
RestKit Core Data NSError dealloc Crash

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-19 03:59:13
问题 Trying to get to the bottom of an issue I've been seeing in production builds and FINALLY was able to reproduce it while testing. Using RestKit v0.23.1, when doing an RKManagedObjectRequestOperation using the following code (while plugged into instruments) I get "An Objective-C message was sent to a deallocated 'NSError' object (zombie)" and the app crashes every time there's objects in the response JSON - if the response is something like "objects = ();" there's no crash - so I'm guessing it

does dealloc method being executed normally when quitting the application?

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-17 20:51:55
问题 I use code like the following (inside my appController.m for example) to do some cleanup when my application terminates... - (void) dealloc { [myObject release]; // myObject 's dealloc will not be called either !!! [arraySMSs release]; [super dealloc]; } This method never get called when the app quits! Why ? Is there a better place to do my clean up ? The fact that is not called addresses memory-leak issues ? Or the OS does take care of clean up ? Thank you... 回答1: There is no reason for the

Is there any problem using = nil in dealloc?

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-17 18:56:21
问题 I know declared property generates accessor method which is someway just syntax sugar. I found quite a lot people use = nil in their dealloc method. 1) In Apple's Memory Management document, p23 It says: The only places you shouldn’t use accessor methods to set an instance variable are in init methods and dealloc. why shouldn't? 2) In apple's Objective-C 2.0 , p74 Declared properties fundamentally take the place of accessor method declarations; when you synthesize a property,

Custom dealloc and ARC (Objective-C)

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-17 03:51:29
问题 In my little iPad app I have a "switch language" function that uses an observer. Every view controller registers itself with my observer during its viewDidLoad: . - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [observer registerObject:self]; } When the user hits the "change language" button, the new language is stored in my model and the observer is notified and calls an updateUi: selector on its registered objects. This works very well, except for when I have view controllers in a

Initializing a property, dot notation

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-17 01:40:49
问题 Is it a bad idea to use the dot notation to initialize retain properties to nil in my init methods? With any ordinary property like this: @property (nonatomic, retain) id foo; Say in my init method I set = nil . The synthesized method first releases or autoreleases foo (not exactly sure of the underlying impementation). Is foo guaranted to be nil before the first setter or getter call? Or would it point to random garbage unless I explicitly set foo = nil without the dot notation? 回答1

Initializing a property, dot notation

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-17 01:40:10
问题 Is it a bad idea to use the dot notation to initialize retain properties to nil in my init methods? With any ordinary property like this: @property (nonatomic, retain) id foo; Say in my init method I set = nil . The synthesized method first releases or autoreleases foo (not exactly sure of the underlying impementation). Is foo guaranted to be nil before the first setter or getter call? Or would it point to random garbage unless I explicitly set foo = nil without the dot notation? 回答1

Using ARC for the Cocoa UI of an AudioUnit prevents NSView dealloc from being called

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-13 20:05:12
问题 I recently converted my AudioUnit plugin to take advantage of ARC for all the interface code (Cocoa). However, this resulted in the main NSView (the one created by the CocoaViewFactory and returned to the plugin as a property) never having -dealloc called. This made it impossible to dispose of the AUEventListener constructed for the NSView - which is documented to cause crashes - and creates a tonne of memory leaks (none of the Objective-C objects retained by the NSView are deallocated,

Dealloc not called changing tab

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-13 05:08:56
问题 Let's suppose to have a tab bar controller with two tabs, A and B, where A is a navigation controller. When the user is in A, he can push A1 and then A2, which are both view controllers. A back button on A2, performs: [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; which correctly triggers the dealloc method on A2. If the user is in A2 and then switches to tab B, I need the dealloc method to be called on A2; therefore I've implemented the following method in the TabBarController: -

iPhone. Shouldn't hitting the home button cause UIApplicationDelegate's dealloc to be called

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-13 02:15:33
问题 I have put NSLogs in all my classes including my UIApplicationDelegate subclass. I am curious - and a bit nervous - about why I am not seeing them echo anything when I press the home button. I am running in the XCode simulator. Since iPhone/iPad runs a single app at a time, doesn't hitting the home button discard all traces of the running app? Thanks, Doug 回答1: When an app is terminated, its memory is simply freed. Dealloc is not called, it does not pass go or collect $200. This is normal and

Viewcontroller Dealloc Method Never Gets Called

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-12 05:03:57
问题 I know there are many questions like this. I read all. My problem is very simple. I created a single view app from xcode file>new project>single view app. Then i added a second uiviewcontroller in storyboard and a new viewcontroller class named secondViewController. I dragged a button to main viewcontroller and by ctrl+drag to secondViewController on storyboard. I did the reverse in secondViewController. And just added dealloc functins with nslog to class files. I also added weak references