
How to change the highlight variable color in NetBeans IDE?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2019-12-31 10:36:33
问题 I am talking about this background color underneath droparea variable, see screenshot: My color scheme would be perfect if I get just that resolved. 回答1: The Category you are looking for is Mark Occurrences , but it is language specific so you won't find it under All Languages . You will see it when you change the Language to Java for instance. Then you have to change the Background field on the right hand side. 来源:

How to change the highlight variable color in NetBeans IDE?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-31 10:35:23
问题 I am talking about this background color underneath droparea variable, see screenshot: My color scheme would be perfect if I get just that resolved. 回答1: The Category you are looking for is Mark Occurrences , but it is language specific so you won't find it under All Languages . You will see it when you change the Language to Java for instance. Then you have to change the Background field on the right hand side. 来源:

How to make the color theme inside #ifdef more readable in Eclipse?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-31 09:16:12
问题 I love the color themes (thanks!), but one seriously nagging issue is that the code that is #ifdef'd out, is impossible to read (and annoyingly bright). If I highlight those lines, I can read it, but I'd really really rather not see it at all. Seems to be a similar issue as the one for tool-tips, but I am hoping that there is a setting somewhere to turn off the syntax highlighting for inactive code. I have looked and not found it, but that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't exist. I am an

Vim color scheme similar to the one used in jsfiddle?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-25 03:56:10
问题 I really like the color scheme used in jsfiddle. Is there any color scheme that it is similar? 回答1: I didn't see anything at your link, but why don't you judge for yourself? You can see most of the publicly available color schemes for Vim here: Just click on the name of any of the colorschemes to download. Try a bunch of them, modify to suit your tastes if you can't find one that's perfect for you. 来源:

How to convert RGB to BGR?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-24 12:15:51
问题 This is probably easy, but I'm trying to convert from a source which provides colors in RGB strings to an output in BGR strings in Java. I've been busting my brain and time on shifting and Long.decode and Long.toHexString. Feel free to also throw alpha values in there (RGBA -> ABGR), though I think I can extend the principles. I can assume that the hex is in the form specified in the long and int decode: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits # HexDigits 回答1: For 24bit colors (8 bits to each of R,G,B):

Vim: “E185: Cannot find color scheme solarized”

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-23 07:40:10
问题 Setting up a new machine and trying to get Solarized running in Vim. Getting the following error when I run vim: E185: Cannot find color scheme solarized Tried to follow Pathogen install instructions from the Solarized README on the official repo. Checked this similar question & answer, which solved the problem by actually having the proper files in the directory, but as you can see below, my directory is indeed full of goodies (I just cloned it). Details iTerm2 .vimrc is loading, and other

SAS: Enhanced Editor. Color Scheme Sharing

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-23 02:04:35
问题 I have a color scheme for enhanced editor in SAS 9.2. How can i share this scheme with others? Where does file of scheme be found? Thanks! 回答1: The editor coloring scheme is stored in SAS registries. You can export and import registry entries to share the scheme definitions. There is a SASHELP and SASUSER (user defined) part of registry. I didn't try it, so I'm just guessing - based on whether you modified original color scheme or defined your own, it's stored in either SASHELP or SASUSER

Problems making an accurate Visual Studio scheme for Vim (vim scheme specialist needed)

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-23 01:24:51
问题 I'm trying to make an accurate Visual Studio scheme. I set hi function to blood color ( #9A1102 ) for the "CSS function" (e.g. #thisisanid). But now the brackets with properties (id, class) in html elements also have blood color : (ironically the same color here in Stackoverflow). But I want them blue ( #2902FC ) e.g.: Sample of code: " Syntax highlighting hi Comment guifg=#777777 gui=none hi Todo guifg=#8f8f8f gui=none hi Constant guifg=#e5786d gui=none hi String guifg=#2902FC gui=none hi

Generating Color Gradients

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-22 12:37:35
问题 I had an idea to programmatically generate matching color schemes however I need to be able to generate a linear gradient given a set of two colors (Hex or RGB values). Can anyone provide me the (pseudo-)code or point me in the right direction to accomplish this task? EDIT : I forgot to mention, but I also need to specify (or know) the number of steps the gradient takes from color A to color B. 回答1: Okay, so you know the steps, start color and end color. Assuming you have RGB values for each

Color gradients in R in PDF and bitmap output

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-22 05:33:55
问题 I am struggling to get a visually acceptable color gradient in R (see here for a detailed description of my particular case). The problem, in short, is that while output in the R window looks OK, PDFs show thin, white lines between segments used to generate the gradient. n <- 100 cc <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(n) par(mar=rep(0,4)) sapply(1:n, function(i) rect((i-1)/n, 0, i/n, 1, col=cc[i], border=NA)) dev.copy2pdf(file="test.pdf") Here is the result: You can see the thin,