
Passing Jenkins environment variable in Powershell script

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-11 05:13:57
问题 i would like to use a jenkins environment variable inside a power shell script.Here ${destination} is coming as null inside powershell script.Not able to identify what is the mistake i am doing.Please help !/bin/groovy pipeline { agent { label { label "" customWorkspace "C:\\Jenkins\\workspace" } } environment { def destination='' } options { timestamps() timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') skipDefaultCheckout(true) disableConcurrentBuilds() } stages { stage('TEST') { steps { script{

Is there a declarative way to parse XML to Java objects?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-10 13:59:15
问题 I'm writing an import function of XML files to my Java application. I am using XOM to parse the XML files. The code for parsing the XML is not easy to understand, it is some hardcoded .getChild(3) and so on. It is hard to follow the code compared to the declarative XML document. Isn't there a more maintainable way to parse XML documents to Java objects? I would like to have it in a more declarative way, where I can specify what tags corresponds to what Java classes. 回答1: Have a look at JAX/B

how to access parent component scope from a child components scope in ember?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-10 13:58:51
问题 I'm curious if this is even possible in ember. This is an easy thing to do in angular ( plunkr: ): The goal is to make an easy to use, generic, reusable accordion api for api consumers. The api I want the caller to be able to use is this (just like the angular api): {{#ember-accordion listOfAccordionPaneObjects=model}} {{#ember-accordion-heading}} heading template html {{accordionPaneObject.firstName}} {{/ember-accordion-heading}} {{#ember

SQLAlchemy custom query column

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-10 10:26:08
问题 I have a declarative table defined like this: class Transaction(Base): __tablename__ = "transactions" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) account_id = Column(Integer) transfer_account_id = Column(Integer) amount = Column(Numeric(12, 2)) ... The query should be: SELECT id, (CASE WHEN transfer_account_id=1 THEN -amount ELSE amount) AS amount FROM transactions WHERE account_id = 1 OR transfer_account_id = 1 My code is: query = Transaction.query.filter_by(account_id=1, transfer_account_id=1)

How to convert prolog parse tree back to a logical sentence

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-09 18:27:39
问题 I managed to build the parse tree for given sentence and here it is, for the sentence: "The man went home." T = s(np(det(the), n(man)), vp(v(went), np(n(home)))) 1) How to use phrase/2 on this? How to translate a sentence in a logical language using prolog? - is similar to what I need, but it's solution doesn't work on me. 2)I want to map this with grammar pattern and get the words tag. Det=the , N(Subject)=man , V=went , N(Object)=home Is there a way to map this tree with given set tree

How to choose in runtime among several OSGi services in an intelligent way?

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-09 06:05:41
问题 I've in mind an intelligent system which can choose among available OSGi services dynamically. That is, choose an implementation or another depending of some runtime parameter. For example, notify to a running algorithm that change an operator after several iterations, or depending of load balancing in a system or whatever. while(stopCriterion){ operator.doSomething(); //There exist many operator implementations } My first approach is to use DS to expose the services and bind services with 0.

“Turning” an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> 90 degrees

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-08 16:53:29
问题 What I'm looking for is a basic operation (Which I'm sure have a name I'm just unaware of atm). I have a matrix like: {1,2,3} {A,N,F} {7,8,9} which I'd like to mutate into {1,A,7} {2,N,8} {3,F,9} (The above are only identifiers for objects not real values. The actual objects are of the same type and unordered) I'd prefer a declarative solution to it but speed is a factor. I'm going to have to turn quite a few tables (100k cells a min) and a slow version would be on the critical path. However

Is a process design really declarative programming?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-08 04:11:17
问题 I've heard from someone that they´re using a business process automation tool (like Weblogic Integration) as a programming language (what sounds like something kind of stupid) to make things declarative. Then they put all the logic inside a process, every single if and while . But, isn´t a process a how to step-by-step entity to reach a target? For me it makes a process completely imperative. What do you think? 回答1: It is definitely not what people usually mean when they talk about

Dictionary of tags in declarative SQLAlchemy?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-07 03:50:47
问题 I am working on a quite large code base that has been implemented using sqlalchemy.ext.declarative , and I need to add a dict-like property to one of the classes. What I need is the same as in this question, but in a declarative fashion. Can anyone with more knowledge in SQLAlchemy give me an example? Thanks in advance... 回答1: Declarative is just another way of defining things. Virtually you end up with the exact same environment than if you used separated mapping. Since I answered the other

Is a process design really declarative programming?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-06 15:27:55
I've heard from someone that they´re using a business process automation tool (like Weblogic Integration) as a programming language (what sounds like something kind of stupid) to make things declarative. Then they put all the logic inside a process, every single if and while . But, isn´t a process a how to step-by-step entity to reach a target? For me it makes a process completely imperative. What do you think? It is definitely not what people usually mean when they talk about declarative programming , even if it some sense can be called declarative. Orchestration languages are in fact