
Help needed with farbtastic color picker. Simple example html included

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-04 06:22:45
问题 I've included a very simple html example that almost works. It is a very plain implementation of this great color picker. But it doesn't quite work as advertised. I only get a single blue box and I can pick blue shades. But not the gradient or the outer ring. Wait! I just realized that the outer ring is there, and I can change the colors with it. But its invisible! Weird.... Can anybody show me how to get the whole thing to work? Thanks in advance! 回答1:

Help needed with farbtastic color picker. Simple example html included

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-02 11:37:37
I've included a very simple html example that almost works. It is a very plain implementation of this great color picker. But it doesn't quite work as advertised. I only get a single blue box and I can pick blue shades. But not the gradient or the outer ring. Wait! I just realized that the outer ring is there, and I can change the colors with it. But its invisible! Weird.... Can anybody show me how to get the whole thing to work? Thanks in advance! the images for it are not pointing to the correct uri. returns a 404;

Color code points based on percentile in ggplot

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-02 07:27:01
问题 I have some very large files that contain a genomic position (position) and a corresponding population genetic statistic (value). I have successfully plotted these values and would like to color code the top 5% (blue) and 1% (red) of values. I am wondering if there is an easy way to do this in R. I have explored writing a function that defines the quantiles, however, many of them end up being not unique and thus cause the function to fail. I've also looked into stat_quantile but only had

How to correctly enable ANSI colors in ConEmu + Git Bash?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-11-30 15:02:44
问题 I'm using Git Bash with ConEmu to make it look cool. However, upon installing Composer the colors seem to be escaped: So Git Bash does not support all the colors. Checking the AnsiColors256.ans file: After lots of Googling, I still haven't found any solution. I don't want to use Ansicon or other console emulator, ConEmu is fine for me. My settings: Inject ConEmuHk enabled Ansi X3.64 / xterm 256 enabled Windows 7 x64 Git Bash 1.9.5 ConEmu 141208 How do I enable all the colors? This is annoying

ANSI Color Codes in VIM

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-11-29 21:20:11
I have a script that generates a log file with ANSI color codes in them like so: [2012-05-14 18:00:02] ^[[0mINF: -- Starting update script --^[[0m [2012-05-14 18:00:29] ^[[91mERR: Improper date, entry being ignored.^[[0m Is there any way to get Vim to understand these color codes? Thanks for any help. Use Charles Campbell's (Dr Chip) AnsiEsc plugin: Before: :AnsiEsc<CR> I'm not sure about vim, but if you're just viewing a log file (ie you don't need to be able to edit) you could use less: less -R Since the link in the accepted answer doesn't

Remove ASCII color codes

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-29 07:25:17
So, I'm having an issue. I'm catching some stuff from a Logger, And the output looks something like this: 11:41:19 [INFO] ←[35;1m[Server] hi←[m I need to know how to remove those pesky ASCII color codes (or to parse them). ruakh If they're intact, they should consist of ESC ( U+001B ) plus [ plus a semicolon-separated list of numbers, plus m . (See .) In that case, you can remove them by writing: final String msgWithoutColorCodes = msgWithColorCodes.replaceAll("\u001B\\[[;\\d]*m", ""); . . . or you can take advantage of them by using less -r when

ANSI Color Codes in VIM

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-11-28 17:23:53
问题 I have a script that generates a log file with ANSI color codes in them like so: [2012-05-14 18:00:02] ^[[0mINF: -- Starting update script --^[[0m [2012-05-14 18:00:29] ^[[91mERR: Improper date, entry being ignored.^[[0m Is there any way to get Vim to understand these color codes? Thanks for any help. 回答1: Use Charles Campbell's (Dr Chip) AnsiEsc plugin: Before: :AnsiEsc<CR> 回答2: I'm not sure about vim, but if you're just viewing a log file

Remove ASCII color codes

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-11-28 01:02:02
问题 So, I'm having an issue. I'm catching some stuff from a Logger, And the output looks something like this: 11:41:19 [INFO] ←[35;1m[Server] hi←[m I need to know how to remove those pesky ASCII color codes (or to parse them). 回答1: If they're intact, they should consist of ESC ( U+001B ) plus [ plus a semicolon-separated list of numbers, plus m . (See In that case, you can remove them by writing: final String msgWithoutColorCodes = msgWithColorCodes

ggplot: colour points by groups based on user defined colours

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-11-27 22:25:52
I am trying to define the colours of groups of points plotted in ggplot. I adapted code from this post: Color ggplot points based on defined color codes but as soon as I have more than one row defined by the same grouping variable (rather than a separate colour for each row), the code fails, and I can't figure out why. Below is a reproducible example: #create some data zone <- c("E","E","C","C","C","E","E") #grouping variable col <- c(50,100,150,200,250,300,350) #x variable D <- c(.4,.45,.20,.22,.30,.31,.35) #y variable df1 <- data.frame(zone, D, col); df1 #create a colour scheme based on