
What is the biggest usable number for use in calc() in CSS?

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-02-19 02:32:16
问题 The title says it all. I want to know, which is the biggest number I can use in CSS inside a calc() arithmetic. Is it the same as the biggest number in JavaScript? When I try this with transform the limit seems to be 1e39 (in Chrome and for transform: translateX() ) div span { display: block; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: gold; } div:nth-child(1) span { -webkit-transform: translatex(calc(1e38px * 1e-37)); transform: translatex(calc(1e38px * 1e-37)); } div:nth-child(2) span {

What is the biggest usable number for use in calc() in CSS?

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-19 02:31:07
问题 The title says it all. I want to know, which is the biggest number I can use in CSS inside a calc() arithmetic. Is it the same as the biggest number in JavaScript? When I try this with transform the limit seems to be 1e39 (in Chrome and for transform: translateX() ) div span { display: block; width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: gold; } div:nth-child(1) span { -webkit-transform: translatex(calc(1e38px * 1e-37)); transform: translatex(calc(1e38px * 1e-37)); } div:nth-child(2) span {

CSS variable calculation of HSL values

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-16 20:13:26
问题 I want to have a basic HSL color value which I want to implement as a gradient as follows: :root { --hue: 201; --saturation: 31; --lightness: 40; --mainColor: hsl(var(--hue),var(--saturation),var(--lightness)); --difference: 20; /* 0 + --difference < --lightness < 100 - --difference */ --lightnessPlus: calc(var(--lightness) + var(--difference)); --colorFrom: hsl(var(--hue),var(--saturation),var(--lightnessPlus)); --lightnessMinus: calc(var(--lightness) - var(--difference)); --colorTo: hsl(var

CSS variable calculation of HSL values

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-16 20:13:19
问题 I want to have a basic HSL color value which I want to implement as a gradient as follows: :root { --hue: 201; --saturation: 31; --lightness: 40; --mainColor: hsl(var(--hue),var(--saturation),var(--lightness)); --difference: 20; /* 0 + --difference < --lightness < 100 - --difference */ --lightnessPlus: calc(var(--lightness) + var(--difference)); --colorFrom: hsl(var(--hue),var(--saturation),var(--lightnessPlus)); --lightnessMinus: calc(var(--lightness) - var(--difference)); --colorTo: hsl(var

Global CSS Variables vs Local Variables in terms of efficiency

99封情书 提交于 2021-02-16 08:55:58
问题 Does global variables in CSS are less efficient in terms of memory or in terms of efficiency as local CSS variables? so basically my question is whether there's any benefit of having variable which is declared in the the global scope and can be accessed anywhere in the CSS opposed to variables which are declared within the code block of a particular selector and scoped locally in respect to the selector. when talking about global scope i mean: :root { --mainColor: red } and local scope means:

Global CSS Variables vs Local Variables in terms of efficiency

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-16 08:55:15
问题 Does global variables in CSS are less efficient in terms of memory or in terms of efficiency as local CSS variables? so basically my question is whether there's any benefit of having variable which is declared in the the global scope and can be accessed anywhere in the CSS opposed to variables which are declared within the code block of a particular selector and scoped locally in respect to the selector. when talking about global scope i mean: :root { --mainColor: red } and local scope means:

Export variables from SASS to vanilla CSS?

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-10 12:26:11
问题 Consider I have a long list of SASS variables in different .scss files like this: $app-color-white: #ffffff; $app-color-black: #000000; What would be the most effective way to export these variables as vanilla CSS variables? :root { --app-color-white: #ffffff; --app-color-black: #000000; } Maybe, there is a SASS-way or even some pre-processor? I want my SASS framework to be also used in vanilla CSS projects. 回答1: I think the best way to do this would be using something like a variable map; E

Are CSS Variable changes possible upon a radio button's checked selector being triggered?

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-04 07:28:28
问题 I have the following CodePen: Test LCD with CSS Variables, in which upon clicking labels with specific digits, results in the appropriate LCD segments to be "lit" based on algebraic equations I've determined to mimic a BCD to 7-Segment Display Decoder, in order to simulate an LCD display... I currently have the first segment's equation mentioned in the CSS. Clicking on a digit in the CSS should theoretically result in the appropriate four --input variables to be populated with a pulse (0 or 1

How can i export shorthand CSS properties (border, border-left, border-right…) as CSS variables

北战南征 提交于 2021-01-29 14:48:16
问题 If i do this: .a { border: var(--a-border); border-left: var(--a-border-left); border-right: var(--a-border-right); border-top: var(--a-border-top); border-bottom: var(--a-border-bottom); } Setting --a-border never works because individual properties like a-border-left have reset the value. What i'm thinking is that, i'm not giving any default values on those exported variables. Therefore, if --a-border is set, it should take precedence over other unset values. 回答1: As I explained in this

why css variables override another file's css variable?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-28 18:23:21
问题 When I define a variable in various CSS files, and include these files in my HTML file, then it overrides the previous variable. Why is it happening? Let's say that I have test1.css :root { --size-of-font: 5rem; } .logo{ font-size: var(--size-of-font); } test2.css :root { --size-of-font: 1.2rem; } .outer { font-size: var(--size-of-font); cursor: pointer; text-align: center; } test.html <link rel="stylesheet" href="test1.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="test2.css"> <div class="outer"> <h1