
Running PHP file using crontab

故事扮演 提交于 2021-02-10 12:53:08
问题 I need to run a PHP file every 1 hour. What I'm doing is: sudo crontab -e (In the editor) * 01 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/devicecheck.php But somehow, it's not working. The command works on the command line. Before this, I was trying php /var/www/devicecheck.php Any suggestions? 回答1: To execute devicecheck.php every 1 hour try the following: Method A :: Execute the script using php from the crontab # crontab -e 00 * * * * /usr/bin/php/var/www/devicecheck.php Method B: Run the php script

Running A cronjob in a pod in Kubernetes

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-10 07:48:56
问题 I have a backend nodeJS application running in a kubernetes cluster. Now I want to run two cron jobs to be scheduled every month. The cron jobs are in a JS file. How do I create a job that runs those JS files in the pod running that service every month using Kubernetes ? This link gives a basic understanding of how it works but I am a little confused on how to run it for a specific service and on a specific pod

How to add Cron entries to WAMP localhost in Laravel 5.6

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2021-02-10 06:49:06
问题 I am going to create Task Shedule in laravel 5.6 in my app. I am working with windows 7 os and my localhost is WAMP. in laravel documentation there is add Cron entries to your server as * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 but I have not any idea about how to add Cron entries with My wamp localhost. my laravel file is in the desktop name as schoolproject then how can add Cron entries with my wamp? 回答1: For people who run a local WAMP server and


血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-09 12:22:16
在项目的开发过程中,难免会遇见后需要后台处理的任务,例如定时发送邮件通知、后台处理耗时的数据处理等,这个时候你就需要 Quartz.Net 了。 Quartz.Net 是纯净的,它是一个.Net程序集,是非常流行的Java作业调度系统Quartz的C#实现。 Quartz.Net 一款功能齐全的任务调度系统,从小型应用到大型企业级系统都能适用。功能齐全体现在触发器的多样性上面,即支持简单的定时器,也支持Cron表达式;即能执行重复的作业任务,也支持指定例外的日历;任务也可以是多样性的,只要继承IJob接口即可。 对于小型应用, Quartz.Net 可以集成到你的系统中,对于企业级系统,它提供了Routing支持,提供了Group来组织和管理任务,此外还有持久化、插件功能、负载均衡和故障迁移等满足不同应用场景的需要。 Hello Quartz.Net 开始使用一个框架,和学习一门开发语言一样,最好是从Hello World程序开始。 首先创建一个示例程序,然后添加Quartz.Net的引用。 Install-Package Quartz -Version 3.0.7 我们使用的是当前最新版本3.0.7进行演示。添加引用以后,来创建一个Job类 HelloQuartzJob 。 public class HelloQuartzJob : IJob { public Task

Scheduling Python script using Python CronTab on Windows 7

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-09 02:59:14
问题 I want to schedule a python script using the python-crontab module on Windows platform. Found the following snippet to work around but having a hard time to configure. Script name : from crontab import CronTab file_cron = CronTab(tabfile='') mem_cron = CronTab(tab=""" * * * * * command """) Let's say, for example, I want to print date & time for ever 5 mins using the following script, named : import datetime with open('dateInfo.txt','a') as outFile: outFile

Scheduling Python script using Python CronTab on Windows 7

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-09 02:55:38
问题 I want to schedule a python script using the python-crontab module on Windows platform. Found the following snippet to work around but having a hard time to configure. Script name : from crontab import CronTab file_cron = CronTab(tabfile='') mem_cron = CronTab(tab=""" * * * * * command """) Let's say, for example, I want to print date & time for ever 5 mins using the following script, named : import datetime with open('dateInfo.txt','a') as outFile: outFile

Scheduling Python script using Python CronTab on Windows 7

跟風遠走 提交于 2021-02-09 02:55:25
问题 I want to schedule a python script using the python-crontab module on Windows platform. Found the following snippet to work around but having a hard time to configure. Script name : from crontab import CronTab file_cron = CronTab(tabfile='') mem_cron = CronTab(tab=""" * * * * * command """) Let's say, for example, I want to print date & time for ever 5 mins using the following script, named : import datetime with open('dateInfo.txt','a') as outFile: outFile

Scheduling Python script using Python CronTab on Windows 7

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-09 02:54:47
问题 I want to schedule a python script using the python-crontab module on Windows platform. Found the following snippet to work around but having a hard time to configure. Script name : from crontab import CronTab file_cron = CronTab(tabfile='') mem_cron = CronTab(tab=""" * * * * * command """) Let's say, for example, I want to print date & time for ever 5 mins using the following script, named : import datetime with open('dateInfo.txt','a') as outFile: outFile

Cron xdotool doesn't run

别来无恙 提交于 2021-02-08 21:54:34
问题 I am new to using crontab, and I've been trying to get a simple cron job. I want press F5 every 1 minute to refresh Mozzila Firefox. I am using xdotool for press F5. I have script /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/bash xdotool search --name "Mozilla Firefox" key F5 If i run it in command line it works fine. And permission: -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 89 15. čec 10.32 In crontab i have: */1 * * * * cd /usr/local/bin && sh But script run by cron doesnt work. Can anyone tell me

Cron xdotool doesn't run

泄露秘密 提交于 2021-02-08 21:53:40
问题 I am new to using crontab, and I've been trying to get a simple cron job. I want press F5 every 1 minute to refresh Mozzila Firefox. I am using xdotool for press F5. I have script /usr/local/bin/ #!/bin/bash xdotool search --name "Mozilla Firefox" key F5 If i run it in command line it works fine. And permission: -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 89 15. čec 10.32 In crontab i have: */1 * * * * cd /usr/local/bin && sh But script run by cron doesnt work. Can anyone tell me