
Uniformly-spaced histogram bins with dc.js?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-27 06:33:11
问题 Mike Bostock uses the following snippet to generate uniformly-spaced bins for a histogram: var data = d3.layout.histogram() .bins(x.ticks(20)) (values); source Is there any way to adapt this to a project that uses dc.js and crossfilter.js? Essentially, I want to dynamically generate the bins and then use the chart to filter on a particular attribute. Total newbie to this. Any guidance would be appreciated! 回答1: dc.js supports histograms via crossfilter. Use a group for your bar chart that

Nested Grouping with Crossfilter?

余生颓废 提交于 2021-01-05 07:09:29
问题 New to cross filter and working on a project that needs to maintain summed totals and peak values of those summed totals over a date range. Tried to utilize the complex reduction from the dc.js examples. I was able to get the max of a specific make and model over the date range but not the summed total peak (summed by day) for say the Region dimension or color dimension. The project requires the following charts. A bar chart that shows the total daily peak inventory count by region(s) A

Nested Grouping with Crossfilter?

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-05 07:08:51
问题 New to cross filter and working on a project that needs to maintain summed totals and peak values of those summed totals over a date range. Tried to utilize the complex reduction from the dc.js examples. I was able to get the max of a specific make and model over the date range but not the summed total peak (summed by day) for say the Region dimension or color dimension. The project requires the following charts. A bar chart that shows the total daily peak inventory count by region(s) A

Nested Grouping with Crossfilter?

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-01-05 07:07:37
问题 New to cross filter and working on a project that needs to maintain summed totals and peak values of those summed totals over a date range. Tried to utilize the complex reduction from the dc.js examples. I was able to get the max of a specific make and model over the date range but not the summed total peak (summed by day) for say the Region dimension or color dimension. The project requires the following charts. A bar chart that shows the total daily peak inventory count by region(s) A

Nested Grouping with Crossfilter?

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-01-05 07:07:35
问题 New to cross filter and working on a project that needs to maintain summed totals and peak values of those summed totals over a date range. Tried to utilize the complex reduction from the dc.js examples. I was able to get the max of a specific make and model over the date range but not the summed total peak (summed by day) for say the Region dimension or color dimension. The project requires the following charts. A bar chart that shows the total daily peak inventory count by region(s) A


耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-12-19 11:36:04
跨域请求的问题 问题说明 解决办法 问题说明 同源策略是一个重要的安全策略,它用于限制一个origin的文档或者它加载的脚本如何能与另一个源的资源进行交互。它能帮助阻隔恶意文档,减少可能被攻击的媒介。但是有时我们想访问时就会遇到跨域请求的限制,在这里说一下解决方案。 需要访问后端数据的前端表格代码: < template > < div > < el-table :data = " tableData " style =" width : 100% " size = " mini " > < el-table-column prop = " name " label = " 直接显示名字 " width = " 180 " > </ el-table-column > < el-table-column label = " 日期 " width = " 180 " > < template slot-scope = " scope " > < i class = " el-icon-time " > </ i > < span style =" margin-left : 10px " > { { }} </ span > </ template > </ el-table-column > < el-table-column label = " 姓名

dc.js: Bar chart on subset of data

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-12-13 12:15:11
问题 I have data in format [ { "date": dt1, "action": "T", "isRequest": "", "delay": 0 }, { "date": dt1, "action": "C1", "isRequest": "R", "delay": 10 }, { "date": dt1, "action": "T", "isRequest": "", "delay": 0 }, { "date": dt1, "action": "C2", "isRequest": "R", "delay": 20 }, { "date": dt1, "action": "T", "isRequest": "", "delay": 0 }, ... ] Main bar chart is about counts (1 line in array), all delays chart is about delay distribution (attribute delay) Filtering by date main graph, changes data

Conditional custom X Value dim name when no filters are applied to DC.js Chart

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2020-12-13 03:11:36
问题 Had a follow-up question Original Question which was to group by both color and day, and then find the max day for each color. Gordon did a great job explaining how to keep a running sum for each color per day and find the max. Now I am trying to show the total sum of all colors and their respective peaks in a bar chart. In short I am looking for a single data point that sums the peak values into a total value and displays Total. I am confused what I should use for the dimension as I want a


故事扮演 提交于 2020-08-12 05:26:06
CROSSFILTER函数 CROSSFILTER函数属于“ 筛选 ”类函数,其本身不返回值也不返回表。 CROSS是什么意思?交叉! FILTER呢?筛选! 因此,CROSSFILTER函数的意思就是交叉筛选的意思。其用途也是简洁明了,改变计算过程中的筛选方向。 用途: 使用模型关系筛选时,数量过大会导致模型运载变慢,这个时候可以使用CROSSFILTER函数进行优化。 语法 DAX= CROSSFILTER(<列1>, <列2>, <方向>) 参数 列1:现有固定列的名称,不可以是表达式,代表多端。 列2:现有固定列的名称,不可以是表达式,代表一端。 方向: 有三个选项ONEWAY,BOTH,NONE。 ONEWAY:表示单向筛选;BOTH表示双向筛选;NONE表示无交叉筛选。 注意事项 1、如果模型关系是一对一的情况,使用ONEWAY和BOTH没区别。 2、如果多端列和一端列位置反了,函数本身会自我修正。 3、此函数只能在 接受筛选器作为参数的函数 中使用: CALCULATE系列 CLOSINGBALANCE系列 OPENINGBALANCE系列 TOTAL系列 4、CROSSFILTER函数会覆盖任何现有筛选关系。 5、如果两个参数没有任何链接关系,那么返回结果会报错。 6、如果使用多个CROSSFILTER,最内层的会覆盖外面的。 返回结果 本身不返回任何值

Plotting aggregated data with sub-columns in dc.js

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-06-23 12:36:38
问题 I have data in the form: data = [..., {id:X,..., turnover:[[2015,2017,2018],[2000000,3000000,2800000]]}, ...]; My goal is to plot the year in the x-axis, against the average turnover for all companies currently selected via crossfilter in the y-axis. The years recorded per company are inconsistent, but there should always be three years. If it would help, I can reorganise the data to be in the form: data = [..., {id:X,..., turnover:{2015:2000000, 2017:3000000, 2018:2800000}}, ...]; Had I been