
How to tell when an image is already in browser cache in IE9?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-01 21:03:48
IE9 is showing false complete property with the following: $("<img/>",{src:""}).each(function(){console.log(this.complete);}); If you run this code in a browser console, (allow enough time for the image to load) then run it again. IE9 is the only browser I've tested showing false the second time. This seems to be a known bug, from some simple google searching. I need a workaround if anyone has one. This could be a timing issue, as letting the code above set a global variable a la: var img = $("<img.... and then testing that variable

Changing tab-completion for read builtin in bash

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-01 09:12:06
The current tab-completion while "read -e" is active in bash seems to be only matching filenames: read -e [[TabTab]] abc.txt bcd.txt cde.txt I want the completion to be a set of strings defined by me, while file/dir/hostname-completion etc. should be deactivated for the duration of "read -e". Outside of a script complete -W 'string1 string2 string3' -E works well, but i cant get this kind of completion to work inside a script while using "read -e". Although it seems like a reasonable request, I don't believe that is possible. The existing implementation of the read builtin sets the readline

Gearman addTaskBackground complete Callback doesnot fire

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-01 08:20:37
问题 I am trying to make some job in background and write result to file result from complete callback, but its only work for addTask (not in background) and not for addTaskBackground have somebody any ideas? thanks for help! $client = new GearmanClient(); $client->addServer('localhost'); $client->setCompleteCallback("complete"); $client->addTaskBackground('upload', '', null, 1); $client->addTaskBackground('upload', ''

FineUploader OnComplete method not firing. Newbie, require some handholding

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-11-30 23:28:30
So, I'm using FineUploader 3.3 within a MVC 4 application, and this is a very cool plugin, well worth the nominal cost. Thanks for building this, very useful. Now, I just need to get it working correctly. I'm pretty new to MVC and absolutely new to passing back JSON, so I need some help getting this to work. Here's what I'm using, all within doc.ready. var manualuploader = $('#files-upload').fineUploader({ request: { endpoint: '@Url.Action("UploadFile", "Survey")', customHeaders: { Accept: 'application/json' }, params: { //variables are populated outside of this code snippet surveyInstanceId:

Language Descriptions(摘自 code complete)

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-30 20:50:43
Language Descriptions The development histories of some languages are interesting, as are their general capabilities. Here are descriptions of the most common languages in use today. Ada Ada is a general-purpose, high-level programming language based on Pascal. It was developed under the aegis of the Department of Defense and is especially well suited to real-time and embedded systems. Ada emphasizes data abstraction and information hiding and forces you to differentiate between the public and private parts of each class and package. "Ada" was chosen as the name of the language in honor of Ada

FineUploader OnComplete method not firing. Newbie, require some handholding

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-11-30 17:59:30
问题 So, I'm using FineUploader 3.3 within a MVC 4 application, and this is a very cool plugin, well worth the nominal cost. Thanks for building this, very useful. Now, I just need to get it working correctly. I'm pretty new to MVC and absolutely new to passing back JSON, so I need some help getting this to work. Here's what I'm using, all within doc.ready. var manualuploader = $('#files-upload').fineUploader({ request: { endpoint: '@Url.Action("UploadFile", "Survey")', customHeaders: { Accept:

WPF/Metro-style: Making ListView show only complete items

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-11-29 15:43:29
In my Metro application, I have a data source containing a certain number of items (say 25). I have a ListView that presents those items. My problem is that the ListView have a size that allows it to display, say, 6.5 items, so that the last item it displays is cut in half. If the resolution changes, it might display 4 items, or 8.2 items, or whatever. What I'd like is that the ListView shows exactly the number of items that fits in the height of the control, instead of clipping the last item. Right now, I see two possible half-solutions, none of which is optimal: Set the height of the

iphone uiwebview download complete page with CSS and Images

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-11-27 22:31:19
In my app there's a uiwebview that loads a url. I am using the following line to save the HTML of the page loaded locally to be able to view it offline. NSString* html=[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML"] The problem is only the HTML of the document that gets saved, I want to save also the images and the CSS along with the HTML so that the user see the page as if he is online. just like "save web page complete" or something like that, that we used to in the browsers. appreciate your help. There is no easy way. Regex the HTML

jQuery or JavaScript: Determine when image finished loading

随声附和 提交于 2019-11-27 20:07:00
How can I detect when an image has finished loading be it from the server or the browser cache? I want to load various images in the same <img/> tag and detect when the loading of a new images has finished. Thank you. $('img').on('load', function() { // do whatever you want }); The onload document's event will fire only after all the elements, images included, have fully loaded. The onload <img>'s event will fire after the single image have fully loaded. So you can attach a listener to these events, using jQuery objects or DOM's addEventListener (and IE's attachEvent) Well, this is quite an

iphone uiwebview download complete page with CSS and Images

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-27 04:34:58
问题 In my app there's a uiwebview that loads a url. I am using the following line to save the HTML of the page loaded locally to be able to view it offline. NSString* html=[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML"] The problem is only the HTML of the document that gets saved, I want to save also the images and the CSS along with the HTML so that the user see the page as if he is online. just like "save web page complete" or something