
If I use Java 8's String.codePoints to get an array of int codePoints, is it true that the length of the array is the count of characters?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-19 04:55:17
问题 Given a String string in Java, does string.codePoints().toArray().length reflect the length of the String in terms of the actual characters that a human would find meaningful? In other words, does it smooth over escape characters and other artifacts of encoding? Edit By "human" I kind of meant "programmer" as I would imagine most programmers would see \r\n as two characters, ESC as one character, etc. But now I see that even the accent marks get atomized so it doesn't matter. 回答1: No. For

Finding Unicode character name with Javascript

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-18 16:49:23
问题 I need to find out the names for Unicode characters when the user enters the number for it. An example would be to enter 0041 and get given "Latin Capital Letter A" as the result. 回答1: As far as I know, there isn't a standard way to do this. You could probably parse the UnicodeData.txt file to get this information. 回答2: Here should be what you're looking for. The first array is simply with replacing newlines with | ; // this mess.. var unc = "A WITH

Why Unicode is restricted to 0x10FFFF?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-17 20:35:54
问题 Why is the maximum Unicode code point restricted to 0x10FFFF? Is it possible to represent Unicode above this code point - for e.g. 0x10FFFF + 0x000001 = 0x110000 - through any encoding schemes like UTF-16, UTF-8? 回答1: It's because of UTF-16. Characters outside of the BMP are represented using a surrogate pair in UTF-16 with the first code unit lies between 0xD800–0xDBFF and the second one between 0xDC00–0xDFFF . Each of the CU represents 10 bits of the code point, allowing total 20 bits of

What exactly does String.codePointAt do?

佐手、 提交于 2019-12-17 17:39:30
问题 Recently I ran into codePointAt method of String in Java. I found also a few other codePoint methods: codePointBefore , codePointCount etc. They definitely have something to do with Unicode but I do not understand it. Now I wonder when and how one should use codePointAt and similar methods. 回答1: Short answer: it gives you the Unicode codepoint that starts at the specified index in String . i.e. the "unicode number" of the character at that position. Longer answer: Java was created when 16 bit

Get unicode code point of a character using Python

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-17 15:33:16
问题 In Python API, is there a way to extract the unicode code point of a single character? Edit: In case it matters, I'm using Python 2.7. 回答1: >>> ord(u"ć") 263 >>> u"café"[2] u'f' >>> u"café"[3] u'\xe9' >>> for c in u"café": ... print repr(c), ord(c) ... u'c' 99 u'a' 97 u'f' 102 u'\xe9' 233 回答2: If I understand your question correctly, you can do this. >>> s='㈲' >>> s.encode("unicode_escape") b'\\u3232' Shows the unicode escape code as a source string. 回答3: Usually, you just do ord(character)

How to establish the codepoint of encoded characters?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-13 02:22:31
问题 Given a stream of bytes (that represent characters) and the encoding of the stream, how would I obtain the code points of the characters? InputStreamReader r = new InputStreamReader(bla, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); int whatIsThis =; What is returned by read() in the above snippet? Is it the unicode codepoint? 回答1: returns a value that can be cast to char or -1 if no more data is available. A char is (implicitly) a 16-bit code unit in the UTF-16BE encoding. This encoding

How can I convert a Unicode codepoint (\uXXXX) into a character in Perl?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-10 13:43:30
问题 I have some unicode codepoints (\u5315\u4e03\u58ec\u4e8c\u4e0a\u53b6\u4e4b), which I have to convert into actual characters they represent. What's the simplest way to do so? 回答1: Could Unicode::Escape be what you need? 回答2: Sometimes I'd just use pack: binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; my $string = '\\u5315\\u4e03\\u58ec\\u4e8c\\u4e0a\\u53b6\\u4e4b'; $string =~ s/\\u(....)/ pack 'U*', hex($1) /eg; print $string; 回答3: use JSON::XS print JSON::XS->new->decode('{"a":"\u5315\u4e03\u58ec\u4e8c\u4e0a\u53b6

Convert from hex character to Unicode character in python

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-07 05:43:44
问题 The hex string '\xd3' can also be represented as: Ó . The easiest way I've found to get the character representation of the hex string to the console is: print unichr(ord('\xd3')) Or in English, convert the hex string to a number, then convert that number to a unicode code point, then finally output that to the screen. This seems like an extra step. Is there an easier way? 回答1: print u'\xd3' Is all you have to do. You just need to somehow tell Python it's a unicode literal; the leading u does

Why are there duplicate characters in Unicode?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-07 04:56:26
问题 I can see some duplicate characters in Unicode. For example, the character 'C' can be represented by the code points U+0043 and U+0421. Why is this so? 回答1: As others have noted, your main fallacy here is confusing the Latin and Cyrillic scripts and some glyphs therein (namely C (U+0043 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C) and С (U+0421 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES) ). There are many such character pairs that look alike but are different characters. You will find plenty among Latin, Greek and Cyrillic, for

Java unicode where to find example N-byte unicode characters

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-07 03:22:32
问题 I'm looking for sample 1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte, 4-byte, 5-byte, and 6-byte unicode characters. Any links to some sort of reference of all the different unicode characters out there and how big they are (byte-wise) would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping this reference also has code points like \uXXXXX . 回答1: Check this out: Also this: 回答2: There is no such thing as "1-byte, 2-byte, 3-byte, 4-byte, 5-byte,