE xx_temp (id NUMBER, text_long NCLOB, text_short NVARCHAR2(2000))"; createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //act var insertCmd = connection.CreateCommand(false); insertCmd.Text = "INSERT INTO XX_TEMP (text_long) VALUES (@p1)"; var param = new

“Nullable object must have a value” exception after checking for null on a non-primitive/non-struct object

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2020-01-19 06:14:28
问题 I'm getting Nullable object must have a value after checking for null on a regular object, after a null check. I've found various questions, mostly regarding linq-to-sql, having the same problem but always with nullable primitive types (as in bool? or DateTime? ). The line causing the exception in my case looks like this: myDataContext.Orders.Where(y => customer.Address == null || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Address.Street) || y.Customers.Addresses.Street == customer.Address.Street)))

“Nullable object must have a value” exception after checking for null on a non-primitive/non-struct object

房东的猫 提交于 2020-01-19 06:10:58
问题 I'm getting Nullable object must have a value after checking for null on a regular object, after a null check. I've found various questions, mostly regarding linq-to-sql, having the same problem but always with nullable primitive types (as in bool? or DateTime? ). The line causing the exception in my case looks like this: myDataContext.Orders.Where(y => customer.Address == null || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customer.Address.Street) || y.Customers.Addresses.Street == customer.Address.Street)))

Oracle MERGE statement not 'sticking' using DevArt dotConnect for Oracle

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-25 05:52:20
问题 I'm using an Oracle MERGE statement in dotConnect for Oracle, I know that the MERGE itself is fine as runs in P-Sql and SQL Developer, yet using the dotConnect and ExecuteNoQuery the query is apparently successful (no exceptions thrown) but the table has had no updates or inserts taken place. I can break the query into an Update and an Insert and they stick ok. Any Ideas ? 回答1: We have answered to you at our forum: As a workaround, you can

Oracle MERGE statement not 'sticking' using DevArt dotConnect for Oracle

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-25 05:52:09
问题 I'm using an Oracle MERGE statement in dotConnect for Oracle, I know that the MERGE itself is fine as runs in P-Sql and SQL Developer, yet using the dotConnect and ExecuteNoQuery the query is apparently successful (no exceptions thrown) but the table has had no updates or inserts taken place. I can break the query into an Update and an Insert and they stick ok. Any Ideas ? 回答1: We have answered to you at our forum: As a workaround, you can

Assertion failure in DBAccess.pas

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-25 01:59:50
问题 I am interested in upgrading a suite of software from ODAC v5 to v8.2.8. One app in particular is causing problems. This application loads one of a set of secondary applications implemented as dlls. LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(dllname)); if LibHandle <> 0 then begin @showForm := GetProcAddress(LibHandle,'ShowMainDllForm'); if (@showForm <> nil) then begin try ShowForm(Application.Handle, @FGlobalVars, 1); The launcher is fine - it has its own database connection, and I can step through the

Can we control LINQ expression order with Skip(), Take() and OrderBy()

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-20 19:41:37
问题 I'm using LINQ to Entities to display paged results. But I'm having issues with the combination of Skip() , Take() and OrderBy() calls. Everything works fine, except that OrderBy() is assigned too late. It's executed after result set has been cut down by Skip() and Take() . So each page of results has items in order. But ordering is done on a page handful of data instead of ordering of the whole set and then limiting those records with Skip() and Take() . How do I set precedence with these