
Error 426 from once I deployed my site on Netlify

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2021-01-24 07:38:06
问题 While I was trying my project on localhost it was working fine, using since I got the CORS problem. But once I deployed the site on Netlify, it gave me the error 426 (Upgrade Required), with or without using These are the messages that appear on my console: >Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 426 (Upgrade Required) >Error: Request failed with status code 426 at createError.js:16 at settle.js

NGiNX - Not returning sufficient headers for error(4xx, 5xx) Vs Success(2xx)

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-05-29 11:02:19
问题 Hello Friends, I have independently ask a question in the same context but from angular perspective. Kindly refer my NGiNX server configuration . What I am phasing is, whenever my Angular app's REST request successfully ( 200 ) returns from server( where NGiNX installed ) in such a case NGiNX returns sufficient headers along with response & I am able to successfully handle it Vs Error request/response. Especial case is, I am unable to get request status . For example , if my API return 401, not working (503). What else can I try?

我们两清 提交于 2019-11-30 12:35:06
问题 I am trying to send a get request to the Wikipedia API. I am sending the request form a angular frontend so i'm trying to use the Heroku CORS Anywhere endpoint to avoid CORS issues. For some reason, I'm still getting a 503 response saying no access-control-allow-origin header is present on the requested resource. Any idea why this would happen/what else I can try? My code: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Http, Response, } from '@angular/http'; import { Observable } from not working (503). What else can I try?

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-11-28 19:58:47
I am trying to send a get request to the Wikipedia API. I am sending the request form a angular frontend so i'm trying to use the Heroku CORS Anywhere endpoint to avoid CORS issues. For some reason, I'm still getting a 503 response saying no access-control-allow-origin header is present on the requested resource. Any idea why this would happen/what else I can try? My code: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Http, Response, } from '@angular/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Rx'; @Injectable() export class RestService { API_URL: string = 'https://cors-anywhere.herokuapp

How to use Cors anywhere to reverse proxy and add CORS headers

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-28 06:06:20
I've been reading for two hours the documentation of this Reverse proxy to add CORS headers, and I'm not able to use. Can you please help with a simple example how to use that. CORS-ANYWHERE I've tried that example in a javascript (function() { var cors_api_host = ''; var cors_api_url = 'https://' + cors_api_host + '/'; var slice = [].slice; var origin = window.location.protocol + '//' +; var open =; = function() { var args =; var targetOrigin = /^https?:\/\/([^\/]+

How to use Cors anywhere to reverse proxy and add CORS headers

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-11-26 19:46:49
问题 I've been reading for two hours the documentation of this Reverse proxy to add CORS headers, and I'm not able to use. Can you please help with a simple example how to use that. CORS-ANYWHERE I've tried that example in a javascript (function() { var cors_api_host = ''; var cors_api_url = 'https://' + cors_api_host + '/'; var slice = [].slice; var origin = window.location.protocol + '//' +; var open =; XMLHttpRequest