
CriteriaBuilder and isMember of list on entity (Hibernate)

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-08 07:05:03
问题 Okay, I'm trying to do something quite strange. I'm trying to use CriteriaBuilder and CriteriaQuery to return all entities who contain a given object in a collection on the entity. I've been banging my head against this for hours and the relevant documentation is little and not particularly useful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Relevant excerpts of the classes are as follows. @Entity public class Entry { @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) private List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>()

CriteriaBuilder and isMember of list on entity (Hibernate)

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2021-02-08 07:04:28
问题 Okay, I'm trying to do something quite strange. I'm trying to use CriteriaBuilder and CriteriaQuery to return all entities who contain a given object in a collection on the entity. I've been banging my head against this for hours and the relevant documentation is little and not particularly useful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Relevant excerpts of the classes are as follows. @Entity public class Entry { @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) private List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>()

CriteriaBuilder and isMember of list on entity (Hibernate)

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-08 07:02:48
问题 Okay, I'm trying to do something quite strange. I'm trying to use CriteriaBuilder and CriteriaQuery to return all entities who contain a given object in a collection on the entity. I've been banging my head against this for hours and the relevant documentation is little and not particularly useful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Relevant excerpts of the classes are as follows. @Entity public class Entry { @ManyToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) private List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>()

Spring criteria query in clause

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-29 13:28:59
问题 I have the following problem with my springboot project: I'm creating a Criteria Query with the elements of a filter, this is the code: public List<IncidentMinimalPOJO> getPOJOFiltered(FilterPOJO filterValue) { List<IncidentMinimalPOJO> resultListPOJO = null; CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Incident> cq = cb.createQuery(Incident.class); List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>(); Root<Incident> root = cq.from(Incident.class); if (filterValue.getInfodesk() !=

ORDER BY in Criteria API for a computed column name (by alias)

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-07-31 04:14:13
问题 Having a situation where my java code is symbolic to query - SELECT CUSTOMER_ID, CUSTOMER_NAME, CASE WHEN COUNT (DISTINCT CARD_ID) > 1 THEN 'MULTIPLE' ELSE MAX(CARD_NUM) END AS CARD_NUM FROM CUSTOMER LEFT JOIN CARD ON CARD.CUSTOMER_ID = CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER_ID GROUP BY CUSTOMER_ID, CUSTOMER_NAME Java code for detailed info - CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); final CriteriaQuery<Tuple> query = cb.createQuery(Tuple.class); final Root<Customer> root = query.from(Customer.class);

Find min and max on the same date field column and count using jpa entity manager criteriabuilder

南笙酒味 提交于 2020-03-04 16:31:12
问题 The bounty expires in 6 days . Answers to this question are eligible for a +50 reputation bounty. Prashant Kumar wants to draw more attention to this question. I am working on replacing below sql query and use entitymanager criteriabuilder. I checked other blogs and documentation but haven't been successful yet. SELECT MIN(creation_date),MAX(creation_date),COUNT(*), source FROM creation_tbl where creation_date>=? GROUP BY source; My current approach CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder =

JPA One-To-Many join table give incorrect child records

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-24 09:12:29
问题 I'm using Spring framework. I have two tables Package & Item and the relationship is one Package has many Items. The tables design is something like: Packages @Entity @Table(name = "TB_PACKAGE") public class Packages implements Serializable{ @Id @GeneratedValue(generator = "system-uuid") @GenericGenerator(name = "system-uuid", strategy = "uuid") @Column(name = "PACKAGE_ID") private String packageId; @Valid @OneToMany(mappedBy = "packages", cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }) private List<Item>

How do I write a JPA query to populate a data transfer object (different than my @Entity object)?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-23 01:53:14
问题 We’re using Java 6, JPA 2.1, and Hibernate 4.3.6.Final. I have the below code that finds our Organization objects … final CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder(); final CriteriaQuery<Organization> criteria = builder.createQuery(Organization.class); final Root<Organization> root = criteria.from(Organization.class); final CriteriaQuery query = buildCriteriaQuery(builder, criteria, root, country, state, organizationTypes, parentOrg, zipCode); final TypedQuery<Organization>

Condition left join in CriteriaQuery

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-22 05:37:11
问题 Hi everybody I am trying to do this in CriteriaQuery, I was searching so long but I can't found anything to do it, someone can help me? SELECT FROM Empl a LEFT OUTER JOIN Deplo b ON (a.id_depl = b.id_depl) AND b.id_place = 2; I'm just trying to do a condition in left join clause, I saw ".on" function but I don't know if it will work and how it work because I tried to do something like this: Join Table1, Table2j1 = root.join(Table1_.table2, JoinType.LEFT).on(cb.and(cb.equal(table2_