
“” sendBroadcast - Not working?

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-02-18 18:12:21
问题 How can I successfully activate the demo mode for the status bar in android programmatically? I already tried this approach without any success: Link to an example // Enable demo mode Intent intent = new Intent(""); intent.putExtra("command", "enter"); sendBroadcast(intent); Did anyone get this to work successfully? The adb commands are working without an issue. Thank you very much! 回答1: I found out that it's not possible for not system apps to do this

“” sendBroadcast - Not working?

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-18 18:10:57
问题 How can I successfully activate the demo mode for the status bar in android programmatically? I already tried this approach without any success: Link to an example // Enable demo mode Intent intent = new Intent(""); intent.putExtra("command", "enter"); sendBroadcast(intent); Did anyone get this to work successfully? The adb commands are working without an issue. Thank you very much! 回答1: I found out that it's not possible for not system apps to do this

“” sendBroadcast - Not working?

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-18 18:10:31
问题 How can I successfully activate the demo mode for the status bar in android programmatically? I already tried this approach without any success: Link to an example // Enable demo mode Intent intent = new Intent(""); intent.putExtra("command", "enter"); sendBroadcast(intent); Did anyone get this to work successfully? The adb commands are working without an issue. Thank you very much! 回答1: I found out that it's not possible for not system apps to do this


巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-09 09:50:30
智能合约开发用solidity编程语言部署在以太坊这个区块链平台,本文提供一个官方实战demo示例快速入门,用demo例子深入浅出智能合约开发,体会以太坊构建去中心化可信交易技术魅力。智能合约其实是“执行合约条款的计算机交易协议”。区块链上的所有用户都可以看到基于区块链的智能合约。 维基上说智能合约(英语:Smart contract )是一种旨在以信息化方式传播、验证或执行合同的计算机协议。智能合约允许在没有第三方的情况下进行可信交易。这些交易可追踪且不可逆转。智能合约概念于1994年由Nick Szabo首次提出。智能合同的目的是提供优于传统合同方法的安全,并减少与合同相关的其他交易成本。 由于区块链上的所有用户都可以看到基于区块链的智能合约。这也会导致包括安全漏洞在内的所有漏洞都可见,并且可能无法迅速修复。这样的攻击难以迅速解决。 插曲,2016年6月The DAOEther的漏洞造成损失5000万美元,而开发者试图达成共识的解决方案。DAO的程序在黑客删除资金之前有一段时间的延迟。以太坊软件的一个硬分叉在时限到期之前完成了攻击者的资金回收工作。以太坊智能合约中的问题包括合约编程Solidity、编译器错误、以太坊虚拟机错误、对区块链网络的攻击、程序错误的不变性以及其他尚无文档记录的攻击。 部署智能合约的经典案例有: 以太坊在其区块链上实施了一种近乎图灵完备的语言

How to slow down a service-worker to simulate 56k or 2G 3G slow connection

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-01-20 07:53:25
问题 Here is my use-case : I'me developping Static Site Generator and stuff for them. I would like to host on static pages (like gitlab-pages or github-pages) some demo of my stuff. So I can't use server-side tricks to simulate slow connexion. My demo page should look like this : see my stuff in normal mode see my stuff before optimisation with a simulated 56k connection see my stuff after optimisation with a simulated 56k connection I've not found any service-worker built for this. Any Idea where

Latitude/Longitude Generation to be used as sample data

一世执手 提交于 2020-05-26 17:57:24
问题 I am writing a demo web application that tracks multiple devices through my companies platform. I have the app working, but need a csv file that will simulate devices moving on a map as if they were a tracker attached to a car. The simulator works by reading 1 row of data every second (1 lat/lng point). Here is an example of the first few lines of a file that would work if the points weren't scattered across the US (the SclId is the device name). SclId Latitude Longitude HAT-0 44.968046 -94


|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-03-30 02:10:14
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>无标题文档</title> <style type="text/css"> *{ margin:0; padding:0; font-size:40px; } .container{ position:relative; width:800px; height:800px; margin:0 auto; border:1px solid #F00; border-radius: 50%; } .box{ position:absolute; width:40px; height:800px; /*background:yellow;*/ margin-left:380px; text-align: center; } .num1{ transform: rotate(0deg); } .num2{ transform: rotate(30deg); } .num3{ transform: rotate(60deg); } .num4{ transform: rotate(90deg); } .num5{ transform: rotate(120deg); } .num6{ transform: rotate(150deg); } .box p


我的未来我决定 提交于 2020-03-26 23:05:06
<html> <link rel="stylesheet" href="d3.slider.css" media="screen"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="deckgl.min.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text


╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-03-17 01:16:49
上一篇文章一起学习Mysql索引二(索引的高性能策略)中我们提到了Mysql5.7版本的一个改进: "索引条件下推"(index condition pushdown)。 那么,今天就让我们来揭开它的神秘面纱。 从ICP(index condition pushdown)的字面意思来看,大家疑惑的点应该就是这个"pushdown"--下推了。 什么是下推,下推到哪里,有什么用?带着疑问,我们先从关闭和开启ICP对一些sql语句的影响,然后再进一步的解答提出的问题。 首先,我们可以通过如下语句开启或关闭Myslq的ICP特性: SET optimizer_switch = 'index_condition_pushdown=off'; //关闭 SET optimizer_switch = 'index_condition_pushdown=on'; //开启 Mysql 新版本默认开启该特性,然后我们准备一张表: CREATE TABLE demo ( id bigint(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, pid int(11) DEFAULT '0', nid int(5) DEFAULT NULL, country varchar(10) DEFAULT '', name varchar(10) DEFAULT '', status