
Setting an httponly cookie with javax.servlet 2.5

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-27 01:20:53
问题 here is a function that sets a cookie: public void addCookie(String cookieName, String cookieValue, Integer maxAge, HttpServletResponse response) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie(cookieName, cookieValue); cookie.setPath("/mycampaigns"); cookie.setSecure(isSecureCookie); cookie.setMaxAge(maxAge); response.addCookie(cookie); } I believe in servlet 3.0, there is a way to do this directly. Unfortunately my organization uses 2.5 and UPGRADING at this juncture IS NOT AN OPTION. is there way to use the

Laravel 5.6 - Passport JWT httponly cookie SPA authentication for self consuming API?

99封情书 提交于 2019-11-26 10:30:45
NOTE: I had 4 bounties on this question, but non of the upvoted answers below are the answer needed for this question. Everything needed is in Update 3 below, just looking for Laravel code to implement. UPDATE 3: This flow chart is exactly the flow I am trying to accomplish, everything below is the original question with some older updates. This flow chart sums up everything needed. The green parts in the flow chart below are the parts that I know how to do. The red parts along with their side notes is what I am looking for help accomplishing using Laravel code. I have done a lot of research

Laravel 5.6 - Passport JWT httponly cookie SPA authentication for self consuming API?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-11-26 02:09:01
问题 NOTE: I had 4 bounties on this question, but non of the upvoted answers below are the answer needed for this question. Everything needed is in Update 3 below, just looking for Laravel code to implement. UPDATE 3: This flow chart is exactly the flow I am trying to accomplish, everything below is the original question with some older updates. This flow chart sums up everything needed. The green parts in the flow chart below are the parts that I know how to do. The red parts along with their