
join columns separated by delimiter in same table

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2020-05-17 05:55:06
问题 I have the following data set color_code fav_color_code color_code_name fav_color_name 1|2 5 blue|white black 3|4 7|9 green|red pink|yellow I need to join first value of color_code to first value of color_code_name and second value of color_code to second value of color_code_name etc.. code color 1 blue 2 white 5 black 3 green 4 red 7 pink 9 yellow I am using the below code but it is doing cross join since I dont have id to join upon. This code work if I am mapping 2 columns but not multiple

Bash script to to remove word wrap in csv file and add double quotes for entire csv file

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-04-18 03:57:40
问题 This is my sample data in csv file. As you can see for ID = '51126' there is a column which has data in word wrap format, The data is entered using atl+enter. I need to remove word wrap and etner into a single line and add double quotes to entire csv file. ID,OPPORTUNITY ID,CREATED_DATE,TIR NAME,MS Rep,SRC_SSR_REP,REGION,HP PBM NAME,COMPANY NAME,COMPANY ADDRESS,COMPANY CITY,COMPANY STATE,COMPANY ZIPCODE,COMPANY AMID,COMPANY USER CONTACT NAME,COMPANY USER TITLE,COMPANY USER PHONE,COMPANY USER

JavaScript declare a variable and use the comma operator in one statement?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-04-11 05:45:25
问题 it's known that to declare multiple variables, one uses a format like: let k = 0, j = 5 /*etc....*/ It's also known that to execute multiple statements in one line (which is useful for arrow functions, making it not necessary to write the return keyword), the comma "," operator is also used, like so: let r = "hello there world, how are you?" .split("") .map(x => (x+=5000, x.split("").map( y => y+ + 8 ).join(""))) .join("") console.log(r) not the most elegant example, but the point is you can

(转)xilinx 高速收发器Serdes深入研究-Comma码

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-03-09 17:32:18
一、为什么要用Serdes 传统的源同步传输,时钟和数据分离。在速率比较低时(<1000M),没有问题。 在速率越来越高时,这样会有问题 由于传输线的时延不一致和抖动存在,接收端不能正确的采样数据,对不准眼图中点。 然后就想到了从数据里面恢复出时钟去采样数据,即CDR 这样就不存在延迟不一致的情况,有轻微的抖动也不会影响采样(恢复的时钟会随着数据一起抖动)。 二 、为什么要用8b10b,64b66b? 1 提供足够的跳变来恢复时钟 这样还有问题,收发两端必须共地,但往往很难实现。 于是采样差分信号传输,为了防止共模电压在接收端导致电流过大,使用电流驱动模式。看到接收端有电容进行交流耦合,隔直流。这样又带来一个问题,需要DC平衡。所以有了下面另一个原因。 2 DC平衡,即0和1的数量要相等。 3 run length,0和1连续出现的最大长度 AGC自动增益控制需要交流分量才能实现放大 4 comma码,K码 在serdes上面的高速串行流在接收端需要重新串并转化成多字并行,怎么找到字的边界进行对齐呢? 这就需要一个特殊的序列,这就是comma码。 传输过程中需要的一些控制,最好不要和数据冲突了,这就是K码。 基于以上四个原因,就有了8b10b,64b66b的出现。 三 、8b10b编码 8b10b编码一句话概括起来就是把8bit的数据变成10bit的数据

PySpark: How to specify column with comma as decimal

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-02-28 03:05:14
问题 I am working with PySpark and loading a csv file. I have a column with numbers in European format, which means that comma replaces the dot and vice versa. For example: I have 2.416,67 instead of 2,416.67 . My data in .csv file looks like this - ID; Revenue 21; 2.645,45 23; 31.147,05 . . 55; 1.009,11 In pandas, such a file can easily be read by specifying decimal=',' and thousands='.' options inside pd.read_csv() to read European formats. Pandas code: import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv(

PySpark: How to specify column with comma as decimal

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-02-28 02:47:03
问题 I am working with PySpark and loading a csv file. I have a column with numbers in European format, which means that comma replaces the dot and vice versa. For example: I have 2.416,67 instead of 2,416.67 . My data in .csv file looks like this - ID; Revenue 21; 2.645,45 23; 31.147,05 . . 55; 1.009,11 In pandas, such a file can easily be read by specifying decimal=',' and thousands='.' options inside pd.read_csv() to read European formats. Pandas code: import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv(

PySpark: How to specify column with comma as decimal

戏子无情 提交于 2020-02-28 02:46:07
问题 I am working with PySpark and loading a csv file. I have a column with numbers in European format, which means that comma replaces the dot and vice versa. For example: I have 2.416,67 instead of 2,416.67 . My data in .csv file looks like this - ID; Revenue 21; 2.645,45 23; 31.147,05 . . 55; 1.009,11 In pandas, such a file can easily be read by specifying decimal=',' and thousands='.' options inside pd.read_csv() to read European formats. Pandas code: import pandas as pd df=pd.read_csv(

MySQL Combine row values with comma and more

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-01-24 23:00:08
问题 I have been banging my head over this for a while. Mainly it's not about getting a solution BUT how it works. It would be great if you can give explanation on how the solution is implemented. This is just sample data, I am working with 5 tables with inline SELECT statements. Thank you SQL Gurus. Sample Tables: CREATE TABLE source ( product varchar(20), amount decimal ) CREATE TABLE cat ( category varchar(20), product varchar(20) ) Insert Sample Data: INSERT INTO source (product, amount)

Using fscanf to read comma delimited doubles

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-24 01:24:29
问题 How would I read comma delimited doubles with no white space? I tried the following: fscanf(file, "%lf[^,], &x) but it doesn't work. The file will be in the following format: 1.0,2.0,4.0 3.0,6.0,1.0 回答1: Instead of using [^,] regular expression you directly use , . #include <stdio.h> int main(){ FILE *fp; double buff[255]; int i=0; fp = fopen("file.txt", "r"); while(fscanf(fp, "%lf,",&buff[i++])!=EOF){ printf("%0.1lf ", buff[i-1] ); } fclose(fp); } 来源:

Joining two strings with a comma and space between them

安稳与你 提交于 2020-01-22 05:50:05
问题 I have been given the two strings "str1" and "str2" and I need to join them into a single string. The result should be something like this: "String1, String 2" . The "str1" and "str2" variables however do not have the ", " . So now for the question: How do I join these strings while having them separated by a comma and space? This is what I came up with when I saw the "task", this does not seperate them with ", " though, the result for this is “String2String1”. function test(str1, str2) { var