
No completions available, strange Eclipse behavior

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-03 09:36:23
I think I tried every suggested solution, but this Eclipse auto-complete problem is quite particular: I launch Eclipse, content assist works fine; I want to create a LineBorder in my Swing project; I type LineBorder panelBorder = new Li and hit Ctrl+Space; No popup appears and in the status bar it writes in red "No completion available"; I try Ctrl+Space on the elements where content assist worked fine 2 secs earlier, it doesn't work anymore. I try the same thing on other project, on the same project after closing and reopening it, after cleaning it and content assist works just fine before I

How can I get Aptana's code assist to work with Google Maps API v3?

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-03 05:30:23
问题 There's a Google Maps API v3 Visual Studio Intellisense Helper, which presumably works great for Visual Studio, but Aptana (based on Eclipse) uses a different JavaScript documentation format - ScriptDoc (.sdoc files). ScriptDoc is also the name of a VS utility to convert JS files with Intellisense comments into XML, just to confuse things. I've tried adding the Intellisense files as file / global references in Aptana, but all this gives is completion for the word google and no completion or

How can I get Aptana's code assist to work with Google Maps API v3?

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-02 18:48:41
There's a Google Maps API v3 Visual Studio Intellisense Helper , which presumably works great for Visual Studio, but Aptana (based on Eclipse) uses a different JavaScript documentation format - ScriptDoc (.sdoc files). ScriptDoc is also the name of a VS utility to convert JS files with Intellisense comments into XML, just to confuse things. I've tried adding the Intellisense files as file / global references in Aptana, but all this gives is completion for the word google and no completion or documentation in the google namespace. Possible solutions: Find someone who's already done this for

How do I get the XML Dom node of where my cursor is in Eclipse?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-02 08:54:28
How do I get the xml dom node and xpath to where my cursor is in an Eclipse custom XML editor that I am building. It is a textEditor. I am implementing IContentAssistProcessor thus far. You can get the position of the cursor in the text editor and you can implement an XML reader that stores the locations of the XML nodes using the SAX Locator . For a mouse event, you could then scan the document and find the best matching node. I am not sure how performant this is but this is where I would start. 来源:

Content assist for Eclipse JSDT based Editor

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-01 01:12:46
In Eclipse content assist is usually implemented by some class that implements IContentAssistProcessor ( JavaDoc , example ) How to implement the same CompletionProposal s for JSDT based Editor? The only example I know is , but it is large and unclear how to extend JSDT for code assist. Are there other APIs in JSDT? Please point to APIs to use. Related How to extend javascript editor in JSDT in Eclipse with adding new functions You need to implement the completion proposal extension point of the JSDT editor. In there you have to specify a

Eclipse autocomplete not working

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-30 19:53:19
The autocomplete of eclipse is not working now and I searched for hours but I couldn't find an answer to solve it. I haven't used it for long time then the first thing after opening it was to install SWT and windows builder even though I had swing installed. What I mean is, it is may possibly be because of some conflict caused by swt and swing(I read something about a conflict but I don't if this is possible). Strange thing is it doesn't show anything when I press ctrl+space but when I go Edit-> Content Assist -> Default(it says Ctrl+Space nearby it), it shows things needed to be shown/works

Eclipse Neon Content Assist has no proposals for JavaScript

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-11-30 09:37:24
Bottom Line Up Front: Eclipse Neon content assist (Ctrl+space) does not offer any proposals for my JavaScript code. Here is what I've checked so far: JSDT has been installed "JavaScript resources" include ECMASciptBuilt-In Library, ECMA 3 Browser Support Library, jQuery The project's Include path has ECMAScipt Built-In Library, ECMA 3 Browser Support Library, jQuery, and JavaScript Web Project support Eclipse's JavaScript Content Assist is enabled and includes Basic proposals, Other JavaScript Proposals, Template Proposals, and word proposals. I changed the content assist from ctrl+space to

How can I get Eclipse to insert tabs instead of spaces for Java content assist?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-30 08:03:42
Is there any way to persuade Eclipse to use tabs instead of spaces for indenting its built-in Java content assist proposals (such as when creating an empty method which overrides a method in the parent class)? The only setting I could find that looked relevant is in Windows/Preferences/General/Editors/Text Editors/Insert spaces for tabs, and this setting is unchecked. (EDIT: Several posters have pointed out Java / Code Style / Formatter / Indentation / Tab policy, which is set to "Tabs only") At the moment I have to remember to select them and re-format with <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<F> . It seems to be

Eclipse autocomplete not working

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-11-30 03:30:54
问题 The autocomplete of eclipse is not working now and I searched for hours but I couldn't find an answer to solve it. I haven't used it for long time then the first thing after opening it was to install SWT and windows builder even though I had swing installed. What I mean is, it is may possibly be because of some conflict caused by swt and swing(I read something about a conflict but I don't if this is possible). Strange thing is it doesn't show anything when I press ctrl+space but when I go

Eclipse Neon Content Assist has no proposals for JavaScript

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-11-29 14:33:18
问题 Bottom Line Up Front: Eclipse Neon content assist (Ctrl+space) does not offer any proposals for my JavaScript code. Here is what I've checked so far: JSDT has been installed "JavaScript resources" include ECMASciptBuilt-In Library, ECMA 3 Browser Support Library, jQuery The project's Include path has ECMAScipt Built-In Library, ECMA 3 Browser Support Library, jQuery, and JavaScript Web Project support Eclipse's JavaScript Content Assist is enabled and includes Basic proposals, Other