
Android Development Environment on an ARM Chromebook?

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-08 00:21:34
问题 I've tried multiple times to install and use Android Studio on an ARM Chromebook (C100P), but the installation always fails with the failed to run mksdcard tool error. I've read that this happens because Android Studio depends on native binaries that aren't compatible with the ARM processor architecture; even after attempting various hacks or just trying to use the libraries alone, I am still not able to setup Android Development Environment on my ARM Chromebook. 回答1: Native Conclusion: I've

Android Development Environment on an ARM Chromebook?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-06 11:35:49
I've tried multiple times to install and use Android Studio on an ARM Chromebook (C100P) , but the installation always fails with the failed to run mksdcard tool error. I've read that this happens because Android Studio depends on native binaries that aren't compatible with the ARM processor architecture; even after attempting various hacks or just trying to use the libraries alone, I am still not able to setup Android Development Environment on my ARM Chromebook. Native Conclusion: I've come to the conclusion that you really just can't. Android's compilation tools depend upon native libraries

What will be the side-loading and debugging mechanism for Android apps on ChromeOS?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-03 11:21:40
问题 I've gone through everything on and also watched the IO video and there doesn't seem to be any mention of what the side-loading (and debugging) mechanism available for developing/testing Android apps on ChromeOS will be? I know that ARC used adb on desktops but not Chromebooks Given that the new implementation is different and its a full Android framework in a Linux container and has access to USB, will ADB be available for this prupose? Using

How can I use Tkinter on a Chromebook?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:48:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: Is there any extensions, apps, or online applications that would allow me to use Tkinter on a Chromebook? I'm trying to make a GUI for a program I've written and Tkinter seems nice, but I use Cloud9 which doesn't allow for graphics. EDIT: I have an administrative lock on my Chromebook which makes me unable to install Ubuntu, which is why I need an online application, Chrome extension, or Chrome app. 回答1: You can use tkinter in Chromebook, just follow these steps: Install Ubuntu in Chromebook, check this link about How to Install Ubuntu on

What will be the side-loading and debugging mechanism for Android apps on ChromeOS?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-03 01:45:20
I've gone through everything on and also watched the IO video and there doesn't seem to be any mention of what the side-loading (and debugging) mechanism available for developing/testing Android apps on ChromeOS will be? I know that ARC used adb on desktops but not Chromebooks Given that the new implementation is different and its a full Android framework in a Linux container and has access to USB, will ADB be available for this prupose? Using ADB could also be useful for remote debugging since Devtools already runs an adb client EDIT: As of 9

Chromebook(XE303C12)安装 ArchLinux

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 21:59:42
之前低价收到一个三星的 Chromebook,型号是 XE303C12。这几天想把它的系统改成 Linux,毕竟 ChromeOS 上的应用太少了。因为这个本子的 CPU 是 ARM 芯片,所以网上的资料少点,而且内核都是用谷歌提供的 3.8 版本的内核,只看到 ArchLinux 上有 4.16 版本的内核,所以决定安装 ArchLinux。 这个 Chromebook 的配置,至少比同价位的买的树莓派的配置高的多了。 首先本子目前是 ChromeOS,如果你想安装成 Linux 的话,先要把 Linux 安装到 U 盘,所有先准备一个 U 盘插入到 Chromebook 上。 关机,在开机的时候按住 ESC + Refresh + Power 三个键。在 Recovery 界面按 Ctrl + D,然后就会提示按 Enter 开启开发者模式。 为了后面的从 U 盘启动,这里先要开启从外部启动。当你开启了开发者模式后,进入到系统,然后按 Ctrl + Alt + T 就会打开一个终端,敲 shell 就能进入 Bash,然后 sudo su 获取 root 权限。开启外部启动: crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 dev_boot_signed_only=0 重启后就能生效,你重启后可以敲 crossystem 验证之前的设置是不是成功了。 这里我用 U

Tools.jar is not in Android Studio classpath

感情迁移 提交于 2019-11-30 16:27:32
问题 I tried installing Android Studio on a Samsung Chromebook Series 3 with an ARM processor, but I'm stuck with the Java. Any help would be appreciated. Downloaded and extracted Android Studio Downloaded and extracted Java 1.7.0_21 JDK ARM Completed the below commands except the javaws commands as they error-ed out doesn't exist tar xzvf ~/Downloads/jdk-7u21-linux-arm.tar.gz sudo mv jdk1.7.0_21/ /usr/lib/jvm/ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_21/bin/java

Is it possible to Install Android Studio on ChromeBook?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-11-30 02:00:49
For my understanding, Chrome Book is more than just a browser, so I am wondering, if it is possible to install Android Studio on Chrome Book. Credit to @navigaid As of now, Android Studio is ChromeBook is in preview. As of today August 21, 2019 with Android Studio 3.5, you can run Android studio on ChromeBook, System requirements for Chrome OS according to the official site 8 GB RAM or more recommended 4 GB of available disk space minimum 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution Intel i5 or higher

Is it possible to Install Android Studio on ChromeBook?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-28 22:54:23
问题 For my understanding, Chrome Book is more than just a browser, so I am wondering, if it is possible to install Android Studio on Chrome Book. Credit to @navigaid As of now, Android Studio is ChromeBook is in preview. As of today August 21, 2019 with Android Studio 3.5, you can run Android studio on ChromeBook, System requirements for Chrome OS according to the official site 8 GB RAM or more

How do I convert this google script to work offline?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-28 11:06:32
问题 I am trying to automate data entry while roaming offline using my Chromebook. I know that google drive is enabled offline and a standalone script in GAS should in theory do the trick but im not sure how to put the pieces together. So far I have the below code which works perfectly online (gets stuck in "running" offline) and I've got the GAS app installed. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! function onOpen() { var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); // Or DocumentApp or FormApp. ui