
New Microsoft Edge and Selenium web driver

偶尔善良 提交于 2021-02-11 14:48:05
问题 I am a student and I started writing my first scripts using Ruby, Capybara, rspec and selenium web driver. I need to run my script in all modern browsers, but I'm facing some problems to run my script at the new Microsoft browser Edge. My rspec config is something like this: Capybara.configure do |config| config.default_driver = :selenium #This line is for run tests using Mozilla Firefox #config.default_driver = :selenium_chrome #This line is for run tests using Google Chrome end Edge is just

Selenium Chrome webdriver SessionNotCreatedException

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-11 12:13:37
问题 Using selenium & Chrome webdriver, I'm getting below exception on trying to launch. I have gone through lot of posts and tried all possible ways. I'm using compatible chrome browser and chrome drivers versions - Version 80. Java - 1.8 Windows 10 os The same test when i run on my personal computer, its working. But it's giving below error on my organization s machine. Also, no issues if I use edge drivers. org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: session not created disconnected: unable

Generate RSA key pair with WebCrypto in Chromium

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-10 14:48:35
问题 The following code works in Firefox 76.0.1: "use strict" let RSAKeys (async () => { RSAKeys = await crypto.subtle.generateKey({ name: "RSA-OAEP", modulusLength: 3072, publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, 0, 1]), hash: "SHA-256"}, true, // Chromium bug causes it to falsely complain that the array is empty. Sometimes adding "encrypt" helps. ["wrapKey"]) })() but in Chromium 80 I get: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Usages cannot be empty when creating a key. ["wrapKey"] clearly isn't an empty

Vmware workstation安装体验Ubuntu18.04(By:Johnny)

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-02-09 06:03:10
  昨天Canonical发布了最新Ubuntu18.04 TLS,迫不及待就安装来体验一下。 需要工具: VMware Workstation Ubuntu18.04 iso镜像 下载链接: 虚拟机配置好了下面开始 开机,进入配置安装页面 我这里选择中文,也可以选择英文。主要想到我英文水平不太多好。 键盘布局选择英语(美国) 选择正常安装。个人想自定义自己想要的软件就选择最小安装,等系统安装完后自行选择安装需要的软件。我这里体验就直接选择正常安装。 其他选择去除安装ubuntu时下载更新,这样会节省很多时间的。 分区就选择了清除整个磁盘并安装Ubuntu和使用LVM(这个相当于自动分区),下面其他选项是手动分区,这里我没有使用手动分区是因为我选择手动分区下一步的时候无法显示下面的按钮,可能是Vmware的问题,现在是体验Ubuntu,就没有深究,直接选择自动分区了。 选择上海时区 设置用户名和密码 开始安装,等待安装完成。 安装完成,提示重启系统,注意重启的时候的去掉挂载的ISO镜像,我没有去掉启动的时候没有进入系统提示让我删除挂载的ISO 成功进入系统,可以开始各种配置了。 先是安装一个gnome tweaks tool,我在软件中心只搜到这个,我不知道是不是这个。安装完成后还是有一个优化图标在软件列表上的

Disable “Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chromium” programatically

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2021-02-08 09:06:17
问题 I see this "Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chromium" on Chrome's and Chromium's settings. I would like to change disable it when starting browser with Selenium. I didn't find any chrome option, nor any chrome argument that would help. I have check this code of Chromium, where are all the prefs but I didn't find anything regarding to cookies, site data, quit, exit, cleanup. Also not finding any relevant on the chromium arguments:

Disable “Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chromium” programatically

余生长醉 提交于 2021-02-08 09:06:11
问题 I see this "Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chromium" on Chrome's and Chromium's settings. I would like to change disable it when starting browser with Selenium. I didn't find any chrome option, nor any chrome argument that would help. I have check this code of Chromium, where are all the prefs but I didn't find anything regarding to cookies, site data, quit, exit, cleanup. Also not finding any relevant on the chromium arguments:

What does UMA refer in Chrome?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2021-02-07 12:26:20
问题 I saw related words like 'UMA opt-in users' when I browse code of chromium. Can anyone help me understanding 'UMA' or 'safebrowsing'? 回答1: UMA (User Metrics Analysis) is user metrics that are reported to help make Chrome/Chromium better. e.g. latency metrics, HTML/CSS feature usage, etc. These are the bits that are sent back to Google when you check the "Help make Google Chrome better by automatically sending usage statistics..." box on installation. Safe browsing is the feature of chrome

硬核观察 | Chromium 改进了滥用,让访问根服务器的 DNS 查询锐减 41%

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2021-02-07 10:41:47
Chromium 改进了滥用,让访问根服务器的 DNS 查询锐减 41% 去年 8 月,亚太互联网络信息中心(APNIC) 报告 称,Chromium 浏览器中检查网络是否存在 DNS 拦截的代码会导致大量的垃圾 DNS 查询流量。据统计这产生了 45.8% 的对 DNS 根服务器的流量,约计每天查询 600 亿次。 此后,Chromium 团队重新设计了代码,在 Android 设备上禁用了重定向测试,并推出了多状态 DNS 拦截策略,支持禁用桌面浏览器的重定向测试。该功能在 2020 年 11 月中旬上线后,据 统计 ,对根服务器的 DNS 查询量迅速下降。在新版本发布之前,根服务器系统的查询量峰值为每天约 1430 亿次。此后,流量已降至每天约 840 亿次查询。 作为具有市场垄断地位的广泛使用的软件,一个小小的举动就能影响很大。这让我想起来微信的域名,这么多年来一直是,如果使用顶级域名,或更短的域名,想必能为中国互联网省下很多无谓的流量。 德国警方查获了 6000 万美元的比特币,但是没有密码 据 路透社 报道,这名当事人因在人们的电脑上秘密安装比特币挖矿软件而被判刑两年多,并已在监狱中服刑。检察官扣押了他的加密钱包,但是没有得到密码,当事人称自己忘记了。 加密钱包可以使用密码来保护私钥,因此,如果没有密码就无法解锁钱包以取出存储于其中的比特币

List of Chrome keyboard shortcuts that you CANNOT override with Javascript?

旧时模样 提交于 2021-02-06 10:22:44
问题 You can preventDefault() on Chrome shortcuts with Javascript, but you can't do it with all of them. Ctrl + S and Ctrl + F you can override. Ctrl + W you cannot. This makes sense. Ctrl + L though I was surprised to find you also cannot override though. Is there a comprehensive list of overridable vs non-overridable Chrome shortcuts? If so, I cannot find it. 来源:

List of Chrome keyboard shortcuts that you CANNOT override with Javascript?

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-06 10:21:48
问题 You can preventDefault() on Chrome shortcuts with Javascript, but you can't do it with all of them. Ctrl + S and Ctrl + F you can override. Ctrl + W you cannot. This makes sense. Ctrl + L though I was surprised to find you also cannot override though. Is there a comprehensive list of overridable vs non-overridable Chrome shortcuts? If so, I cannot find it. 来源: