
Is there a way to change “all” Java related “File and Code” Templates in ONE place?

柔情痞子 提交于 2020-02-25 06:09:31
问题 By convention, our java files need our company copyright header as first entry in the file. With IntelliJ, you can turn to Preferences->File and Code Templates , and then, in the Includes tab, there is an entry "File Header" where you can drop such copyright information. All fine. But: in the "Files" list that defines the various applicable "types", each type has its own "rule", like: As you can see, that "rule" puts the package name first, so I have to go and change that rule to: #parse(

How to place cursor in NetBeans Java file templates?

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-03 16:55:34
问题 I would like to have the cursor in the JavaDoc area when creating interfaces, classes, etc. in NetBeans. You can use ${cursor} for non-file-based templates, but this doesn't work for file templates. <#if package?? && package != ""> package ${package}; </#if> /** * ${cursor} <-- Inserts a message that "cursor" is an unknown variable. :( * * @author ${user} */ public class ${name} { } Is there a similar mechanism for file templates? 回答1: For some reason this feature hasn't been implemented (yet

Generating F# code

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2020-01-01 03:11:17
问题 T4 is the "official" code generation engine for C#/VB.NET. But F# doesn't support it (this is from April, but I couldn't find any newer mentions). So what is a good way to generate F# code? EDIT: I want to implement 2-3 finger trees in F#. I already have implemented them in C#, so this should be a nice comparison. The "digits" and nodes of the tree can be represented as arrays, so type 't FingerTree = Empty | Single of 't | Deep of 't array * (('t FingerTree) array) lazy * 't array However,

How to set the Eclipse date variable format?

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-28 11:44:15
问题 How can I set the format for the ${date} variable which can be used in Eclipse templates? 回答1: Update February 2016: bug 75981 is officially fixed! See Jmini's answer below Update July 2015, 6 years later: The bug mentioned below seems fixed in Eclipse 4.x. Eric Wang comments below: @date ${id:date('YYYY-MMM-dd')} ${time} this give me English datetime format in eclipse 4. Original Answer 2009 Eclipse 3.x Argh! There is a long standing bug just for that: bug 75981 The ${date} variable could be

How to set the Eclipse date variable format?

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2019-12-28 11:44:09
问题 How can I set the format for the ${date} variable which can be used in Eclipse templates? 回答1: Update February 2016: bug 75981 is officially fixed! See Jmini's answer below Update July 2015, 6 years later: The bug mentioned below seems fixed in Eclipse 4.x. Eric Wang comments below: @date ${id:date('YYYY-MMM-dd')} ${time} this give me English datetime format in eclipse 4. Original Answer 2009 Eclipse 3.x Argh! There is a long standing bug just for that: bug 75981 The ${date} variable could be

NetBeans Code Templates ${date}?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-21 09:18:38
问题 I have this code template in Eclipse @since ${date} when entered i get something like this : @since 4.8.2009 But when i add the same template ( @since ${date} ) to NetBeans it outputs @since date Can someone help ? No answer yet ? Is this not possible in Netbeans ??? 回答1: Something like the following example should doing the job : ${date?date?string("yyyy")}.${date?date?string("MM")}.${date?date?string("dd")} yyyy => year on 4 elements (ex: 2012) MM => Month on 2 elements (ex: march -> 03) dd

NEW T4 Controller Template in MVC3

无人久伴 提交于 2019-12-21 05:09:14
问题 As you know to create new t4 templates in MVC, need to add CodeTemplates folder to project. There are two main subfolders 1- AddController , 2- AddView I always use AddView folder to add new templates to generate custom views, know I need new template to generate controllers, but when I add new tt file to AddController folder, there is no any new option in templates of new controller, there is always 3 options: So how can I add new option to Add Controller window to use my custom Controller

How does one customize VS 2008 Database Item Templates?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-12 23:56:54
问题 Whereas there is a set of richly informative pages describing Visual Studio templates for code projects (projects and items) in MSDN, there doesn't seem to be a thing for database projects. If I am wrong, please steer me in the right direction. I have VS2008 Professional. Anyway, my question has to do with the new database items. Presently, the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\Templates\Database Project Items contains 6 template files and one other file,

Loop over fields in eclipse code template

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-10 15:38:30
问题 Can you do loops in code templates, e.g I want to print all the fields in a class. Is there a template for that? 回答1: Assuming you're talking about Java > Editor > Templates a reference (maybe outdated) is here This SO question useful-eclipse-java-code-templates containes some examples. To iterate over class members using a toString() style generator you may find this useful: toString() Generator: Format Templates 回答2: Eclipse can generate toString() , which includes a print out of all fields

How to get current class name in Netbeans code template?

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2019-12-07 14:20:00
问题 I want to write code template for logger in Netbeans: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(XXXXXX.class).warn("${cursor}"); I can't find syntax to insert current class name into template (see XXXXXX placeholder above) in reference. 回答1: I have created the following code template: private static final ${LOGGER_TYPE type="org.slf4j.Logger" default="Logger" editable=false} LOGGER = ${LOGGER_FACTORY type="org.slf4j.LoggerFactory" default="LoggerFactory" editable=false}.getLogger(${CLASS editable=