
Where are the ElasticSearch APIs exposed when running Crate?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-02 09:27:11
问题 I've successfully installed the elasticsearch head plugin on crate and can access its web UI but it fails to connect. I'd like to be able to use it to visualize the data in the underlying elasticsearch store. Is there a a way to access the elasticsearch API directly so that head can work? 回答1: You will need to enable the API which is done inside the crate.yml file. And the setting to change is: es.api.enabled: true However, Elasticsearch Plugins may not work out of the box because Crate and

Is it possible to issue a spatial join with shapes from two tables?

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-25 08:16:53
问题 I want to be able to run a query like: select A.* from A join B on match(A.geom,B.wkt) using within; But i get: ERROR: UnhandledServerException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: queryTerm must be a literal Sample schema: create table if not exists A ( id integer, geom geo_shape ); create table if not exists B ( id integer, wkt string index off ); The reason for trying wkt string is due to the documentation's use of WKT literals. Additionally, since our actual implementation is a variable

ES to Crate data transfer

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-24 17:00:52
问题 I want to migrate the data from ES (1.0.0) to Crate (currently available version 0.26.0) to check it out, how could I do it? What should I do with indexes, does ES index fit Crate? One might think of several flows: Smooth transition, e.g. when I do hybrid cluster with ES + Crate nodes, with replica at least one, and afterwards kill ES nodes one by one. We're doing backups via 'elasticsearch-cloud-aws' plugin is it possible to 'restore' this snapshots, but having Crate nodes instead of native

CRATE and elasticsearch-cloud-aws plugin compatibility

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-23 20:47:44
问题 We are going to use CRATE with elasticsearch-cloud-aws plugin for ES to create backups. It looks like current version (from deb package) has an issue with run time environment for aws plugin. It says: {1.0.1}: Initialization Failed ... - NoClassDefFoundError[org/elasticsearch/common/collect/Lists] ClassNotFoundException[org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Lists] It makes Crate incompatible with aws backup plugin. It would be great to have any aws-based backup plugin on board, because it

Where are the ElasticSearch APIs exposed when running Crate?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-06 06:29:27
I've successfully installed the elasticsearch head plugin on crate and can access its web UI but it fails to connect. I'd like to be able to use it to visualize the data in the underlying elasticsearch store. Is there a a way to access the elasticsearch API directly so that head can work? You will need to enable the API which is done inside the crate.yml file. And the setting to change is: es.api.enabled: true However, Elasticsearch Plugins may not work out of the box because Crate and Elasticsearch aren't binary compatible (you will probably have to modify the namespaces and imports).


心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-04 06:12:42
1. 安装Rust 到 找到rust的下载地址. 然后安装rustup-init.exe, 安装之后, rustc, cargo都安装好了. 2. 设置网络: 由于crate.io被屏蔽, 需要设置国内源. 或者通过代理访问. 设置方式为: 到.cargo文件夹下(通常在用户文件夹下), 找到config文件,然后输入 [source.crates-io] registry = "" replace-with = 'ustc' [source.ustc] registry = "git://" 或者 [http] proxy = "[socks5://]server:<port>" 来源:


不问归期 提交于 2019-11-29 00:40:17
Parity的Substrate区块链框架在最近几个月里的开发进展很迅速,基于Substrate的Polkadot区块链的开发也是如火如荼。这个教程的目的是介绍如何构建一个可以支持自己的运行时模块的Substrate链。 本教程的主要内容包括: 学习Susbtrate链的安装与设置 学习Susbtrate链的配置方法,以及如何使用Polkadot JS浏览区块链状态 学习运行时模块的结构,以及如何使用运行时模块为你自己的定制区块链添加功能 1、关于Rust Substrate和运行时模块都是使用Rust开发的。 Rust是一种底层静态类型语言,它的特点在于速度保障与可靠性,但是学习难度比较高。在区块链开发中一个非常重要但却经常被忽略的话题是:如何掌握Rust。在这个教程中我们不会分析Rust代码,但是对于希望使用Susbtrate进行区块链开发的工程师来说,掌握Rust是一个前提条件。 作为一种程序开发语言,Rust的学习曲线是比较陡峭的。部分原因在于Rust所采用语法规范,极其依赖于像泛型、特性萃取、生命周期和宏这样的特性,以及其他一些考虑例如作用于和不变性。 其他的Substrate学习资源,例如 Substrate Kitties collectibles workshop 生成Rust非常容易掌握,但这不是真实的情况,除非你已经有比较多的底层语言的开发经历,例如C++