
deepin 创建快捷键(最新)

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-06 18:19:46
1. 在/usr/share/applications下,创建一个.desktop的文件 sudo vim /usr/share/applications/{文件名}.desktop 2. 配置,如:websotorm [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Terminal=false Name=myWebstorm//应用名 Categories=Development; // 应用分类 Icon=/media/user1/_dde_data/software/WebStorm-182.5262.3/bin/webstorm.png //应用图标的绝对路径 Exec=/media/user1/_dde_data/software/WebStorm-182.5262.3/bin/webstorm.sh //应用启动文件的绝对路径    来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/web-zqk/p/12157505.html


笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-25 07:19:43
作为一个安全研究人员来讲,听到最多关于DDE的东西可能就是 office DDE 攻击 这种钓鱼攻击手法。 为什么只有Office可以进行DDE攻击? 有哪些软件默认支持DDE协议? DDE还可以做什么? DDE通信还有其他功能命令,如:动态修改Excel表格内容。 本文只针对双击桌面上的xls文件时,Explorer通过DDE将文件路径传给Excel的过程进行研究。 1)研究背景 大部分Office系列软件如Excel、Word等程序默认支持基于Windows消息机制的DDE通信协议。使用DDE的程序,如Excel软件在启动时的命令行参数只有" /dde" 这样Excel就会默认创建一个隐藏的窗口作为DDEServer,并等待接收用户双击桌面xls文件时,DDE Client(Explorer.exe)发来的DDE消息。 2)DDE会话流程 一个程序既可以作为DDE服务器,也可以作为DDE客户端,两者通讯的标识是彼此的窗口句柄HWND。微软建议每次建立会话都应该建立不同的窗口句柄。 第一步: 建立会话,客户端必须通过SendMessage广播一条WM_DDE_INITIATE消息给所有窗口,来定位Excel的DDE Server。 如果lParam的LOWORD为NULL,任何DDEServer可以回复这个消息。DDE Server收到一个WM_DDE_INITIATE消息后

Change from DDE to proc export because office 2016 does not support it

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-25 00:59:15
问题 office excel 2016 for some reason does not support DDE command and therefore the following programs is crashing. Do you know how can I make it work? I have tried with proc export, I will add the code I tried as comment. Or if you have any other idea of how it can work, please share. Thank you in advance! ods listing close; ODS HTML path="path' (TITLE="CD"); title;footnote; %macro prnt; %if &nobs ne 0 %then %do; title1 "CDTC"; footnote "PROGRAM: (, UPDATED: &tist"; proc print data = dag.dc

C# get URL from firefox but don't use DDE

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-12 18:33:55
问题 For detect URL in firefox I use DDE DdeClient dde = new DdeClient("Firefox", "WWW_GetWindowInfo"); dde.Connect(); string url1 = dde.Request("URL", int.MaxValue); dde.Disconnect(); temp = url1.Replace("\"", "").Replace("\0", ""); dde = null; This code works perfectly!, but it is too slow for connect (dde.Connect();) is too slow 7/8 second! Is there another way to get url from firefox? (example use API windows like "SendMessage") 回答1: This works well for me: AutomationElement element =

MATLAB hangs when I try to use the java package jdde, but only for the first time after a system reboot

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-12 10:28:48
问题 I'm using the external java package jdde in MATLAB. Please note that for the following example, the DLL file that comes with the package needs to be on the MATLAB librarypath. The method to do this is different depending on your MATLAB Version. Using jdde in MATLAB works fine, except for the first time after I reboot the computer or I logoff/logon in Windows. When I run the following code for the first time after a computer reboot, MATLAB will stay in busy mode forever (with 0% CPU). When

Delphi: DDE call from Indy TCPServer Thread

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-12 03:49:31
问题 I try to connect to (Uni)DDE server from an Indy TCP Server thread. From normal application I can connect, and can get/set any PLC variables. But when I use same command from Indy thread (from Execute(AThread: TIdPeerThread) event), the SetLink command failed. procedure ReadDDE(AppPath, Service, Topic, Cmd: string; out Eredmeny : string; out HibaSzint : string); var DDE: TDDEClientConv; pc : PChar; begin Eredmeny := ''; HibaSzint := ''; DDE := TDDEClientConv.Create(nil); try DDE.ConnectMode :

Getting active tab url from Safari

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-11 23:13:19
问题 I am trying to get the active tab url for Safari, so far I was able to get the url from all prominent browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera) through a mix of Win32 API calls or DDE. The issue with safari is even when I enumerate through the windows and call GetWindowText it's always null. Any solutions out there? thanks! 回答1: public static string getChromeURL() { uint MAX_PATH=255; IntPtr hChrome, hAddressBox; hChrome=GetForegroundWindow(); hAddressBox = FindWindowEx(hChrome, IntPtr.Zero,


懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-11 19:22:35
写在前面 最近在不断地调研一些新的红外图像增强算法,优化与仿真实现了一些不同算法框架下的图像效果,在各种算法框架的取舍中,陷入了困惑。 归根到底,那就是对一个看似简单实却难以说清楚的基础问题,没有理解透彻,因此我决定就这问题学习并总结一番。 这个问题就是:什么是一张好图像。 明确了这个问题,进而才能理解:什么是一个好的红外图像可视化算法。 冈萨雷斯在其《数字图像处理》第二章最开始,引用这么一段话。 要想成功,就必须弄清基础问题。 —亚里士多德 对本质上的东西搞明白了,有了一定的知识框架,做事情也就条理清晰,章法有度了。 正文中也就这两个问题加以展开。 问题1:什么是一张好图像? 问题2:什么是一个好的红外图像可视化算法? 进入正文 1.什么是一张好图像? 这是一个看似很简单的问题,有人说不就是图像好看不好看呗。其实这个就是图像的评价。图像的评价有包含两方面:美学评价和技术评价。前者是艺术家的事情,这里不讨论。对于我们做相机的工程师来说,更偏向了后者。 关于技术评价,个人觉得这里面又包含两方面,一种是基于实验室环境的相机性能评价,典型的就是:EMVA1288标准;另一种是对于实际场景图像质量的评价。 1.1 基于实验室环境的相机性能评价 最为典型的是相机界大名鼎鼎的EMVA1288标准,它是由欧洲机器视觉协会(EMVA)建立,主要的图像传感器与相机生产商均参与其中

Codeplex NDde Server how to send multiple items

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-11 12:32:00
问题 Using NDde project (http://ndde.codeplex.com/) in vb.net server sample. How to send multiple items? Say item1, item2, etc. Without success: Tried to copy and change the protected override functions from OnStartAdvise to all functions that affect 'item'. 回答1: You cannot do this. Each item must be processed separately. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5218697/codeplex-ndde-server-how-to-send-multiple-items

SAS put data to Excel via DDE

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-11 05:51:08
问题 I want to write some data to Excel via DDE and have the following code: option noxwait noxsync; x call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\EXCEL.EXE"; %let delay=5; data _null_; rc=sleep(&delay); run; filename random dde 'excel|Tabelle1!r1c1:r100c3'; data _null_; set sashelp.class; file random; put name sex age; run; Excel opens successfully however the sheet remains empty. The log tells me that 19 records were written to the file RANDOM. Any suggestions why the data is not