
Aptana Studio / Aptana Eclipse Plugin… “Help > Install Aptana Features” doesn't exist

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-25 00:28:58
问题 I can't figure out how to install features either in Aptana or in Eclipse after installing the Aptana Eclipse Plugin. Specifically, I want to install the jQuery Code Assist feature. I've read that I should go to "Help >> Install Aptana Features" in both Eclipse and Aptana. Well this menu item doesn't exist in either. When I go to "Help" in Aptana the only options are: "Check for Updates" and "Install new software" . Same goes for Eclipse. I'm using Aptana Studio 3 and Eclipse 3.7. 回答1: The

What is a good way to find definitions in header files when using gcc?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-23 17:24:31
问题 Does anyone have a recommended way to find definitions in header files when using gcc? When using MSVC, I can just right-click and select "Go to definition" which is really nice. I have used netbeans + gcc, and it does have code assistance including hyperlinking to the definition, so that is one option. However, I would like to know if there are any other IDEs with that functionality and also the best way when not using an IDE. 回答1: You can run Doxygen to generate an HTML-based source browser

Is populating an integer array the same as populating a float one?

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-23 15:31:07
问题 I'm just getting introduced to C, and I was assigned to write a program that would mimic a self check out line at a grocery store. This involves me having to populate an array with the prices of grocery items based on user input, and add them up and copy them to a file. the easiest way to populate an integer array is with a for loop. But would that be different for an array of type float? would it look something like this? Or is this incorrect? int size, i; float items[size]; printf("How many

Add javascript code assist for d3.js in Aptana Studio 3

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-10 17:47:59
问题 I am trying to add javascript code assist in Aptana Studio 3, working with code using the d3 javascript library d3.v3.js, which I have placed in the same dir as my javascript file that uses it. My project is an Aptana "Web" project. I followed the first part (Aptana 3) of this answer: Is there any code assist editor? - but it didn't give me the d3 code assist. I noticed that it I don't have the option to choose "Aptana JS Editor" for *.js in the File Associations (see my second screenshot).

How to modify color of inactive line in code assist in Eclipse?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-09 12:26:47
问题 First of all, there is already a similar question, but these answers don't help. As already mentioned in the topic, I'd like to modify the color of the inactive line in code assist (without changing other areas) because white on light grey background is hardly seen. "Colors and fonts" just contain "Content assist foreground/background color", this only changes the foreground/background of the whole code assist but not of the active or inactive line. There doesn't seem to be an option for this

jQuery Code Assist for Eclipse

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-06 06:35:43
问题 I am using Eclipse PDT Helios v3.6 I have tried using the jQueryWTP plugin @ I did what the Installation notes said. But in vain. I still am unable to get the Code Assistance. Has anyone had better luck with this? Help is greatly appreciated. 回答1: I just went down this same route and I thought I had the same problem. Come to find out that I suppose I should have read the directions more closely as it states the code assistance is activated by using "Alt + /"

Disable Code Assist in Aptana Studio 3

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-05 11:24:42
问题 Is there any way to disable code assist in Aptana Studio 3? It is driving me absolutely insane! It changes things I don't want changed, it just overall gets in the way of my workflow. It was never a problem until the most recent update and ever since that update it's been much more aggressive in it's "assisting." I just want to be able to write the code myself without it messing me up. 回答1: The issue you are referring to is most likely resolved in the beta of 3.0.4, but if you need to turn

Code assist in (jsp /jstl) view for Spring MVC model objects in Eclipse

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-04 07:24:07
In Spring MVC when placing an object in the view model like so: public String getUser( Model model ) { //...fetch user... model.addAttribute( "user", user ); return "viewName"; } and accessing it's values in the JSP / JSTL view like this: ... <p> ${} </p> ... I'm wondering if it is possible to have code assist for the user object in the view? The IDE I'm using is MyEclipse but it would be interesting to know if this is possible in other editors as well. Thanks. Kannan Ekanath Ideally you want the JSP/JSTL standard tags to be agnostic of the technology that supplies these objects but

Aptana Studio 3 code assist for Sass (.scss) files

心已入冬 提交于 2019-11-30 11:39:01
问题 I'm using Aptana Studio 3 and I'd like to get the code assist feature to work for Sass (.scss) files. It's OK if code assist doesn't work for Sass syntax/declarations, but I'd like to get syntax highlighting and code completion help for standard CSS declarations. So for example if I type in "background" I'd like the editor to display the syntax like it does for HTML. I've added a new File Association Preference for .scss files (from here: